@Wayne-Thomas said in Bet Angel Automation Thread:
@tony-hastie I think you're right about the clear cut favourite at 75mins. I don't see this automation working consistently at 60 minutes.
I have created one this afternoon that fired correctly on all the Championship games. The timings can be adjusted to suit your needs and don't forget to change the staking - it is set to £10 liability at the moment. Needs to be applied to the correct score market.
It relies on weight of money conditions so may go awry if the liquidity is low. Best used on more high profile leagues for the moment. I'm planning on testing some smaller leagues later today.
As always with automation, make sure to test with small stakes or better still in practice mode to make sure you're happy with how it performs. It has only had limited testing.
Let me know how it goes.
0_1683560930635_Lay Current Score (60mins).baf
@Wayne-Thomas Im putting this bot back into production to lay HT score. Just wondering... if I only wanted to lay 0-0, 0-1, 1-0 or 1-1 would it be as simple as deleting all the other rules that arent those scores?