I notice - that even pros have some degree of gap of knowledge 🙂
I started building a long-term automated portfolio that will run on weekends.
Will validate during a period, then when running full stake, I estimate around 500£ a month - as passive or hybrid - as it does require some morning routine to put in all selections to Fair'Bot - also take the spreadsheets in the late evening of the day's results.
I skip the middle days with low action and concentrate on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Now I will mention some things about chaos and random bits that also apply to sports betting selections.
Winners and losers come in chunks and we can not predict in which order they come.
This means that you can pick only one day's results and gather 1000 placed bets total.
Using one criterion and parameter for the specific game.
Then those 1000 placed bets ( Results ) in the whole - will be the same as you collected 1000 placed bets every day continuously.
The variance and the chunks of winning and losing bets will average and give a very similar overall performance - if not the same -
Therefore I can concentrate on my automation on weekends.
And make my trading during working days and weekends as I feel like.
So my solution is the solution that suits me.
Just wanted to give a basic lesson about randomness and chaos theory.
Cheers Patrik