Fairbot Automation Discussion
Members Filters Bots -
3_1674125696485_Tomasz Lay Under 1.5 Goals.fs
2_1674125696485_Super Late Goals.fs
1_1674125696484_Second Half Goal.fs
0_1674125696484_Ryan's Over 1.5 Goals Split Stake.fsHorse Racing:
5_1674125756680_Pace Lays - Odds 3-11.fs
4_1674125756679_Lay The Beaten Favourite - Odds 3-15.fs
3_1674125756679_Lay at Short Odds - Odds 1.8-2.4.fs
2_1674125756679_Back The Pace Horse - Odds 2-25.fs
1_1674125756678_Back The Favourite at The Off - Odds 2.5-6.fs
0_1674125756678_Back The Course & Distance Winner Odds 2-7.fsWe have a few different automation topics and strategy Megathreads that are doing well. I thought I'd start this to gather all the Fairbot traders together to see if we can collectively develop some bots. Hopefully, we can help each other overcome any learning barriers and share a few profitable bots in the process.
NOTE - Please check any staking prior to use as these are likely set up based on the creator's bankroll. It is advised to run any new bot in simulation mode to ensure you are aware of all criteria. Any questions, feel free to ask!
Football Strategies
- My SHG/ LCS at Half Time - 0_1666596601259_BTC SHG 2022 RevA.fs
- In-Play Scalping under 3.5 Market (needs further testing) - 0_1666597034486_BTC - Football - IP Scalping RevA.fs
- Tomasz Lay U1.5 (thanks @Ian-Wylie) - 0_1666604868384_1666604740668-tomaz-lay-u1.5-goals-max-lay-odds-of-3.5.fs
- Late Goal Strategy 74mins (Rev A) - 0_1668413487607_LCS at 74min Only (Rev A).fs
Horse Racing
Thanks to @Kevin-Pepper for these bots-
Lay Favourite between 1.8 - 2.4 - 0_1666596923424_Lay Fav between 1.8 and 2.4.fs
John's Flat Pace Backs - 0_1666596939019_Flat Pace Backs.fs
John's DOB Slow Horses - 0_1666596968824_John F DOB Slow Horses.fs
John's newer DOB 4+ - 0_1666596980233_John F New DOB 4+.fs
C&D Winners (Rev A - thanks @Steven-Fletcher) 0_1672656362558_C&DWinnerRevised.fs
Tennis Strategy
- Tight First Set (4-4) @Steven-Fletcher - 0_1672926601734_1672923696846-tennis-tight-first-set.fs
Under development
- Cricket - 1.1 lay to back strategy - 0_1666597009310_BTC - Cricket - 1.1 Strategy.fs
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M Martin moved this topic from Trading Discussion on
@Stuart-Wallace I use BFBM because I can link it to the horse racing software which removes me from making an error. I also like that you can allocate banks for certain strategies so you can see which ones work for you and which ones don't. This year I'm devoted to testing strategies for a full year regardless so it's a good tracker.
There is nothing wrong with Fairbot and if I had the time to input my selections manually I would have continued.
@Dan-MacKinnon You dont use Fairbot any more ? Have you found something better?
@Dan-MacKinnon is that the way the bot was set up?
Is anyone else having issues with the SHG 2022 V2 bot? Unless I have misread the strategy it should just place a lay bet on the correct score or O/U market when the lay odds suite but This is the second time it has placed a bet for o4.5 with the game is 2-1 and then doubled down on the lay with a few minutes to go because the game went 3-1, making me lose double my liability and despite there being a second half goal and I should have made prof? can put a screenshot on as event is over so struggling to find the automation history on it. Is there a newer version that works properly?
@Kurtis-Steven-Graham Hi, you need to select the horse name under the Conditions as well.
@Kevin-Pepper hi kevin, so I did this today and it still did not do the automation. Any advice?
@Kurtis-Steven-Graham When you apply the strategy to the race, you click in the strategy rules and select the horse / horses you want
@Kurtis-Steven-Graham update I know how to select a particular horse for the rule now, hopefully will work better next time!
@Kevin-Pepper So I have to set it to a particular horse? the other horse bots just lay the horse I want automatically. How to I change the unknown to a particular horse? thanks
@Kurtis-Steven-Graham Did you definitely make a selection so that the horse is named rather than 'Unknown'?
](image url)
@Kurtis-Steven-Graham Hi. If you want to post the Fairbot rules (or PM them) I'll take a look
@Kevin-Pepper Hi kevin ok will do. Also, my lay the beaten favourite bot does not seem to be automating the action before the race. it says condition error selection fixed odds. Any ideas why?
@Kurtis-Steven-Graham I don't use this strategy and don't have a bot but I'd suggest taking one of the lay strategies above and tailoring it to pick up the 3rd favourite etc. It should be pretty straightforward
@Kurtis-Steven-Graham I've got a BFBM version not fairbot
@Kevin-Pepper may have one?
Hi everyone, does anybody have a lay 3rd favourite bot using criteria in the horse racing strategy builder preset and are they having much luck with it?
@Steven-Bassett I would have suggested his videos so may be worthing contacting their support, the guy who runs it is very helpful!