Off Topic Thread
@richard-latimer He might get a customer in me lol
The Corona virus is in France and America. We are all doomed. The French have surrendered already so I’ve heard. Meanwhile Donald Trump has authorised air strikes on Corona factories world wide to stop the spread of this epidemic.
Stay safe people
My cousin has a ticket for Liverpool v Bournemouth with his son but the way things are going that ticket will be like gold dust so he'll be flogging it haha!! Apparently already going for between £700-£2,500.
@john-folan said in Off Topic Thread:
@keith-dow said in Off Topic Thread:
@keith-anderson said in Off Topic Thread:
If you want to scare yourself tonight search #Wuhan in Twitter
Man, have you read Stephen King's The Stand……..this is how it begins.
Yeah love a bit of King. Surprisingly I read a lot when I’m not stalking @Keith-Anderson
Variety is important. Even stalkers need a hobby.
@keith-dow said in Off Topic Thread:
@keith-anderson said in Off Topic Thread:
If you want to scare yourself tonight search #Wuhan in Twitter
Man, have you read Stephen King's The Stand……..this is how it begins.
Yeah love a bit of King. Surprisingly I read a lot when I’m not stalking @Keith-Anderson
@keith-anderson said in Off Topic Thread:
If you want to scare yourself tonight search #Wuhan in Twitter
Man, have you read Stephen King's The Stand……..this is how it begins.
@keith-anderson said in Off Topic Thread:
@john-folan said in Off Topic Thread:
@keith-anderson said in Off Topic Thread:
If you want to scare yourself tonight search #Wuhan in Twitter
We’re fucked!!!
I'm stopping mortgage payments immediately! There's no point!
Run up the credit cards as well!!!
@john-folan said in Off Topic Thread:
@keith-anderson said in Off Topic Thread:
If you want to scare yourself tonight search #Wuhan in Twitter
We’re fucked!!!
I'm stopping mortgage payments immediately! There's no point!
@keith-anderson said in Off Topic Thread:
If you want to scare yourself tonight search #Wuhan in Twitter
We’re fucked!!!
If you want to scare yourself tonight search #Wuhan in Twitter
@john-folan They will be, I am not surprised.
I bet they will get hammered!
@ryan-carruthers said in Off Topic Thread:
Bloody ell!!! That is not a smart move at all is it?
I have a couple as well - managed to get them free with various broadband/TV deals.
They are being destroyed on social media.
Bloody ell!!! That is not a smart move at all is it?
I have a couple as well - managed to get them free with various broadband/TV deals.
If anyone has shares in Sonos I’d be selling them today. They are getting annihilated on Twitter for making older models obsolete and suggesting unless you buy new ones you can’t update your system at all.
I’m fuming as I have a mix of newer and older units worth a couple of grand. But this is going to be funny.
@carl-smith-0 @Ryan-Carruthers do you have the way to add it to home screen?
@john-folan said in Off Topic Thread:
@richard-latimer said in Off Topic Thread:
@ryan-carruthers said in Off Topic Thread:
@richard-latimer Nope but its now on my list.
Sex Ed is great, I love the styling, the music. Little bit pop culture love it - I loved the film Ready Player One - the book even more so.
Ready player one was great. Can't wait for the sequel.
Goldbergs is based on producers childhood so most things that happen happened for real. They often intercut old home video along with the show.
There isn't a sequel, it's a standalone book. Armada is completely different and excellent in its own way.
Love the Goldbergs
Maybe so but they are 100% discussing a sequel given how much money it made.
Before I throw my phone, could someone send me link to get the forum directly onto my phone.
@richard-latimer said in Off Topic Thread:
@ryan-carruthers said in Off Topic Thread:
@richard-latimer Nope but its now on my list.
Sex Ed is great, I love the styling, the music. Little bit pop culture love it - I loved the film Ready Player One - the book even more so.
Ready player one was great. Can't wait for the sequel.
Goldbergs is based on producers childhood so most things that happen happened for real. They often intercut old home video along with the show.
There isn't a sequel, it's a standalone book. Armada is completely different and excellent in its own way.
Love the Goldbergs
@ryan-carruthers said in Off Topic Thread:
@richard-latimer Nope but its now on my list.
Sex Ed is great, I love the styling, the music. Little bit pop culture love it - I loved the film Ready Player One - the book even more so.
Ready player one was great. Can't wait for the sequel.
Goldbergs is based on producers childhood so most things that happen happened for real. They often intercut old home video along with the show.
@richard-latimer Nope but its now on my list.
Sex Ed is great, I love the styling, the music. Little bit pop culture love it - I loved the film Ready Player One - the book even more so.