The BTC Football Trading Thread
Small red day today because of Bahrain but I won't be going back there anytime soon. Treading water for the last week or so. In any case, here are Fridays ELO's:
Who knows how many of them will actually be playing. Between COVID and the floods it seems we are getitng a few more postponement at the moment.
@john-hurst faffing about with VAR for ages mate. They do all count tho.
olimpia left it late but they all count
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@johannes-van-leeuwen-0 said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Entered for a FHG in the Cerro match good value at 1.84 after 15. (May enter again on 30) O2.5 I got at 2.24-2.74-3.24. Last one matched on 15 mins.
Got suspended as I went to enter FHG again and lay at 1.27 but happy to take the 0.5 point
is good a goal the game will be more open i think
Yeah I got a 4th matched on O2.5 at 4.24 so hoping also.
puff red card
@johannes-van-leeuwen-0 said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Entered for a FHG in the Cerro match good value at 1.84 after 15. (May enter again on 30) O2.5 I got at 2.24-2.74-3.24. Last one matched on 15 mins.
Got suspended as I went to enter FHG again and lay at 1.27 but happy to take the 0.5 point
is good a goal the game will be more open i think
Yeah I got a 4th matched on O2.5 at 4.24 so hoping also.
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Entered for a FHG in the Cerro match good value at 1.84 after 15. (May enter again on 30) O2.5 I got at 2.24-2.74-3.24. Last one matched on 15 mins.
Got suspended as I went to enter FHG again and lay at 1.27 but happy to take the 0.5 point
is good a goal the game will be more open i think
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Entered for a FHG in the Cerro match good value at 1.84 after 15. (May enter again on 30) O2.5 I got at 2.24-2.74-3.24. Last one matched on 15 mins.
Got suspended as I went to enter FHG again and lay at 1.27 but happy to take the 0.5 point
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Entered for a FHG in the Cerro match good value at 1.84 after 15. (May enter again on 30) O2.5 I got at 2.24-2.74-3.24. Last one matched on 15 mins.
nice 1 back fhg @3.6
this happened not to much -
Entered for a FHG in the Cerro match good value at 1.84 after 15. (May enter again on 30) O2.5 I got at 2.24-2.74-3.24. Last one matched on 15 mins.
@richard-latimer ive checked recent results and plenty of fhgs so ive qued mine
@martin-walker said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
I have cerro and olimpia for fhg but have never traded this league
It's a good league. I like it.
@johannes-van-leeuwen-0 said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Olimpia game 1.78 for O2.5but is to late for me
but i can put a order @2.22
tradimg over 2.5 y need to so in long run sometimes 5 loosers in a row then 4 winners in a row and sometimes big oods like 2.8and when not matched in the fh , then i go in sh like norkopping game
@james-woodroffe olimpia looks very good for goals. Will i be awake though lol
I have cerro and olimpia for fhg but have never traded this league
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Olimpia game 1.78 for O2.5but is to late for me
but i can put a order @2.22
tradimg over 2.5 y need to so in long run sometimes 5 loosers in a row then 4 winners in a row and sometimes big oods like 2.8 -
Olimpia game 1.78 for O2.5 -
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@johannes-van-leeuwen-0 that’s interesting cause I have the Olimpia on both my FHG filters and 2nd half Goal and Late goal but the Cerro Porteno Match is on the 2HG and late but not for a FHG.
Exactly same here
@johannes-van-leeuwen-0 Cerro Porteno already 2.24 for O2.5 Goals.
@john-hurst said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@james-woodroffe looks positive, am trying to think about gaining an edge on it- maybe watching in play and looking for indicators before getting involved. Not sure what kind of s/r makes it good. 75+?
Sorry @John-Hurst i only just saw this post. Yeah I would assume 75% would be good.