The BTC Football Trading Thread
@ben-dobie said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@ben-dobie said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@james-woodroffe on this too, know what they’re like unfortunately
Told ya
made me money but would have been happy to lose a fiver in that
Tough when you trade your own team mate in moments like that but the green as you said limits the pain...........a bit.
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
LCS at Anfield 1-1. On 75.
Bang 2-1 Bobby Boy. Nice finish to a good night. Posted some wins and losses didn’t post some wins and losses. Hope everyone had a green night. I gotta crash early start with the test match starting at ridiculous o clock.
Notice Jurgen Klopp has made the grand total of 0 subs tonight. What an absolute p***k he is.
@ben-dobie said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@james-woodroffe on this too, know what they’re like unfortunately
Told ya
made me money but would have been happy to lose a fiver in that
break even for today nothing gained nothing lost see what tomorrow brings
posted a results update on my blog for todays games
@james-woodroffe on this too, know what they’re like unfortunately
LCS at Anfield 1-1. On 75.
@lee-woodman said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Lyon 0 shots on target, 23 shots off target!
Finally got one on target to equalise!
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Laid under 3.5 Bayern
Topping up on that with a lay of under 1.5 SHG.
Damn you Neuer
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
LCS at St Gallan also.
Was on Bielefeld apologies for after timing but had to do serious grumpy Dad routine.Not to be in Switzerland.
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
2nd bite of the cherry in Switzerland. LTD St. Gallen on 69 mins
The cherry was rotten haha
Lyon 0 shots on target, 23 shots off target!
LCS at St Gallan also.
Was on Bielefeld apologies for after timing but had to do serious grumpy Dad routine. -
lcs bielefeld vs augsburg
lcs st gallen vs lugano
lcs fiorentina vs sassbusy night
2nd bite of the cherry in Switzerland. LTD St. Gallen on 69 mins
@alan-steward And if you stop trading Norway and Japan your figures will go right up!
@alan-steward said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@lee-woodman yeah that's cool, was my earlier post what you were looking for re IPS?
My second filter is a bit more deliberate in looking for a later goal but the key stats ive found from recording a fair few different filters are:
Overall Goals Scored per match - If i could use just one stat to create a filter i would set this at 3.0>= and away id go. I have a catch-all filter that has about 950 games since end of october (so quite a few) and runs at nearly 77% using this stat alone. You could drop to 2.8 if tighter on other stats but going above 3.0 has a detrimental affect
Home/Away scored by FT % - I personally like about 80% on home and the same for away so both teams generally have goals. I also tried averaging it to 80% which could catch games with one stronger team and one weaker team and the stats were about the same. Going higher that 80% on either stat doesnt help and dropping to 75% showed a bit of a drop-off in results, not massively but a couple of %
Matches Played - Standard seems to be overall 10 and i concur with that figure. Any less is noticeable, any more seemingly makes no difference
The final figure i really like but cant get my head getting into the stat software, so i do manually, is both teams having 3 or more post 70" from the last 5. Ive not managed to add this so cant say for sure it would work in a filter even if i could record it, just something to considerHopefully those are a few pointers on stats i have noticed that make a difference. I have tried to give an indication of some sweet spots aswell as higher is only better to a certain point so ive tried to find what that point is. Not all combinations will work and some stats will make others redundant
Just drop me a message if this doesnt make sense or you want any more info!
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Gone for a FHG at Anfield. @2.0
Boom 1-0 trading brain turned back on.
@james-woodroffe said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Gone for a FHG at Anfield. @2.0
and there it is, well played
Gone for a FHG at Anfield. @2.0