The BTC Horse Racing Thread
@john-folan Many thanks John, i'm going to give the strategy a trial run in Bet Angel practice mode today.
@martin-futter said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
@john-folan just checking, have you requested the stuff you need from that tool for the horse racing software on here? be good to save you a few bob!
Yes matey. You, Adam and Ryan did a nice wishlist thread for it a while back. I'll do a quick check on it to see if there is anything else we might need though. Really looking forward to the new software now
@john-folan just checking, have you requested the stuff you need from that tool for the horse racing software on here? be good to save you a few bob!
John Folanreplied to A Former User on 23 Aug 2020, 06:29 last edited by John Folan 23 Aug 2020, 07:44
Hi Shaun and welcome to the forum. Hopefully I’ve answered your questions below. Please let me know if you have anymore.
@shaun-harrison said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
Hi John,
This is my first day in BTC so apologies in advance for some of the noddy questions! I've done my best to scour the thread to gather as much knowledge on your TROBS strategy as possible, so hopefully most of this is just reconfirming what i understand to be the case. Firstly, you have a great strategy and to soon hit 100 points in the timeframe you have is no mean feat! (Hopefully i haven't jinxed it by writing that!)NoooooA few questions if i may:
- what automation software do you use for this? The automation file you have posted elsewhere seems to be a Bet Angel one but i think read somewhere that you prefer BF Bot Manager
absolutly. Much prefer Bfbot manager although it works fine with the Bet Angel automation. Sadly can’t upload Bfbotmanager automation files to the forum - in terms of automation, presumably it is a case of loading the specific horse and market selections into the Bot each morning, and then it will fire on the selections that meet your 3.5-9 odds criteria from the off?
yes literally that simple - i'm not sure if this is an inappropriate question or not (!) but what staking strategy do you use (e.g. flat stake or % of bank), and is this something that presumably is programmed into the bot also?
Yes I was 1% staking. It can be programmed in. I’ve got to the point where I don’t need to increase on these anymore so I am now flat staking - your results seem to start from Aug 2019 - is this when you started the strategy or just when you began to record the results in this way?
i started then and started recording then as well. Sadly cannot back test - am i right in thinking you use to filter for your potential selections?
that is the one. Just working on sheer dob stats with my filters
Many thanks in advance and keep up the sterling work!
Cheers, Shaun - what automation software do you use for this? The automation file you have posted elsewhere seems to be a Bet Angel one but i think read somewhere that you prefer BF Bot Manager
Hi John,
This is my first day in BTC so apologies in advance for some of the noddy questions! I've done my best to scour the thread to gather as much knowledge on your TROBS strategy as possible, so hopefully most of this is just reconfirming what i understand to be the case. Firstly, you have a great strategy and to soon hit 100 points in the timeframe you have is no mean feat! (Hopefully i haven't jinxed it by writing that!)A few questions if i may:
- what automation software do you use for this? The automation file you have posted elsewhere seems to be a Bet Angel one but i think read somewhere that you prefer BF Bot Manager
- in terms of automation, presumably it is a case of loading the specific horse and market selections into the Bot each morning, and then it will fire on the selections that meet your 3.5-9 odds criteria from the off?
- i'm not sure if this is an inappropriate question or not (!) but what staking strategy do you use (e.g. flat stake or % of bank), and is this something that presumably is programmed into the bot also?
- your results seem to start from Aug 2019 - is this when you started the strategy or just when you began to record the results in this way?
- am i right in thinking you use to filter for your potential selections?
Many thanks in advance and keep up the sterling work!
Cheers, Shaun -
@john-folan said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
plus 3 for me. Some might be plus 4 depending on odds. But I'm literally a cats whisker away from the 100
@finn-kristensen said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
@john-folan said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
I miss @Charles-Cartwright . He is probably on one of his clandestine ops.
Yeah, just noticed he's been offline (here) for two months. Wonder if he is still a member?
Might be just leaving everything alone as its a bit weird still? Or as I said he's gone full 007
@john-folan said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
I miss @Charles-Cartwright . He is probably on one of his clandestine ops.
Yeah, just noticed he's been offline (here) for two months. Wonder if he is still a member?
I miss @Charles-Cartwright . He is probably on one of his clandestine ops.
@john-folan Busy day on these!
@john-folan said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
Today's. A lot will fail on price but that seems par for the course at the moment.
Frustrating day. Two winners outside of odds. -1 point
Any today @John-Folan ?
Point back today.
Looking like a two point loss today. Of course the one that was in range and drifted to 12’s so was a no trade stormed home. Be waiting to break the magic 100 points for a few more days.
Bastard non runner!!!