The BTC Horse Racing Thread
@Martin said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
Asked this on footy yesterday but what other exhange is good for using for Horse Racing? From what I can tell Smarkets and Matchbook may be the best options. APIwise looks like Matchbook may be the option. Betdaq doesn't seem to have much liquidity in horses or football from what I can tell.
Betdaq is good in the last 10mins before racing. prices very similar to Betfair and I can get enough on. Still use Betfair as first go to, but Betdaq is my back up.
Asked this on footy yesterday but what other exhange is good for using for Horse Racing? From what I can tell Smarkets and Matchbook may be the best options. APIwise looks like Matchbook may be the option. Betdaq doesn't seem to have much liquidity in horses or football from what I can tell.
@Greg-Mitchell doing God's work!
@Jonathan-Jones said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
Its the same issue as i had on just lay. I thought that was down to sim mode as everything was fine the day after but according to Adam its taking bets on horses that are not even selections and its a totally different strategy. I use the selection import via the tipster servide and i do provide min and max odds as part of that. I had left in the original selection criteria but i have removed it today so its only using the tipster service.
Lay Beaten Favourite.jsonJust thought I'd let you know, have imported both the strategy and the bot for this and uploaded tips to BFBM via URL, so all automatic. Then tested it and was 100% match between BFBM and Software for the 18th and 19th July.
14 Selections in the Software, 14 Bets on BFBM
@Martin said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
What's people's thoughts on BFBM customer service?
Their forum is excellent. If you go to them with a problem they always answer. Normally with a solution that has you calling yourself an idiot because you missed something.
Also if you suggest an addition they think has value then they will add it.
I find them much more approachable than Bet Angel.
@Jonathan-Jones After the changes I made first thing this morning, 2 sets of results plus upcoming races for tomorrow went straight in with no issues, then yesterday's results were in by about 08:30am today I think. So fingers crossed this will have resolved it! I will keep an eye on it.
@Jonathan-Jones @Joshua-Varley : Those results are now in the software.
It was indeed very delayed yesterday. in fact it retried so many times yesterday that it eventually just failed. I've re-run the last couple of days of results manually this morning and made a change to prevent this in future.
Fortunately, it wasn't the BF prices import that failed, just the fundamental race / horse data, which can be re-run without having to wait for BF to publish their data.
I think it wont. I think its broken (missing data issue). It will appear when they refresh from betfair though but that takes about a week. Normally would just write it off as stuff that happens but its really bad timing for me now since i am still trying to iron out execution issues with BFBM.
@Jonathan-Jones No nothing appearing for me either yet - to be honest, I don't recall it ever taking this long. Wonder if it will appear with tomorrow's data?
Doesnt seem to be happening today.
@Jonathan-Jones Yep, check back, they will be there eventually.
My missing ones are late races by the looks of things
@Jonathan-Jones Not matching today (yet) as the data for the races after about 4.30/5pm yesterday doesn't seem to have been pulled through yet. It's the same for all 8 strategies I have run. I have seen it enough to know that at some point today it will pull through and all the data will more or less match what BFBM did yesterday.
Generally speaking, I check every day, and other than the odd selection here and there (usually on the extremes of the odds ranges), all 8 strategies are generally bang on. All 8 strategies are placing 80-100 bets a day combined, so I consider this to be well within a tolerable range.
For what it's worth, I'm still loading all selections into BFBM via a csv file, as I like to check the previous day as I load the selections for the current day. Therefore I can only speak for that method, but, touch wood, I never have any problems with BFBM placing unwanted bets.
So you also have issues with things matching today?
My problem is i havent had a single day thats been remotely close since starting with BFBM last week so for me the issue could be anything.First few days was in sim mode and the problem was BFBM sim mode actually places bets at prices that never even existed so thought that was the cause.
Then moved to live, not much better so tried using odds on import. That resulted in less bets than i should have as it uses the default and not LTP condition, Now have dozens more bets than the software says again. -
@Jonathan-Jones It was like this on Sunday too- it will be there, no doubt about it. All of my strategies are the same this morning and were on Sunday too. Might be something to do with the deadlocks etc Adam mentioned in his weekly update.
Would of thought should all be in by 10:30. Is odd how a strategy thats more of a shotgun than a sniper has the grand total of 2 trades all day though, first time ever probably.
@Jonathan-Jones I don't think all the data for yesterday has pulled through yet. Check again in an hour or two and I daresay it will be a very different story.
It happens sometimes where only the first races are in the results at about this time of the morning.