BTC Cricket Trading Thread
@andy personally happy with my WI lay at mo
cautious of time and potential deficit for SRI at the mo and if have a decent deficit what intent do they play with
seems WI are comfortable for now
maybe after lunch a change -
At what point would you look to back SL here? Odds getting juicy
A long range thought WI SRI
SRI have series lead
if WI got a big enough lead
could SRI shut it downsome of the mentality behind WI lay and maybe drip lays if real short
Draw lay profits going down
Preparing a odds on WI laygot a lay in 2.02
would tske some out @3 & @5 -
Bright and sunny in Galle play will start on time.
@dan-peacey draw price has drifted out this morning to 4.10 as the weather looks pretty good for today. The problem with backing the draw in SL mate is that the weather can improve dramatically really quickly. I got out this morning and laid it again at 3.80. The ground staff at Galle are arguably the best in the world. They will get the players off and the ground covered with no rain and 10 minutes later it will bucket down. I backed the draw late yesterday with an eye on a wet miserable day 3 but it looks like at worst a couple of potential showers so no hesitation in laying it again.
@james-woodroffe Forecast still looks grim for the remaining 3 days, hence why I decided to back the draw.
@nathan-bennett doesn’t look very promising at the moment and the jet lag hasn’t quite gone away. Solid start also.
@james-woodroffe think thats the day for me
sound start -
Whole ground covered and backed draw at 3.30. It looks pretty grim but still a lot of cricket to be played and it is Galle.
@nathan-bennett got one also at 3.80 mate but can’t now get the feed back up on Betfair which is annoying.
Out now actually as the feed came back the covers came on will monitor.
Snuck another DRAW LAY in @4
Windies effectively losing 7 wickets whilst I ate my lunch. 9 in a session crazy times.
LAYING some of this 1.69 SRI
2.20 odd be great if WI 10-0 start styles
could be asking alotif WI get off to a flyer no hesitation laying them odds on
Yet again the lay of the draw pays major dividends. Reckon you'd need two days completely washed out for these two sides to draw.
draw lay how good wickets galore
@james-woodroffe this run rate is good
@nathan-bennett got in for a draw lay at 2.40 and a back of SL at 1.99 letting it ride during SL innings today but with an eye on the weather.
Play on time in SRI ?
If so draw lay set and forget or remove liability @8’s could be me
Initially had a back of SRI taken that 20c trade all on draw lay 2.8 managed
Need a deeper understanding of potential weather
But if there’s abit around
Maybe able to lay Sri very low odds some stage -
@james-woodroffe said in BTC Cricket Trading Thread:
@andy hey mate, I’m pretty sure that SL v WI is streamed on Betfair the first test was.
Thanks mate. I'll take a look