Automation, how to keep it running 24/7
Hi everyone, not sure if I am on the right section of the forum, but I have a quick question. I am looking down the line to do automation, what do you need to keep the bots running 24/7 eg, when you are not at the computer and it goes in standby mode (black screen), but still plugged into the mains and on. Any help would me much appreciated. Thank You.
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@John-Folan thanks mate top man!
@Vince-Kavanagh great question… I’ve just been researching the exact same thing! Now I have the answer… cheers
@Martin said in Automation, how to keep it running 24/7:
@Vince-Kavanagh this is the one I have had recommended.
@John-Folan which is the best option?
2nd or 3rd one down. 2nd one is fine tbh. Depends if you want to do other stuff on it
@Adam thanks for your response Adam. I will definitely get into this. As long as we can have the confidence to just let things run and not worry about things going wrong. I will only do small stakes or even practice mode to see how it goes to begin with.
Once you have your VPS, if you're worried about whichever bot app you use crashing and stopping, you can use something like this to make sure it stays running and auto-restarts if it crashes:
In an ideal world, the app should have some native way of running in the background as a service, but if it's the sort of app that you're supposed to leave on screen all the time, the above works really well to turn it into a pretty failsafe service. I use it on a few Windows apps.
@Vince-Kavanagh this is the one I have had recommended.
@John-Folan which is the best option?
@Vince-Kavanagh need to subscribe to vps mate then you don’t even need the computer turned on.