BTC Official Automation Thread
We are getting more and more people asking about automation in trading, I thought I would create a proper thread about it.
This was we can keep all the top stuff in one place.
Myself I have used 5 Star Bot (they have a footie one now!) It's pretty good for the horses and I will be using it going forward with the BTC horse racing stats.
If you see or use something and think its golden then let me know (send me a message on here) and I will add this to the original post.
M Martin moved this topic from Trading Discussion on
Ill have a look when I have a few days off and can sit and watch and make sure its doing what I want in real time just in case I set thee automation wrong
Which automated software is best to use? Or easiest to set up? Is there one you can setup so you can monitor from your mobile?
Sorry lots of questions as automation seems to be a good way to go to remove emotion out of the trade. -
@joseph-henderson It's in "Manage Tips" somewhere i think, you can set it up to delete the tips 24h after the markets close or whatever seems sensible.
@joseph-henderson You can set BFBM up to delete old tips. can't remember where it is in the settings but it's there. Think i have mine set to 24hrs after it goes in play.
I usually update my sheet once a day so it doesn't try to bring in any old tips that have since been deleted or passed. Think i have it set in BFBM to check my google sheet (and the horse stats) every hour so any new changes are added automatically. Also means I can check in and make sure it's got the right markets loaded up and is not going to miss anything during the day.
@daniel-mills got this working now, which is great. In terms of deleting tips or amending them in google sheets, do you have to go in to BFBot manager and delete the tips so it does a fresh upload? Similarly does BFBot delete the tips at the end of each day?
I'm not sure then, I must be doing something wrong.. When you click on the URL it does download a .csv file and looks like it does for a manual upload. I think it must be something I'm not doing right on BFBot rather than Google Sheets...
@joseph-henderson Sounds like you're doing the right thing tbh, sometimes it needs a couple of minutes to update on sheets if you make a change and try to load it into BFBM straight away
Thanks that's really useful. In terms of the Google Sheet - presumably it just needs to be in the same format as per normal (i.e. Provider, MarketID, MarketType, EventID, SelectionName, SelectionID). I have had a go at publishing my Google Sheet as a CSV URL but BFBot Manager doesn't seem to be importing the tips at the moment. Any ideas?
@david-milligan said in BTC Official Automation Thread:
@joseph-henderson you can get BFBM to check a URL for tips every so often - it is in Auto Load Tips - page 86 on the manual
top man, cheers
@joseph-henderson you can get BFBM to check a URL for tips every so often - it is in Auto Load Tips - page 86 on the manual
@daniel-mills I think you might be getting slightly too advanced for me! I know how to generate a URL from good sheets. When you say the VPS searches every few hours - is this setup through BFBot software on the VPS?
@joseph-henderson not if you don't want to.
I use google sheets and have the sheet 'published' so I can share a .csv URL with my VPS (do I get a prize for most abbreviations in a sentence?).
I grab all the links from BTC and update my sheet wherever. The VPS just has a look every few hours and grabs the updated trades.
@david-milligan said in BTC Official Automation Thread:
@joseph-henderson I use EUKHost (recommended by Adam a few months ago) and it works flawlessly. Really easy to use and access
I had seen this recommended elsewhere. I assume you set it up then can install BFBot Manager directly on the virtual desktop? Do you need Excel on the virtual machine too for downloading/sorting the tips prior to importing in to BFBot, or is there a way round this?
@joseph-henderson I use EUKHost (recommended by Adam a few months ago) and it works flawlessly. Really easy to use and access
@joseph-henderson I am currently testing BF Bot Manager on S-SSD 2 from Simply Hosting for the last few days and it works pretty well. Regular price per month is £14.99 plus VAT.