Making myself accountable for my trades!
Im going to run one of these for a few weeks to make myself more accountable. Screwed around with a few strategies and trades which i shouldve left but when i stick to what im comfortable and confident with then i generally do well. Hopefully posting here will make me avoid any impulse trades which let me down
Im going to mainly stick to a few strategies: Laying the HT draw, laying over 1.5 FHG goals (quite new to me so still exploring), Laying CS at HT and laying the leading team
Lets see how it goes!
@lee-woodman Cracking 6 weeks that buddy
Finished off July (includes 2nd half of June) and its been a decent month or so. My main concentration of late has been staking, bankroll management, discipline and consistency. Im becoming more and more of the opinion that an average strategy implemented well will far surpass a great strategy implemented badly. I ended up about 27 pts up for the 6 weeks on football, so given my target is loosely 10 pts then im happy with that. Thats spread over 3 main strategies....FH goals, LCS and O1.5. Ive automated most of the 1.5 and ive spotted a potential improvement so i hope this continues. My FH goals hasnt been great but ive since tightened up on this and im not just trading the shortlist. LCS has been great, the info is from a few filters but as im collating more data im able to spot trends in goal times etc
Ive introduced horses this month which ive done previously but basically played it badly. My staking is set to withstand the downswings too so it allows me to push through the downwards variance, whereas previously id bottle it and stop staking after just a few losses. I havent really done anything with them in terms of developing but i made about 13 pts. Considering 7pts loss was on the win lays (one system i probably played without consistency) then im ok with that. This is mainly B2L, Laying favourites, Place Lays and Little Acorns. Its pretty much all automated so takes 30 minutes at most to set up (and then about 12 hours watching the BOT run but thats something im working on!)
All in all, a good 6 weeks! I hope August continues in the same fashion. Ill continue trying to make everything more efficient whilst keeping the consistency i need
@lee-woodman I have a couple matey. Headspace is great have to pay for that one though but it’s the best one at guiding you.
I have been using one called insight timer a lot recently. Free and has some great bits on there, some are dross but the reviews give that away.
@ryan-carruthers said in [Making myself accountable for my
I am sure I have ADHD.
We know you have AD/HD @Ryan-Carruthers
@ryan-carruthers There was a test posted in the fitness thread last week about ADHD and i think i broke it!
It never crossed my mind as an issue but taking trading seriously makes you see so many things about yourself....its more productive than therapy! Someone pointed out that a lot of qualities of traders on here are probably similar and tend to lean that way. You mention about being present and its something ive recently noticed im terrible for, being there but not 'there'. I definitely need to try meditating more, ive done it sporadically but need to allow a time daily or even every other day. Do you have any decent apps to recommend?
@john-folan I would love to, unfortunately i primarily do matched betting and im in a private facebook group with about 12 others and they post offers, loopholes so cant bin it altogether. Maybe ill just set a new account for that alone and delete the other one. Ive turned off Betfair notifications as i was getting notifications for races which i wasnt even aware i was trading! Twitter and all that went a while ago.....its amazing how many hours can be wasted away on them
@lee-woodman I am with you here, I have recently added 15 mins for social media a day lock on my phone, it doesn't stop it altogether you can get around it but it does make you think more. Also I move my apps around every couple of weeks to break that cycle.
I have noticed recently I am less present in the moment, so been trying to work on this - stop the phone so much, using meditation.
I am sure I have ADHD.
@john-folan I did this just last week. I deleted all social media off my phone, and turned off notifications from betfair. My wife deleted all her socail media profile a couple of months ago and swears by it. I haven't gone as far as deleting them, but even just taking them off my phone has been a game changer.
@lee-woodman said in Making myself accountable for my trades!:
@ryan-carruthers You mean the thought process behind checking trades? I think its a personal thing, in that i dont switch off very easily, so i guess im always checking how things are going. Im a nightmare for checking my phone anyway, emails, messages etc so its not just trading. On a positive, the negative results dont tend to bother me too much now and i dont get too excited about the wins. So yesterday i had a bad day on one of my strategies so i chucked the results into my sheet and looked at the general trend and its still going the right way. Previously id have panicked and maybe even dumped the strategy but actually its just a bump in the road. I just need a prescription of 'chill pills' i think!
Aha a man like myself. So I have deleted twitter and face book off the phone. Turned off notifications for all messenger apps and emails. In fact notifications for everything. Check those a couple of times a day now. If its that important people can ring me. As an added bonus it drives my eldest son up the wall as he hates it that i hardly answer his texts
@ryan-carruthers You mean the thought process behind checking trades? I think its a personal thing, in that i dont switch off very easily, so i guess im always checking how things are going. Im a nightmare for checking my phone anyway, emails, messages etc so its not just trading. On a positive, the negative results dont tend to bother me too much now and i dont get too excited about the wins. So yesterday i had a bad day on one of my strategies so i chucked the results into my sheet and looked at the general trend and its still going the right way. Previously id have panicked and maybe even dumped the strategy but actually its just a bump in the road. I just need a prescription of 'chill pills' i think!
@lee-woodman that is a great book, this does take a while to get used to. What’s the current thought process and system for this for you?
@john-folan ha ha, I’ll try that. I wouldn’t need to trade then as I’d be rich in no time
At least it’s not just me then! I’ve probably had one day in the last 6 weeks where I’d have been particularly annoyed at the end of the day P/L but even then it would’ve been accepted quite quickly by looking at the general trend and realising I’ve not gone off plan. My head is like the individual plot points on a graph, I need it to be like the general trend line instead!
Hiding the balance might help, I’ll do that and see if that contributes. Having the BOT just sat there doesn’t help either, maybe I’ll put it out the way until the end of day
@simon said in Making myself accountable for my trades!:
@john-folan @Lee-woodman i’m awful for this too. Most my stuff is automated but I check in way to regularly. What has helped is hiding my account balance, a tip I got from @Darri. It just makes it that bit more effort to check how you’re getting on. What I need to learn to do is not look until the end of the day.
I might make myself a swear jar and every time I check stick a fiver in it
@john-folan @Lee-woodman i’m awful for this too. Most my stuff is automated but I check in way to regularly. What has helped is hiding my account balance, a tip I got from @Darri. It just makes it that bit more effort to check how you’re getting on. What I need to learn to do is not look until the end of the day.
@lee-woodman good post. I find myself in your boat a lot too. I shove the phone in the draw and go for a walk.