NFL Strategies
@ryan-carruthers it was good wasn’t it, a sign of things to come I think. Financially literate professionals making the cross over from investment banking/trading to sports trading or derivatives of sports trading. I wonder if we’ll see Wall Street trading sports in the next 20 years.
If you use ball street I’d be interested to hear how it goes.
@chris-watts I will get this one! I like that podcast.
@ryan-carruthers The founder did a podcast on the business of betting podcast recently, well worth a listen.
@chris-watts This looks amazing!! lol
Wow!! I will be hooked on this, interesting that these kind of things are allowed in the states surely we can't be that long from Betfair there!
@ryan-carruthers From what I can tell its kind of a cross between fantasy sports, poker and trading. You trade games live and compete with other players to be in the top 20% which is based on P&L from trading to match. Kind of like options but using sports as the underlying vehicle. Im not a U.S sports fan particularly but could see it working for the premier league here in the UK.
@chris-watts No, what is this?
Have you guys heard of Ball Street Trading? Sounds like a fun idea if your into U.S sports.
@ryan-carruthers got to do it, just go big get some excitement going in the city it has been a long time since Marino glory days now! at the moment it is less about winning a Superbowl and more about exciting a fanbase who like myself are very disillusioned!
Wow, what is going to happen now!! Everybody will know that as well so when they come a calling they’ll be asking for a hell of a lot.
Not much in the QB room in Miami now, got to move up and nab a top rookie QB.
The pats have gone and got themselves a baller!!
@bob I actually love it!! I think its bloody brilliant, you get to see the coaches at their best and makes it really entertaining and to get a top top player you have to give up a fair bit....
I'd love to see it in the top leagues with the talent playing in the lower leagues lol then drafting from there.
I find the draft system and the trading system fascinating in the NFL when comparing it to the European football (I refuse to use the word beginning in ‘S’). Some of the biggest players going to some of the more average teams that you wouldn’t expect to be competing deep into the end of next season. Imagine the top players in europe signing for a mid table team in the prem. I realise it’s a very different system but still find it hard to get my head around! Haha