2019 Cricket Trading Thread
@martin-futter conflict in reports now too suggesting higher chance of rain
@peter-laverty problem is they won't try to play a 20/20 game straight away, they will only do that later in the day so if there is rain late afternoon into the evening that is the biggest danger to a no finish
New Zealand have made a cracking start to the World Cup but, if the weather doesn't intervene, I expect that to come to an end in Nottingham today.
India won 4-1 in New Zealand earlier this year and most of their wins were pretty one-sided. For me, they look the best all-round team in the competition. So I will be looking to get behind them trading-wise today.
As for the weather, it's very difficult to judge. The rain seems to be swirling around Trent Bridge at the moment, with most of it falling elsewhere - and there's no obvious directional movement.
The BBC forecast is for rain most of the day, while the Met Office expects it to be dry for most of the afternoon. Expect some wild swings. I will be keeping a very close eye on the Completed Match Market, which at the moment favours 'No' at around 1.75. I would be a layer at that price, but won't be going in too early.
Anyone live near trent bridge?
my analysis of the weather says they'll almost certainly get a 20/20 game in. Netweather saying 0% chance of rain between 10:00-13:00. Chance of showers through the afternoon. Completed match is 2.36 currently
Got to think laying Aus is the play here, Pakistan batted well vs England and aus have fallen apart there!
1.06 overs completed match YES .., do we get a game ha bring it
Don't know why the umps don't just call it off now. Send those poor spectators home with a rebate in their pockets. Not the remotest chance of this match being completed.
All liability removed
fill up all the way to 1.00
In to 1.27 - I just love the rain. Profits all round?
Need to start by 4.15 to fit in a 20 over game. There's been lots of rain falling on the ground and I just can't see the umps risking the players' safety even if the rain stops. No way it's going to dry out in this weather. About a one in ten chance at best I reckon.
@richard-futter yeah moving nicely now. Plenty of liability nibbled out
Nice swing in our favour now. Just need to be patient in this game.
These spikes are a trading heaven!
yeah I try to have a decent back bet and a rolling scalp in and out and a desired entry for 10ticks
Don't forget you can always take some green and then get back in again when the price swings back. That's what I do. It can actually improve your profits and take some of the fear factor out of it, because nothing is ever absolutely certain.
@ben-price said in 2019 Cricket Trading Thread:
Market had a massive swing, anyone seen anything to suggest why?
Always get these swings in the CMM. Another inspection at 12.15 when it will almost certainly be raining again. It will take a couple of hours to get the ground ready even if it stopped raining completely. And with further showers almost certain still looks a remote chance.
@ben-price the rain stopped and the umpires are inspecting. Everything moves at a snails pace and more rain forecast. Wouldn't worry too much yet.
Market had a massive swing, anyone seen anything to suggest why?