BF Bot Manager
Hi Dave I was wondering how does the foreign horses bot work. I noticed today it was placing lay bets on UK racing for example Dakota Gold it laid which ran at York.
Is it suppose to be for foreign based racing such as in the US?
Only just starting to look into using BFBM.
Has anyone had a bash at automating the daily plays?
I'm in Australia so they aren't great time wise for me so thinking about trying to set them up.
@dave-jessop said in BF Bot Manager:
Decent day - traps 2 and 5 are in a recovery cycle but still up for the day so will continue tomorrow - Trap 1 was reset after 4 losers but with the 33% recovery the total lost was only £4.61
- so could actually raise the reset level to 5 or 6 consecutive losers
So I have gone to 0.1% stakes and going my loop to 7!
@dave-jessop Hi Dave thanks for the daily updates. I find these very useful especially your constant reviews and improvements. Much appreciated.
If you go for the recovery 5 or 6 with the 33% loss recovery please let me know and I will update my bots as well.
I am sure I am not the only one who is finding this room and your posts very very useful.
@dave-jessop gotta ride the verience as we know it works... lucky we have other strats running. Horse and dog fav done well
@Dave-Jessop ...trap 1 again!!!!!
@dave-jessop glad I reset when I did lol...lowered stakes to 0.1% and shared across all 6 traps. 100quid on em
OK all reset - lowed odds and check all other bots to ensure dont hit same mistake .... luckly i am still in profit for the day thanks to the fav lays and horse
@dave-jessop jesus trap 1 again lol.... £50 loss!!!!
Reset time!!!!
Got this email yesterday and it seems they have followed through on providing some kind of in play updating application for football. Just another example of how these guys continue to add value.
Hi Charles,
We hope this email finds you well.
As always, we want to extend our deepest thanks to you for choosing Bf Bot Manager V3 for your automated betting needs.
As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we'have released updated versions of our software (v3.1.12). Updates are available for all three versions, those are
BF Bot Manager V3 for Betfair
MB Bot Manager V3 for Matchbook
BQ Bot Manager V3 for Betdaq
What's new
Main improvemens to this release are related to football events as we have integrated football live scores service. Live scores should now be available for all major football leagues, first, second leagues and some lower leagues.
Beside live scores, bot will now also have information about weather, team formations, pitch condition and team positions on table. This detailed information is usually available for major leagues and events, while for lower leagues it is not provided.
New rules are created that will allow you to filter matches by all this new information and to prevent bot from betting if weather conditions or pitch state is bad.
Previous football results are also now available for almost all football events.
Football information is provided by third party service and there is no guarantee that provided information for any live data, live score, historical or live statistics (before or during in play) will be correct and error free. Mistakes are always possible and we will do our best to provide accurate results and best service.
Oher major improvement is Twitter integration that allows you to connect bot to your Twitter account. By doing so you can set bot to publish tweets with your custom text and bet information to your Twitter account.
That way you and your followers can be notified whenever your selected strategy places bet.Below is an example of how our friends at JuiceStorm are using bot to publish tweets about events that bot is trading!
Here is a full list of improvements and changes in latest version:
New rule, Football - Pitch condition
New rule, Football - Team formation
New rule, Football - Team position
New rule, Football - Weather report
New rule, Football - Time rule
New rule, Only if specified strategy has X wins/loses
New rule, Tweet placed bets, allows publishing tweets on placed bets at your Twitter account!
New rule, Tips - filtering rules for imported tips, new option to skip market if one of imported tips is non runner
Hedge rule, new option to use trailing stop loss
Selections filter, new option to allow/disallow manually picked selections
New form to display historical statistics form, opens on "Match preview" button column click at markets grid view
New form to display market information, opens on "i" button column click at markets grid view
New form to display competitions for which live football data is available, opens from Help menu
Column to display all time strategy profit/loss at strategies grid view
Column to display strategy ID number at strategies grid view
Option for BSP is added to "Only if strategy has bets" rules
More time intervals are added to time drop down list
More scores are added to score picker control
Filters are automatically saved for bets, results and steamers/drifters grids
Other minor bug fixes, optimizations and improvements
Download and install updated versionBefore you install updated version please backup your strategies, uninstall current version and then download latest version from our web site.
Install updated version
If you encounter any issues with this update or have any questions about it then please feel free to contact us by visiting our help center.Terms and conditions updated
We have reviewed and refreshed our Terms and Conditions to reflect latest changes to our software. You can read our updated terms and conditions on our website.
Terms and conditions
We are here to help you automate your betting!
The Bf Bot Manager Support team -
@dave-jessop said in BF Bot Manager:
@jarratt-perkins said in BF Bot Manager:
Were they both on a recovery last night?
I had them in wrong order >< - was before my coffee!
@gary-brown said in BF Bot Manager:
@dave-jessop Dave have you tried a lay the 2nd fav for the horses or dogs?
It maybe something to look at.Also would backing the fav work with recovery? Is this something you have had a look at?
Funny you should ask that as I have done it with dags...will update later
@dave-jessop If you get a minute could you send us a couple of your bots please? Im after the dog ones as they are and the U1.5 if possible
Ive been trying out LCS at 0-0 when it hits evens (same basis as the FHG) and its going ok, as is laying the horse fave between 1.5-2.0 (although expecting a losing run soon)
@dave-jessop Dave have you tried a lay the 2nd fav for the horses or dogs?
It maybe something to look at.Also would backing the fav work with recovery? Is this something you have had a look at?
Hi Dave would you be able to send the new versions of the bots for me.
With the new update I lost everything that was set up.I like the new recovery system and the £100 bank for each bot. If you got these set up that would be amazing if you could.
Just had an email from BFBM about the update which now includes live scores. Ill definitely updating later!
A Former Userreplied to A Former User on 19 Aug 2019, 12:49 last edited by A Former User 19 Aug 2019, 12:50
@jarratt-perkins said in BF Bot Manager:
@Dave-Jessop - I have done this and assigned the traps there own bank... so starting with £100 and assign 0.2% of bank ... so as bank grows so do the stakes ... as decreases so do stakes. Think this will be much more manageable going forward.
Huh - i think because i spread the 33% across a group betting bank ... it actually speads it across all 6 traps!
@dave-jessop - Yes thats issue with this - luck is heavy factor as its all random!