Leak Plugging *Help needed*
So I'm starting to keep. a trading journal (literally a notebook where I write down what went well for the day and what didn't, general thoughts and feelings.
I've noticed one major leak of mine where I lose money is betting on another goal in the SH when plenty of goals have already been scored. Games that have already had 4 or more goals in them. Generally I'm getting in around 65-70 mins but more often that not the goal doesn't come. I understand what I should be doing is not overstaking at this point and getting value odds on a smaller stake size for a possible late goal. I always check in play stats but I don't think I'm taking motivation to score into account. I don't know if anyone here has a similar problem or if anyone has any practical tips to avoid losing money apart from 'avoid certain scorelines' ... Just getting my thoughts out really -
@oliver-preen I have been preaching this for years and it's great to see somebody using it and spotting something straight away.
Yep, I have started keeping the first few pages for highlights and rules.
This allows me to flit to the front of the book and see 'Oh, that scoreline doesn't work for me.' then I know to avoid it.