Horse Racing Strategies Megathread
@john-folan in fairness, the back strategy seems quite stable. I might try and reverse the same strategy and see if it works for laying pre-race
One thing this has shown me as I gradually make the switch from manual scalping is you can have a couple of losing months. Horse racing is swingy. It’s just the nature of the beast. Laying is probably more stable than backing though. Although it can still hurt sometimes. Also the more swingy the strategy, the bigger the profits long term seem to be.
@john-folan said in ***Horse Racing Shared Strategies Megathread + Downloads***:
@dan-mackinnon and I’m still messing with it. A can of worms has been opened.
That's how I feel. I should have called this "The Can of Worms" strategy!
@dan-mackinnon and I’m still messing with it. A can of worms has been opened.
@martin I've got a scalping/ swing trade strategy that seems to work well in the software. It will require a bot and I'm struggling to get one that'll work as per the software. I'll share it in case anyone else can help. My biggest issue is with the stop loss, either hitting it too early or missing it completely. What should be a profitable month is roughly break even.
It might be one that's good in theory but needs tweaking in practice.
I have to thank @John-Folan for having a look at it and making some tweaks that increased its profitability. He also messed about with a BFBM bot.
I've updated the results from October, if anyone else has a strategy they would like to share then please do so
@jonathan-busch said in ***Horse Racing Shared Strategies Megathread + Downloads***:
0_1667457115838_rules_export (1).json
Another consistent month
I've tried automating this on BetAngel but it has been too inconsistent and missing too many bets. Have people had similar issues with BetAngel? Thinking about trialing this on BF Bot Manager - Is this the most reliable automation software??
i use BA and the bots have been good on the strategies i use. Is this your startegy? or one of the strategies above?
@jonathan-busch said in ***Horse Racing Shared Strategies Megathread + Downloads***:
0_1667457115838_rules_export (1).json
Another consistent month
I've tried automating this on BetAngel but it has been too inconsistent and missing too many bets. Have people had similar issues with BetAngel? Thinking about trialing this on BF Bot Manager - Is this the most reliable automation software??
It’s all about the conditions in your bot tbh. With Bfbot I can usually find a workaround for anything it doesn’t do. Runner numbers normally caused the biggest problem so I have a separate version of the strategy running called qualifiers with the runner rule removed. So I get selections from all races regardless of the runner number. Then I filter them according to the original strategy version in the software. That way races that become qualifiers due to non runners are picked up and vice versa.
You also can’t filter classification’s in most software but in bf bot I’ve got a blinding workaround for that which takes five minutes of my time.
The results are 'forward testing' based of BSP so there is a slight discrepancy.
Hopefully I can get more reliable automation to continue the testing
@jonathan-busch I'm getting different results on your filter, is that defo the right one you uploaded?
I'm not familiar with fairbot...will look into it -
@jonathan-busch any reason not to use Fairbot?
0_1667457115838_rules_export (1).json
Another consistent month
I've tried automating this on BetAngel but it has been too inconsistent and missing too many bets. Have people had similar issues with BetAngel? Thinking about trialing this on BF Bot Manager - Is this the most reliable automation software??
@luke-seddon's pace lays 0_1667455873245_1667255960356-laypacegeldings.json
Looks good, 10% ROI needs forward testing
@martin said in ***Horse Racing Shared Strategies Megathread + Downloads***:
Hope y’all have created support tickets
Why would anyone do that?
@rick-watson yeah similar, i test 5 strats only got 2 which is unusual
@martin yeah i thought it was too till this morning daily qualifiers list only showed 2 strats so i went into the strat builder to check via upcoming selections when running strat and found 2 other strats that had selections for today but were not showing in the initial daily qualifiers list??
@mrs-h-m-price said in ***Horse Racing Shared Strategies Megathread + Downloads***:
I don't have any daily qualifiers for today when there should be lots of them. Is it just my PC or does anyone else have the same problem? I've tried multiple browsers, clearing cookies etc
yeah i have the same issue too, few ppl in the horse thread have said same thing and i have logged my issue, i suggest you do the same