Set & Forget Football Strategies
@Martin Ok thanks, will take a look.
@Andy-Donnelly I have a league filter one also only do odds 3.7-5.8 filter-settings.txt
Morning, has anyone done any league filtering on the lay away strategy out of interest?
My data is telling me that the English lower leagues, German lower leagues and Turkey as a whole have been struggling.
@Richard-Latimer spot on!
@Martin said in Set & Forget Football Strategies:
@Alastair-Todd I think people prefer strategies with higher strike rates as there will be less losses so mentally they find it a bit easier but the downside is that it often is backing odds on, so the odds vs strike rate becomes the most important thing ultimately.
Odds vs strike rate is always the most important thing. The odds simply need to be good enough for the strike rate you have.
I've tried lower odds again more recently and would do so again. I think one of the main reasons people gravitate towards higher s/r systems is it's easier to compound your interest and grow a bank with less losing streaks. The pitfalls are there but if done correctly it should be able to grow quicker.
@Martin And more commission paid.
@Alastair-Todd I think people prefer strategies with higher strike rates as there will be less losses so mentally they find it a bit easier but the downside is that it often is backing odds on, so the odds vs strike rate becomes the most important thing ultimately.
@Martin Every day's a school day!
@Alastair-Todd said in Set & Forget Football Strategies:
@Liam-Mcnee Hi Liam, as a relative novice here (me not you!), can I ask whether a strike rate of 36% can actually be profitable? I get concerned if mine drops below 80% for my over 1.5 back strategy. I can't see how a strategy that loses two thirds of the time can actually make you any money.
looked at a strategy yesterday that hits 16% of the time and makes a good profit, it's all average odds based whether you profit or not. Strike rate in a lot of ways is irrelevant without average odds to compare it to.
@Alastair-Todd Hi Alastair. The odds for over 3.5 tend to be high. I only pick selections if the odds are over 2.7 meaning you don't need a really high SR to be profitable. For example, last month only 22 out of my 61 selections won but I was still 13 points up.
Over 1.5 goals is a different beast where the odds are usually low meaning you need to have a high SR because your liability is higher. Hope that makes sense.
Btw I'm still a novice here too mate
@Liam-Mcnee Hi Liam, as a relative novice here (me not you!), can I ask whether a strike rate of 36% can actually be profitable? I get concerned if mine drops below 80% for my over 1.5 back strategy. I can't see how a strategy that loses two thirds of the time can actually make you any money.
@Stuart-Capstick Yeah Good point.
Certain leagues were scoring way above average during that period (e.g. Bundesliga).
Of course, some of those leagues are now on a winter break, leaving some of the more "unreliable, but interesting" leagues to fill out the football menu from the back end of December.
@Martin What do you think the reason for that is?
@Liam-Mcnee difficult thing is you don't have Jan last year to see the comparison, my Over 3.5 Lays took a dive past couple of months.
@Martin It has been on my mind. Funny enough December was the most profitable month for the strategy with a SR of 36% despite the poor end. January feels like a write off at this rate but don't know whether to hold fire and give it time.
I've been testing since April last year and went live in September. Not experienced such a downturn like this before.
@Liam-Mcnee that's a heck of a losing streak! is a reverse strategy in order?
Hi everyone. Does anybody have any data to suggest whether less goals are scored during the winter months? My over 3.5 goals strategy currently has a 25 losing streak.
Could just be variance but it would make sense for teams to take longer getting into the game meaning less goals. Thanks.
As am i
@Richard-Latimer looking forward to seeing your findings