Laying The Underdog...
Re: Ryan's Tennis Trading Notes
This is a curiousity question, as I am looking to add Tennis into my Mix, I like the sport and have trade a couple of games very small, and had a small couple of wins
But I am wondering, as in Football, where we lay the Underdog, then get out when the favourite scores, would the same apply in tennis.
I know the value needs to be in the odds and the lower the better, but is something that can be done
@ryan it makes sense totally and football is a sport I have followed for over 50 years
@dave-hayes I think that's a good plan, one sport one strategy build from there.
@ryan said in Laying The Underdog...:
@dave-hayes Gotcha, only thing with that is to exit earlier if you spot them smashing them - I get out after one game if I spot that.
Good advice and for now, I am leaving Tennis alone to focus on my LTD / FHG Strat.
@dave-hayes Gotcha, only thing with that is to exit earlier if you spot them smashing them - I get out after one game if I spot that.
@ryan No I have been laying at either 3~3 or 4~4 as your video shows or the first set winner as I did yesterday, wth Baduso against TomLjanovic, laying Baduso at 1.26 I beleive it was, but exited after 3 games of the second set because she was smashing Tomljanovic all over the place and the profit was a minus on a £7 3% of Bank Stake
the first set was a 6~4 in favour of Baduso.
@dave-hayes With this are you laying from the start or waiting till it gets to 3-3 / 4-4 in the first set?
@dave-hayes Most of the time you will be laying at low stakes usually 1.5 or below so your can lay at Stake knowing how much you want to win therefore reducing the risk. Taking tonights Elise Mertens game as an example, if you chose to lay her at 1.4 for £10, your liability would be £4: -
Alternatively, you can lay at the liability you ate prepared to lose based on your normal staking plan and bank roll management. Again using the Elise MErtens game as an example, using £10 liability your stakes would be $25
Your looking to remove liability so your unlikely to ever win full stakes in both scenarios so your unlikely to win the full stakes.
When more advanced you can make a number of different trades in a match
@chris-osborne Stake Chris
@dave-hayes Are you asking about Stake or liability?
A Former Userreplied to A Former User on 17 Jan 2022, 16:53 last edited by A Former User 17 Jan 2022, 16:57
@chris-osborne Cheers Chris.In terms of Bank, do you raise your stakes higher or keep to BM(Bank Management) I ask this because i LTF this morning in a ladies game, which I ended up trading out of for a 75p Loss, but traded on 3% of Bank, as I was and still am over the £250 Threshold I have set myself, for increase of Stake Trade
Also a strategy around the Projected hold stats mainly falls into this category.
@dave-hayes definitely lay set one winner especially if it’s an underdog is my main strategy