More LTD selections?
I guess it can't be forced but as advised I am sticking to 1 strategy Ryan's LTD, its just that selections for this are not as regular as other pre maid filters. I am starting out so I just thought am I better at this early stage swapping to a strategy that is more consistent in selections or do both or am I missing something?
Many thanks. Loving the site.
Good point on winter leagues, didn't think of that. Thanks for response.
You are right in concentrating on one strategy and its definitely the best thing to do. I wish id done it from the outset, as im sure many traders do! You are also right in saying that the LTD strategy has very few selections at the minute. You may find there are more when the winter leagues start to appear (maybe in 2-3 weeks) but if you are after something a bit more active then it may be better to switch to a different strategy. Theres no harm in still tracking or paper trading the strategy you mentioned as Ryan has apparently done really well out of it through the years