2022 Tennis Trading Thread
tennis markets are highly volatile. has anyone tried to 'dob' the underdog with much success? i would be interested to find an automation (bet angel) file for this. I have noticed that even when a fav with an sp of 1.6 or better wins, they often go a break down or a set down.
I find watching Betfair or bet365 stream but if I know feed is behind I just watching the odds. Sometimes gives a good indication what's kinda happening. I'm normally only laying first set winner or face on first set so im only looking for a break point / break scenario. So doesn't matter too much about feed being slightly delayed
@chris-osborne said in 2020 Tennis Trading Thread:
@finn-kristensen Thanks Finn I tend to agree. Betfair is my first choice when available as can get a bigger picture on laptop/ipad than 365.
Bet 365 updates the score and odds very quickly I find but yes their stream is behind
@finn-kristensen Thanks Finn I tend to agree. Betfair is my first choice when available as can get a bigger picture on laptop/ipad than 365.
@chris-osborne said in 2020 Tennis Trading Thread:
What sources are the best for streaming games. In the Palermo Open, this week, Betfair has either not been available even when they indicated they would be or If they did stream then generally didn't start until well into the match.
Bet365 seemed to be fairly reliable.
Amazon Prime is generally a couple of points behind the live position.
Good question. When Betfair is available, I prefer that, as it seems to be a few seconds faster than B365, but otherwise, B365 is the one I use, as they generally seem to be streaming more matches (both tennis and football).
What sources are the best for streaming games. In the Palermo Open, this week, Betfair has either not been available even when they indicated they would be or If they did stream then generally didn't start until well into the match.
Bet365 seemed to be fairly reliable.
Amazon Prime is generally a couple of points behind the live position.
Betfair though is not credible either it seems. In the match between Paar and Kung, Paar is serving while leading 5-4, so if she wins her serve, she wins the set (first set). However, according to the Betfair stats, there have been no broken serves. Huh? How can she then win the set if she holds her serve now? Flashscore actually shows that Paar broke Kungs serve earlier, as you'd expect.
Have you ever experienced that flashscore is wrong when showing who's serving the ball? Been following the Prague qualifier between Eikeri and Abdelaziz (Maya Sheriff as she is called on Betfair). Betfair and flashscore show the opposite of who's actually serving. A different bookmaker I use agree with Betfair, so I would imagine they are right. Have just never experienced flashscore to be wrong on this before.
@simji well done I’ve watched a fair bit of the tennis this week and never expected Giorgi to win
Some of the prices on the favourites yesterday we’re incredibly low and there was definitely value there.
@finn-kristensen yeah I tried the other day. And got nothing. There's a couple of players that I've traded on just because I've watched enough of them in time.
@martin-futter gorgi went onto win in the end. I got out at the right time as it could of gone either way. I left it and went to watch the golf lol.
Would of been a good chunk if I left it. But I'm trying to be more disciplined and take green instead of leaving it as a free bet so to speak.
When I want to use the Tennis Stats software it says "No upcoming matches to show"?
@simji said in 2020 Tennis Trading Thread:
Giorgi saved 2 match points then to go and break to take it to a tie break. Got out at various stages after a re lay @1.06
@ 1.15
@ 1.25
@ 1.3
@ 1.35
Finally @ 1.4Just seen she's leading in the tie break 1-5 .
Girogi took second set 7-6 (7-5 tie break score)
well done!
Giorgi saved 2 match points then to go and break to take it to a tie break. Got out at various stages after a re lay @1.06
@ 1.15
@ 1.25
@ 1.3
@ 1.35
Finally @ 1.4Just seen she's leading in the tie break 1-5 .
Girogi took second set 7-6 (7-5 tie break score)
Lay of yastremska @1.18 both players are seeming to struggle a little on serve. Giorgi fighting to stay in the match in her home country event.
@ricky-hounsome said in 2020 Tennis Trading Thread:
@martin-futter Tennis, at least some wta has started again. is this the maint thread?
yes I'm just watching this week need some form to go off!
I think tie break is only from 6-6 in the third set in Palermo
I'm only laying at short odds either first or second set.
@simji I am just starting out with tennis. the one thing I am finding hard is how to find the relevant tournament rules. Palermo wta for instance. How do i know if their is a tiebreak at the end of set 3, or they just play till a winner is found?
It is. Had a couple of small stakes in palermo. Nothing too much being careful since it's only just restarted