Patterns in results:
Seeing how a team's previous form affects likelihood of a draw
Looking at likely runs of wins and losses. For example, this strategy very rarely has a losing run of greater than 3. Likewise, it tends to have winning runs of 5 ( but sometimes up to 15..) -
@stuart-capstick i am sure as long as crowds are allowed to carry on attending the strategy will turn around. what patterns are you looking into ?
I'm looking at various things:
Individual teams
Patterns in resultsI also think the crowds, or lack of them, had an effect.
So, it's a case of waiting until mid September.
@stuart-capstick said in MY TURN FOR TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY:
Very rude of me not to say "Hello and well done, James".
Glad to see your LTD is doing well. As mentioned, the summer has been, well, shite, for my system.
Hoping the Winter Leagues will perform better, but I'm waiting a wee while before jumping in.That's ok mate never took any offence. Thanks hopefully finally got somewhere and ready to take that leap.
I have picked 3 matches from your strategy today with all 3 winners all winters leagues so hopefully the tide will turn as long term it has been profitable for you mate -
Very rude of me not to say "Hello and well done, James".
Glad to see your LTD is doing well. As mentioned, the summer has been, well, shite, for my system.
Hoping the Winter Leagues will perform better, but I'm waiting a wee while before jumping in. -
@stuart-capstick said in MY TURN FOR TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY:
£200= 100 points, £2= 1 point.
So, £30 profit=15 points.
Brilliant cheers Stuart finally sunk in !
How's your ltd been going last couple of weeks, seems to have picked up? -
@james-everard the easiest way to calculate points is just take your starting bank and divide it by 100.
so 1 point of a £100 bank is £1
so 1 point of a £200 bank is £2So for when you start with a £200 bank you said you will be using £4 stakes, that is not 1 point that is 2 points/2% of the bank. Just keep it that simple. End of each month or whenever you change stakes/compound thats when you change the points value. Its simple when you just think about dividing your bank by 100 an then that is then 1 point. Not sure i like the point system you were thinking of, just complicates it further. Cant go wrong with this method and is a great measure of a strategy overall/long term rather than short sharp bursts.
Thanks for explaining i have obviously got confused with the point system . Can you help my pea brain understand , So if you say started off with a £200 bank and using 2% stakes (2 points which is £4) and i am up for instance on the system and the end of the month i have £230 in the bank is that 30 points profit or 15?
@james-everard the easiest way to calculate points is just take your starting bank and divide it by 100.
so 1 point of a £100 bank is £1
so 1 point of a £200 bank is £2So for when you start with a £200 bank you said you will be using £4 stakes, that is not 1 point that is 2 points/2% of the bank. Just keep it that simple. End of each month or whenever you change stakes/compound thats when you change the points value. Its simple when you just think about dividing your bank by 100 an then that is then 1 point. Not sure i like the point system you were thinking of, just complicates it further. Cant go wrong with this method and is a great measure of a strategy overall/long term rather than short sharp bursts.
@james-everard im glad you are doing it this way instead of rushing to get things all setup. Im guessing with the lay underdog you have managed to get on a few late ones which have bumped the p/l high. Would be interesting to see how these do long term without these low price lays. I think thats why others have failed at underdog lays because typically early underdog leads still have high prices. Based on your strike rate id assume you have had a couple low price lays that went on to win.
Asked stuart about his ltd, summer leagues didnt perform well at all, but winter leagues have soared in p/l so that will come good again.
Your LTD seems solid. I want to ask tho you are using the £ measurement instead of points, id encourage you to start measuring strats based on points/% of bank. It gets ugly trying to figure out the success of strats when you start changing stakes etc. So what have you made points wise from 559 trades? Im just gonna guess that you have made 32points as id guess these are based off a £100 bank?
Looking good tho mate keep it up
Hi Dari hope you are well mate?
i am currently just trading the minimum £2 liability stakes as was testing, this will continue until i finish completing my spreadsheet results for August.
I will then will start trading properly with a £200 starting trading bank using 2% stakes so will be £4 trading stakes for 1 point. It gets complicated calculating the way i have but like you say calculating the way you suggest will be better in the long run. I am not sure what the points based profit is so far as complicated for my pea brain to work out lol
The laying of the underdogs system as you eluded to has been profitable due to a couple of underdogs taking a goal late in the game and for the favorite to equalize late on as well, and also if they underdog goes 2-0 up, was Hoping the strike rate will improve and i am going to start to be more selective with my selections and not just base purely on the filter but also the inplay stats more. I am using a filter i have set and not the ratings page if anyone wants me to share i am more than happy to pass on -
@james-everard im glad you are doing it this way instead of rushing to get things all setup. Im guessing with the lay underdog you have managed to get on a few late ones which have bumped the p/l high. Would be interesting to see how these do long term without these low price lays. I think thats why others have failed at underdog lays because typically early underdog leads still have high prices. Based on your strike rate id assume you have had a couple low price lays that went on to win.
Asked stuart about his ltd, summer leagues didnt perform well at all, but winter leagues have soared in p/l so that will come good again.
Your LTD seems solid. I want to ask tho you are using the £ measurement instead of points, id encourage you to start measuring strats based on points/% of bank. It gets ugly trying to figure out the success of strats when you start changing stakes etc. So what have you made points wise from 559 trades? Im just gonna guess that you have made 32points as id guess these are based off a £100 bank?
Looking good tho mate keep it up
@chris-osborne said in MY TURN FOR TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY:
@james-everard Stuart has posted earlier this week that his strategy has not been good on the summer leagues this season
Hopefully your third strategy which is already looking good will show more returns now fans are back in alot of leagues
Hi Chris hope you are keeping well. Luckily very few matches on my own ltd are the same selections as Stuarts version. Will carry on recording the results for August and then make a decision whether to continue with Stuarts version as well or just stick to mine.
The 3rd strategy (laying of the underdog) i think you are right with fans now back in the grounds the surprise results will not be as many as last season, i have a filter set up (not using the football ratings ) which seems to be doing ok especially if you can pick up a match late in the game. -
@james-everard Stuart has posted earlier this week that his strategy has not been good on the summer leagues this season
Hopefully your third strategy which is already looking good will show more returns now fans are back in alot of leagues
@james-everard Weekend of trying to catch up inputting results on my speadsheet which i need to do asap. The quicker i can update my results and quicker i can see if there are any leagues to odds ranges i need to stick within. I believe my own ltd at kick off and laying of the underdog could be onto something will know more once completed.
Here are the 3 strategies i have been continuing with using £2 min liability stakes
Strategy 1- Stuarts Set and Forget ltd-
Trades for June- Total trades 28 , won 22, lost 6, s/rate 78.57% monthly profit £ 6.30
Total results to date- Trades 297 won 231, lost 66, s/rate 78% total profit £0-73Strategy 2- My own set and Forget ltd-
Trades for June - Total trades 51, won 41, lost 10 , strike rate 80.39%, monthly profit £7.14
Total results to date - Trades 559, won 429, lost 130, s/rate 77% , total profit £32.21Strategy 3- Laying the underdog if they the take the lead
Trades for June- Trades 9 , won 4 , lost 5, s/rate 44.44% , profit £18.21
Total results to date - Trades 27, won 18, lost 9 , s.rate 67%, total profit £38.73Total profit for June for the 3 systems £31.65
Will crack on and input more date and hope in the very near future be ready to take that leap at 2.5% of my bank. Once i start i will be updating regularly on my blog like many others do.
Update for my June results as previously mentioned no where near as many trades , although in June i was still trading the full time and half time dutching of the correct score markets which i no longer am so didn't bother recording these systems on my results spreadsheet
System 1 - Stuarts Set and forget Ltd - Trades 18, Won 13, Lost 5 , strike rate 72.22% Monthly loss of (-£2.86)
Total trades so far for the system- Trades 269, won 209, Lost 60, strike rate 78% , Loss of (-£5.57)
System 2- My own set and forget Ltd- Trades 14, Won 9 , Lost 5, strike rate 64.29% , Monthly loss of -£3.21
Total trades so far for the system- Trades 508, won 388, Lost 120, strike rate 76%, Profit £25.07
System 3 - Lay the underdog if they take the lead- Trades 5 , won 3, lost 2, Strike rate 66%, Profit of £1.41
Total trades so far for the system- Trades 18, won 14 , lost 4, strike rate 78%, Profit £20.52
System 4- Ltd at ht if 0-0 or 1-1- Trades 1 , Won 0, Lost 1, strike rate 0%, loss of -£2-00
Total trades to date 77, won 53, lost 24, strike rate 69% profit if £19.93
So for all trades for June i have lost a total of -£6.51. I thought this would be the case as June seemed poor and hopefully the trading results will improve when i input the July results .
The plan is to continue with these strategies until the end of August using my £2 liability stakes and carry on recording my results for July and August. I will analyse the data and remove certain leagues if necessary and find the best odds range for long term profitability ,Then the 1st of September i am going to take the plunge and use 2% of my bank stakes and finally go for it -
Ive got to agree with a lot of what else is being said here. I used to do the same, i started with one strategy then added another and another and then something would go wrong and id find i hadnt had the focus to work out why - was it something id done or just variance.
I trade primarily SH goals now and i can soon see why something has gone wrong. I am still collecting a fair bit of data on the side and one day i can hopefully call on this data for but it doesnt distract from my main trading strategy. Im not in a position yet to not be affected by the balance of over/undertrading but something to think about is that no successful trader ever suggests adding more strategies and trading more
My advice to you would be pick one of the proven strategies for now JUST ONE and test your own LTD in the background. You say it has fallen over the last couple of months but so have most strategies, even STuarts is struggling. Keep at it but don’t trade it.
Less is more -
Just reread your post James. I echo what Chris is saying. I am now doing 2 strategies and one of those has only had 22 trades in the last 6 weeks so I am only really at one with many trades. I used to be like yourself James, not sure what strategy to be sticking to and chopping and changing then going back and forward etc etc etc. My head was fried. I started following Keith’s over 1.5s but am now only doing my own over 1,5 and shg strategies, it really is a huge weight of the mind. If I don’t update my results for a while it doesn’t take long to catch up, also I don’t feel bogged down wondering which road to take.
@james-everard Sounds promising - but 5 strategies are still too much, 1 or 2 at most - been there and done that
By all means test the others but actually trading, restrict yourself to one or two alongside the profitible Set and forgets we have on here.
If you reduce the volume to profitible strategies, then you can leverage your bankroll and gradually increase your stakes and get yourself out of the min stakes vacuum.
HI all thanks for your replies. As previously mentioned a month or so ago May was my last over trading month , although June and July will still be too many games i am sure it will be considerably less than May.
Then after i have recorded the results on the spreadsheet like you say it is far to time consuming with that amount of games a reset will take place, at least two of the systems will be scraped and then i want to pull apart the data and look to improve more and reduce the quantity of selections . By Mid August early september trading will be totally different and will be much more selective and not to let it over whelm me and hopefully i can start making money