Aug 2024 £3000 - ? Bank Challenge
@Alex-Rendell You're absolutely right in terms of Estonia although top leagues isn't too bad for liquidity.
Never done this before but I think it's important to see nonetheless. The graph below is raw data with no exclusions from my filter at all other than home must not have better points tally than away:
There is a general upwards trajectory still. This is also including all leagues without exception.
Clearly quite a bit of variance and my tweaks to the filter do improve upon the initial. It's just good to see that even in it's most basic form this is still a winning system over 500+ bets.
@Richard-Latimer surely if you're taking a long-term view, you shouldn't even be trading the second tier in these kind of countries? I mean, the top tier in Estonia barely has enough volume (or "liquidity") to make it viable in terms of scaling up to bigger stakes.
Stupid stupid Estonia. Chastening! It's not a knee jerk decision to rule that crappy league out. It was just a stupid one to trade it in the first place.
Stats are wildly swayed to one side, liquidity is crap and I don't trust the league. Still pondering on the Meistriliiga but so far that's been ok.
Well after a decent Friday and a disappointing Sunday it took an injury time goal.
Still just about have chance for a winning weekend with one trade Monday.
Oh Estonian lower league, why did I let you do this to me???
1 selection from that league all year and it's an absolute car crash.
I so can't wait for Winter Leagues to kick in proper. Still seems like only a few in play for me at present with mostly the dregs of summer.
Ok the odds have come down to 1.35 to lay and it's not started. Avoiding like the plague!!!
@Richard-Latimer said in Aug 2024 £3000 - ? Bank Challenge:
2/2 last night.
All Czech games postponed because of dangerous weather.
Just Malaysian game left today.
Looks like the odds are going to be too low for this one. Currently 1.83 to lay.
2/2 last night.
All Czech games postponed because of dangerous weather.
Just Malaysian game left today.
@Peter-Williams all home lays yes
@Richard-Latimer Is this Lay the home team Richard?
Game should have been 2.56 at most to lay but I got sidetracked trying to help the missus and couldn't get on. Every time I upped my price hoping to get matched the lay price went out again.
In the end I left it until ht then decided to go in with less stake at higher odds as the amount I stood to lose was similar and at least I could make a gain. In the end it was the former and really shouts out to me that I need to be more organised.
In the end, with a portfolio, I plan to get a VPS and BF Bot Manager. Have already been researching but that's a little while off yet.
And 2-0 so weekend rather as you were. I'll post up specifics in a bit. Took a slightly higher hit than normal from being disorganised but I'll explain that when I post the figures.
1-1 tonight
@Richard-Latimer Congrats on finding something during the International break.