Aug 2024 £3000 - ? Bank Challenge
So far so good
Beitar Jerusalem appears to be Monday
Nothing Friday
Nothing until at least Friday now
Just checking the overs system I'm working on and Rampla won!! That's a good advert for my 11.0 cutoff. Was 12.00 just before kickoff.
I'm slowly moving away from crap leagues where there's no volume to speak of. Going to be a little painful initially with leagues which have been strong in profit. But then I can't take them anywhere so what's the point I guess.
I'm scrapping Singapore. Too hard to get matched. Liquidity crap this morning.
It's fair to say the English leagues as a whole have been meh. Just under break even across the the lot since Feb.
What a day. I'm going to track the Arsenal games in case they suddenly turn into a massive earner but I'm taking them off the table. I want to watch them for enjoyment and nothing else. Not that today was enjoyable.
Problem I have with Premier League so far is that the odds are mostly massive. If I include Arsenal from today coupled with the Everton 2-0 over the other scousers then that league is looking very shakey.
Everton was 8.0 and todays 5.6.
Is it the fact there's so many damn good teams in our top league?
Is it the bullshit officiating?I don't know but I'm clearly not removing it unless it takes a nose dive.
Using oddsportal to go back and look at previous selections the liquidity has always been poor in Malta. Now it's also in the red I'm saying goodbye.
Rest assured if this was a bigger league with more upscaling capability I'd at least still be tracking. As is I'm removing Malta from the sheet at slightly less than break even since Feb.
Not the worst day in the world but Birkirkara coming back to haunt me. If a league has poor liquidity but enough to get on and proving profitable I'm not dropping it until the volumes become an issue.
When liquidity and p/l become an issue it's time to have a think. Malta now in the red and not easy to match. Going to go back and look at prev liquidity for other selections.
Might take a leaf out of Ryan's book and not trade on my team. It rather ruins the experience.
Plus the refs have got it in for us
Good to revisit the fact that of my refined data which has scarcely changed in months other than the odd league or 2 being deemed crap (looking at you Estonia) for this......the last loss of odds 3.75 or more before today was 50 selections ago.
That was in July.