Aug 2024 £3000 - ? Bank Challenge
Using oddsportal to go back and look at previous selections the liquidity has always been poor in Malta. Now it's also in the red I'm saying goodbye.
Rest assured if this was a bigger league with more upscaling capability I'd at least still be tracking. As is I'm removing Malta from the sheet at slightly less than break even since Feb.
Not the worst day in the world but Birkirkara coming back to haunt me. If a league has poor liquidity but enough to get on and proving profitable I'm not dropping it until the volumes become an issue.
When liquidity and p/l become an issue it's time to have a think. Malta now in the red and not easy to match. Going to go back and look at prev liquidity for other selections.
Might take a leaf out of Ryan's book and not trade on my team. It rather ruins the experience.
Plus the refs have got it in for us
Good to revisit the fact that of my refined data which has scarcely changed in months other than the odd league or 2 being deemed crap (looking at you Estonia) for this......the last loss of odds 3.75 or more before today was 50 selections ago.
That was in July.
It's going to be a testing time because there's 8 games on at the same time this evening!!
Had to happen in the end. Late goal brings 18 strength win streak to a close.
Ukraine game was way too high odds as I thought. 2/2 on the others today.
Deliberating whether to set alarm for the next game at 7 in the am or place bet before bed....
A loss is most assuredly coming soon but hopefully not until the weekend when there will be other selections to make it up.
1-1, the run continues
Quiet weekend but another sweep.