Aug 2024 £3000 - ? Bank Challenge
Sheet updated with tomorrow's
Nothing qualified today with Lens coming closest until a late goal was scored there to make it 2-0 at ht. The rules of one goal only saved a loss there.
A couple in the amber monitoring stages but these went 50% with 1 winner and 1 loser.
Bordeaux eliminated on difference in criteria 2
Same filters but additional rules I can't fit on there are detailed on my spreadsheet.
If so Bordeaux did well - didn’t check the rules on that one though and haven’t traded it, just checked the filter and saw it was on there!
These the same filters on the BTC stats?
@richard-latimer Well now I am on these you cannot tinker - I refuse to allow you to
Sheet updated for tomorrow.
I've gone into a little more colour coding as certain results making it harder and harder not to take them on already even if data is minimal.
Green = Go
Amber = Caution
Red = STOPHaha easy
Done the same with FHG2 sheet. Although none of these will be green yet I'd feel slightly more confident on the amber.
Yeah it's the former. Home/Away form and the difference may as well be 2 completely different teams at times I'd imagine!
On to todays results and that was 1 LCS, 1 win. Monitored continued to tank but not bothered there. More data.
1x FHG2 monitored selection also won.
Thanks @Neil-Mallett. I've noticed that 2H goals become more consistent after 1 goal in the FH and only 1 goal. If HT score is 0-0 I want 1 and only 1 0-0 score line in last 20 combined. You would think 0 is good but so far all it seems to mean is there's a 0-0 round the corner.
Thing is I understand about the coin toss rule meaning that regardless of what has come before the probabilities remain the same but it simply doesn't appear to be the case with football or I would imagine other sports where mentality comes into it.
0-0's come along around 8% of the time and if there hasn't been 1 in 20 games.....
1 I find works well enough that neither team enjoys a goalless draw but either or has suffered one in the last 10 games already.
The logic suits me, let's see if results continue to play out that way.
Trying not to tinker @Ryan-Carruthers but it's not easy haha!
LCS is almost set in stone I think if it keeps going as it is. FHG tinkering was necessary and still is.
Think I've done most of the tinkering I can on the 1x2 H1
@richard-latimer yes an no tinkering now!
It's certainly low risk as don't usually lose a lot trading out at HT. So far most of the profit has come in 1 or 2 months so we will see if it can kick on.
@Richard-Latimer I like the 1x2 H1 a lot buddy, that looks to be working well
Mixed bag today:
Start with the positive:
4 1x2 H1 all winning at HT.
Then the LCS:
Only 2 qualified and Marseille threw a spanner into the works there. As far as those I'm monitoring they tanked. Away favoured teams in goals scored do not appear to fare well in the long term. I'll keep collecting data for now but it's looking like 0.0+ to home team will qualify long term and nothing else will.
Finally FHG how I have been playing it is no more. Amazing beginning looks like nothing more than a fluke given recent results.
The eagle eyed may have noticed a worksheet entitled FHG2. This is essentially using same data but with the added filter of how many 0-0's there have been at HT. You'd think that would have been included from the off but hey ho!!
It's very raw at present with not a lot to go on but data so far (including when you think about where goals are coming from in the 2h) seems to suggest no away teams favoured to score more and not more than 2 prev 0-0's in the 20 combined matches.
In the process of updating sheet for tomorrow.
Sheet updated with todays
@richard-latimer Nice injury time goal! Thought the Guarani red had all but killed the game...
So Guarani is to be the final LCS qualifier. Nothing early early doors tomorrow so I'm placing bet and going to bed with a stinking cold!!
I'll update things tomorrow.
Bastard winter!!!
@richard-latimer love the name of this thread, watching with interest.