Aug 2024 £3000 - ? Bank Challenge
@richard-latimer A book by a pro gambler who has been very successful with the asian handicap models, that well in fact he has bought two football teams and applied his model to the way they pick players its a cracking book. Section one did bore me, going back through the actual method now to see if I can build a method with BTC stats to see what I can create to replicate it.
Also Famalicao scored FHG.
I'm looking after kids all day every day at present so completely missed the first team back which I know would have been a loss of some description and most probably a trade out at ht. Also though betfair went down so may have been a full loss if unable to trade out there.
Numancia were drawing at ht but looked good for win and so the decision would have been stay in. As it happens they won. Not recording either loss or win though as cannot do so accurately. I'll move on to tomorrow.
No what is it @Ryan-Carruthers?
I love this, @Richard-Latimer have you read the football code?
2 more added for FHG tomorrow and 2 more team backs to monitor.
Forgot to update today although mainly this was because of the lack of anything real to update. Monaco were a FHG but that's been poor recently. PSG would have been a team back but at those odds no way!
FHG strat underwhelming once more. Masry actually won in the team backs but were unfortunately losing at ht and not looking too great. Porto odds too low.
All updated
Friday was a small loss on the team backs and not so great for first half goals. Would have been hoping for a comeback over the weekend but been away for an early Christmas break drinking and eating with family so wasn't to be.
In the process of looking at Monday's.
Team backs also now updated for tomorrow.
Loads of potential for tomorrow. Let's see what happens. Sheet updated with FHG's.
Both Saudi games didn't go inplay but Ajax had a couple of FHG.
Hi Patrik, as already discussed I don't have this info to hand easily but other than a purple patch it wasn't great and too few selections to really go anywhere hence why I'm looking at this other thing using similar stats.
hi Richard,im Patrik...
how many times non winning ELO strong favorit 1HT?percentage?thanks -
A bit of time on my hands this morning so copied the new thing I've been working on into main sheet on dropbox.
Working very well after 26 games.
Essentially looking at the same stuff I have been for a while in terms of relevant statistics. The difference here is those stats relate to the entire game rather than just the first half.
Current seasons data only, 3 home/away games min.
Papertrading only until the new year.
Back pre-match and assess again at ht. If drawing refer to inplay stats and shots on target in particular using
@Martin-Futter Going back to my last question what kind of odds would I be looking at if pre-match odds 1.36/1.40/1,80? 1 goal up at HT of course.
I've tried to get this info from betfair historical data but I can't work out how to do this anymore since they changed it all.
Sheet updated. 3 for tomorrow but only one of those is in the big leagues.
1 from 2 tonight with Bayern failing to score FH surprisingly enough.
Team backs coming along well. Hopefully something to post soon enough.
2 for tomorrow both in Bundesliga