Aug 2024 £3000 - ? Bank Challenge
Lay under 1.5:
New stakes for tomorrow:
Still profit today but I think with liquidity, minimal selections and a losing start.........Hungarian 2nd tier is on the naughty list for now!
@richard-latimer said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £200.00 - Current Bank £262.45 (-£64.26 for Apr):
Posting for tomorrow now as well in case I forget. Will aim to check nothing has changed:
Lay under 1.5 on all...
No change
Posting for tomorrow now as well in case I forget. Will aim to check nothing has changed:
Lay under 1.5 on all...
4 for tomorrow. Lay under 1.5:
Ok so small odds or no, I like to look at every loss especially when there's been a few. Noticed a big red flag to avoid in future. Where the last H2H result was 1-0 or 0-1 it's fine. 13 selections and only one loss.
Where the last H2H was 0-0 not so fine. Now 5 selections and 2 losses including of course.....todays!!
This will settle down way faster than my SHG system as there are far less variables to play with but all the same there will be a couple and it's best to get them out of the way nice and quickly.
So from now on I'll be avoiding any where the H2H streak for unders is 2 and any where the last result was 0-0.
Next new stakes:
For tomorrow. Lay under 1.5:
My new staking after the latest investment:
I should also add that it's not money which will send me into a tailspin if I lose. The thing it's earmarked for is something fun!
So having sold my phone I have another £125.00 to invest all be it I may remove it shortly as it has been earmarked for something else. Will at least help me to build the bank a bit quicker as long as it starts going in the right direction again!
Lay under 1.5:
@richard-latimer said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £200.00 - Current Bank £262.45 (-£64.26 for Apr):
Just the one for tomorrow. Lay under 1.5:
Predictable. A single solitary goal at the death after 90 minutes of what appeared to be total domination
In the most astonishing twist of would seem I'm dating a Republican!
Her father comes from Mississippi and she holds dual nationality. Surprisingly enough she's pro Trump and like most Republicans at the moment believes the riot was staged and he was robbed.
Despite all this she's a lovely person and I'm very happy. WTAF
Just the one for tomorrow. Lay under 1.5:
Nothing Tuesday
3/4 small loss
Lay under 1.5:
3 matches on at the same time and the other overlapping. Think I'll have to place bets and shut off for 90mins!
5/6 and a much better day with only Osijek letting the side down!