Ryan’s over 1.5 split strategy
@lee-woodman Stupid question are the dates on your spreadsheet the dates of the games because I think your a day out isn't it the 26th today or has lockdown finally driven me mad!
Also, Genk and Gent are definitely tomorrow - 27th
@chris-osborne Weird, so i guess its just yesterdays which arent the same!
@lee-woodman I have replicated it but I do also have the Genk and Gent games for tomorrow, This is what I have coming up: -
Scaling back my football for a while and Paper Trading a couple of things but this and Stuart's LTD are a couple of tings I will still do.
@chris-osborne Do you run it from the same area or have you replicated and saved the filter?
@lee-woodman Was wandering the same, Genk and Gent and tomorrow I only listed up to today.
@chris-osborne Strange how mine are so different to yours! I just export the data from the 'profitable members filter'
@richard-latimer Yesterday was just FC Eindhoven which didn't qualify and today I have the Eupen and Emmen games. Eupen is also a non qualifier
I may have a slightly different league selection than Alan.
Just started looking at Alans sheet as wanting something steady while I continue paper trading my own stuff. Does anyone have the selections 24/01 onwards as I believe he stopped updating at this point?
Would be good to continue the sheet and track individual league performance.
@ryan-carruthers I'll let you know (either from the beach or the poor house!)
@alastair-todd I'd be keen to hear as well if Frode's works on 1.5
@ryan-carruthers Thanks, will do!
@alastair-todd Hey buddy,
No worries at all with the Q, the reason it throws up more on the 2.5 one is that is isn't as selective as mine - the 2.5 one is Frode's and he didn't include the 4/5 or 8/10 games having over 1.5 like I did in the split stake.
I'd say to test Frode's out for the 1.5 goals maybe? I've never done it, but Frode did make good money using his filter on the 2.5
@ryan-carruthers Hi Ryan, I'm keen to concentrate on your 1.5 SS strategy for O1.5 goals and always have a good look at the matches the filter throws up (in the absence of any filter of my own). I notice that the O2.5 filter throws up many more matches and I would assume that if the stats think there will be O2.5 goals then it follows that there should be O1.5 goals. However, your filter isn't throwing those matches up in many cases. Is this because the O2.5 filter is looking to see goals earlier than 30 minutes and therefore they don't fit the O1.5 goals criteria? The main reason I ask is there are relatively few O1.5 goals matches thrown up which can be frustrating if an early goal goes in in those matches! (sorry for such a rambling question!)
Bad night
@jadran-bartolic Yep I'll happily answer and Qs on this thread
Hi All
was attempting to try a new plan tonight but didnt get a chance. On the ajax game tonight 0-0 was at 44 to back and lay at 48. My plan was to back at 44 and then lay at 40. but a goal went in after 2min so didnt get a chance to try. Put i noticed price of 0-0 can drop alot i noticed so thought might be a good way to get in and out with 10 to 15min. Just woundered if anyone has tried it before is it worth doing ?obvs if a goal goes in lose your stake
@ryan-carruthers Like if we have some advice,question,tip or something else what is common with this strategy to post here.
@jadran-bartolic How do you mean more active here?