Food/Diet and training hobbies
I definitely need to start doing a couple of sessions on flexibility/mobility per week. If anyone has any good links or sites to check out it’d be appreciated
First session back at the gym after lockdown. Proper enjoyed it but my entire upper body is going to be sore tomorrow! Legs tomorrow
@matt-wood Ahahahaha glad he was fine, there is nothing like one of those workouts to really bring the guys in the together either though lol
Yep, my coach is a huge fan of them. Always gives me them lol I think because he knows I hate them lol but they have had a profound impact on my knees and strength.
@ryan-carruthers Yep I think thats why a lot of people skip leg day, it is far mor taxing mentally than upper body as you have to push yourself so much.
LOVE split squats, as I have got older and understood more about the intricacies of training I have coached people more and more with these. I will coach back squats if somebody wants to but unless you are a powerlifter or strongman I am no longer convinced they are the best thing for everyone.
Hahaha he just was not used to pushing so hard with such heavy weights and volume. The gym owner came running out to take pics of him spewing and laughed all the time (he was a competitive powerlifter so understood pushing it that hard).
Mate was all fine after though so all good
@ryan-carruthers haha very apt!
I miss training legs properly, back when i could do a friend trained with me and wanted to do my session. He had a whitey and need the bucket
Luckily the gym was on the ground floor as stairs are a bitch after legs day
@chris-osborne Excellent stuff! I was back in the gym yesterday and it was such a good feeling.
Will be checking out my local pool in the new year as I want to take up swimming at least 2 times a month next year. Hopefully things will stay open now!
@matt-wood Thank god for that back swimming for the first time today since lockdown II
@matt-wood endometriosis is tough my ex had it and she was young at the time. The walking is good it’s a routine that makes me feel like I’ve achieved something early. Yeah not a great sport if you wanna avoid being injured mate. Like Rugby you can play it in mud swamps during winter in lower leagues. Knees, hamstrings, achilles and shoulders are the main injuries.
Sucks that your Mrs has celiac, proper pain in the arse! But like you say at least you know what it is and can relatively easily work around it. About 18mnths ago my Mrs got really ill and we were properly worried it was something sinister. After many doc apps turned out it was endometriosis and she had surgery. She gets flare ups now and I have been trying to figure out if its food related. We are looking at bread and dairy as main culprits but too much sugar also seems to affect her.She just did a home allergy blood test and sent it back yesterday. I got to stab her without fear of arrest
well the tip of her finger at least
Will let you know what its like when we get the results back, might be an option for you. Think it was about £150.
Smokes! nooooo gotta kick them out quicksmart
Easier said than done though. Nice amount of walking there, easy on those injuries too
I know all about injuries
You get them from the Aussie rules? tough game and I imagine most people come out of it with a few injuries.
Interesting thread and one for a bit of inspiration. A couple of years ago we found out my Mrs was celiac (allergic to gluten) which was a bit of a relief cause to be honest we thought it was something else as she just couldn’t shake feeling like crap after Hank was born. Anyway just recently I went on a bit of a whole foods kick as I was certain there was something in my diet that didn’t suit me. Anyway after kicking dairy and gluten I slowly reintroduced them to my diet and lo and behold once I got the gluten going I started feeling a bit poorly again. I dunno if I’m celiac like her but I’ve found going gluten free has worked out well and I feel better for it. When everything chills out again I’ll go see a Dr and find out if I am but if not will most likely stay Gluten Free going forward. As for exercise I walk heaps I do a 10k walk every morning once I drop the boy at school and like a good hike provided there’s a pub at the end of it. I used to run when I was in high school to a decent level and played cricket and Aussie Rules growing up but footy screwed my knees my ankles and my Achilles so now I just walk heaps which is fun and really relaxing to just get some peace n quiet. My main goal is getting off the smokes but I sound like a broken record banging on about that. So yeah walking heaps and if you’re feeling a bit NQR try eliminating foods and stuff from you’re diet eat whole foods and slowly reintroduce stuff and you’ll work out pretty quickly what it is you may have an allergy to or something that your body just doesn’t dig.
@chris-osborne Walking is excellent, massively underrated as a form of exercise. Virtually no risk of injury and really good on joints and general heart health.
Offer to walk a friends dog or something like that, may help to get you out. Hardest part of any exercise is getting up to go and do it. Almost everyone says they dont mind once they are doing it...just the starting bit thats hard.
Swimming is something I wanted to get back into this year. Did loads as a kid but probably have all the grace of a large stone now
Hopefully once the pools open up again I can get into it.
@matt-wood in all honesty I’m struggling a bit, it’s mainly laziness as wfh.
Swimming was my exercise of choice, need to kick myself into gear and get out walking.
First garage session with the home kit yesterday. First time in years I have done deadlifts with a lighter weight for volume. Spent the day today wandering around looking like I am touching with myself as my adductors (inner thigh) muscles REALLY felt it.
Well I could just be making excuses...
Good job we are all in lockdown or Id have probably been arrested!
How is everyone getting on without access to some fitness hobbies? I guess runners among us can still run
@richard-latimer The one that you had to be insane to do? (Sorry, s**t pun!)
@lee-woodman said in Food/Diet and training hobbies:
@ben-dobie no it’s not quite the same unfortunately. I used to work out at home when I first started years ago but outgrew it and got rid of everything! If only I’d foreseen this pandemic! It’s better than nothing though and switching a few exercises should give you a decent workout nonetheless....better than nothing at least
I used to do the Shaun T stuff. Too knackering now but that's worth a go if you're looking to get a sweat on.