The BTC Football Trading Thread
recognising the challenge (i don't like the word problem in this sentence) is the first step of finding a solution.
The other importent thing is that you see the fact that the challenge is in you and there is the power. You are responsible fore the winning trades as well for the losing ones. By understanding this you are also the solution to the challenge/problem.
if you where talking about outside challenges then it is out side of your power to change them.
Also i believe that if this is a thing in your live starting and quitting things then this is can be a great time to change the habit if not it will happen over and over.And struggling with your emotions wile trading is the biggest challenge of all. I know we all have to deal with it. some can master it better then other but i know they have good rules to follow when to trade when not to trade when to stop etc etc etc.
Also a subject they talk about in the bookI think the book can help you
@Private-Coaching-Ryan-Carruthers talked about the book trading in the zone if i remember it correctly.
The book is about the things you are talking about and feeling.
how to cope with losses etc. how to be in the right state of mind to trade. etc.
i had the audio book -
@samo i struggle with my emotions and it may be the thing that holds me back in the end. What you, and others, have said is right I just struggle with it. It takes work and I’m doing it, thats all I can do, everything I hope will fall into place or I’ll give up altogether. But you have to do the work first, if after that it doesn’t work at least you have done the work.
without the risk of losing there is no trading so you can better be greatfull for the risk. Embrase it and accept it to the fullest.
Handel it with respect and don't take to much risk so you stay in the game and you can make it to the other end.Also one thing is important to remember not losing money during trading is a big achievement on it own. If you are at break even then the profit is not that far away.
I don't know how long you are trading but it takes time. We all want trading to provide for our living, quit the day job but most of the people should be happy with not losing and learning in the proces.
by talking with you i'm also talking to myself because we are all in the same game
@stuart-wallace-0 said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Do people on here really make money on a regular basis?
I would doubt it tbh.Erm I would say probably about scratch overall the time I’ve been here but I’ve made loads of mistakes but learnt a lot. I’ve had 2 consecutive profitable months and had a good start to April but it’s gone on a downtrend but it seems a lot of people are struggling but April isn’t over. Who know this weekend it can turn around. To be fair I’m sick of quitting and then going back, have to learnt losses are part of trading but it’s Very hard lesson to learn. Learn to deal with losses, keep emotions in check and you have turned a corner. I’ve have not got there but trading like life is a journey. I do think there are profitable members and those are people who accept losses and look at the big picture. One day I will get there, I hope……..
Do people on here really make money on a regular basis?
I would doubt it tbh. -
The Tomasz strategy is way up this year, was always due a downturn. I’m down on the footy this month but still a decent return so far this year, so not worried.
I’m actually finding much bigger variance and harsher swings in the horse racing as it happens.
I suppose it’s all about finding, testing and learning the right strategies so we are prepared for the good times and the bad!
@stuart-wallace-0 yes a solid strategy really struggling
Even Tomazcs U1.5 has gone pear shaped in last couple of weeks - just as i start doing it !
TBH, i am having my doubts re footy trading - it seems every couple of months , its 'variance' or 'international break' or ' World cup aftermath' , that i dont see many people really making much money tbh. It happens all the time.
Discuss. ( i hate it when people say that online !) -
My shg ran at 95% in march, im now 3 points down for april so just a bit of variance in a small time frame
Make that 4 points now
@dan-mackinnon said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
I've been reading Mastery by Robert Greene and there was something in there that made me think about a few comments on here.
In the book, he tells the story of how the Wright brothers developed the first propelled flying machine. They would never settle that anything was perfect and everything could be improved. By settling for something we allow ourselves to become complacent.
It made me think of how I have worked on one strategy for a while and feel confident with it. I'm now looking to add another strategy and whilst this has happened both have taken a downward turn. This could be seen as simply variance, or it could be an opportunity to say that nothing is perfect and that it can be improved. To try and approach it from a new angle might not yield any immediate benefits, however, it will force you to look at it from another angle and ultimately learn something new.
Why is April rubbish? It could be the international break. It could be variance. Or it could be something no one has considered yet.
Hope some of you find it as insightful as I did and let's see if it sparks some new ideas
Yeah good points but the strategies have been performing well overall, I think we can tinker with a strat too much where at the end of the day it’s simply variance . Don’t think you can blame international break personally that tends to happen the 1st game back not 2 to 3 weeks after. Obviously it’s getting close to end Of season so need to keep an eye on each selections to see if they have something to play for. Can’t believe players pay huge sums could and should coast.
@martin said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@nick-allan said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Quick questions just to test the temp, how everyone April going? Mine was flying and it’s gone from 7 pts up to 11 down. Just wondered if anyone else is struggling? I’ve done a deep dive of the strategies and I can’t see anything in particular that causing this, so could just be variance?
Getting towards season's end, have to be more careful in April and May as teams attitudes will change depending on their league position.
Absolutely and that’s something I’m looking out for, But a number of leagues finish later because of the wc break
@paul-p said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@nick-allan are you trading during the International break or the week after - this may have an affect? I did but avoided the top leagues and did ok. Are you trading leagues in the last 6 GW of the season? Which set and forget strategies do you trade?
I trade Tom u1.5, elo away as set and forget and a SHG strategy
@paul-p said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@nick-allan are you trading during the International break or the week after - this may have an affect? I did but avoided the top leagues and did ok. Are you trading leagues in the last 6 GW of the season? Which set and forget strategies do you trade?
what’s GW? International breaks have never had an effect on these strats before . When I’m looking at the teams performing they all have something to play for, I’m very aware of the players being at the beach issue so tend to avoid last 5 games of season unless a teams in relegation dogfight or on a promotion or Europe charge.
@akiva-anderson said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
April has been shite. Not all of April, just the Easter period. Need a big turnaround
Yes same started April well but since good Friday it’s gone into meltdown
I've been reading Mastery by Robert Greene and there was something in there that made me think about a few comments on here.
In the book, he tells the story of how the Wright brothers developed the first propelled flying machine. They would never settle that anything was perfect and everything could be improved. By settling for something we allow ourselves to become complacent.
It made me think of how I have worked on one strategy for a while and feel confident with it. I'm now looking to add another strategy and whilst this has happened both have taken a downward turn. This could be seen as simply variance, or it could be an opportunity to say that nothing is perfect and that it can be improved. To try and approach it from a new angle might not yield any immediate benefits, however, it will force you to look at it from another angle and ultimately learn something new.
Why is April rubbish? It could be the international break. It could be variance. Or it could be something no one has considered yet.
Hope some of you find it as insightful as I did and let's see if it sparks some new ideas
i try to look over a longer period of time. April is 13 days old and in trading we will have swings. Up and down.
If your system is working and you are using the right staking % then in the end you will be fine.I think you where also talking in the horse threat and that combining with the football dip in profit it can also influence your trading. Not to be a wise guy is but ik could be.
Try to look at the learning proces over all and this is just a little peace of becoming the trader you want to be. Even try to be greatful for this time because it can help you grow.
This can help you shift from a negative to a positive mindset and get you up and running again.
Don't hope for the big turnaround and chase big profits enjoy the ride and in time you will be where you want to be.enjoy amigo
@mick-mcmahon said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@akiva-anderson said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
April has been shite. Not all of April, just the Easter period. Need a big turnaround
Hear-hear! In Oct I'd been a member about a year and turned about ÂŁ120 into about ÂŁ250 in that learning period. So Put a big chuck of cash into my account, and besides the internationals been doing OK with a steady overall climb. UNTIL April. I'm almost back to where I started in October
I thought the way it was going (and with the end-ish of the football season) in May I'd take my first "wage" and withdraw a ÂŁ50 and spend it on me... pftttt!
We've all been there! Whenever you think you've cracked it the trading gods knock you back. Just stay patient and keep doing what you know works
@nick-allan said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Quick questions just to test the temp, how everyone April going? Mine was flying and it’s gone from 7 pts up to 11 down. Just wondered if anyone else is struggling? I’ve done a deep dive of the strategies and I can’t see anything in particular that causing this, so could just be variance?
A few points down. Should be break even if not for my break on Sat
@akiva-anderson said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
April has been shite. Not all of April, just the Easter period. Need a big turnaround
Hear-hear! In Oct I'd been a member about a year and turned about ÂŁ120 into about ÂŁ250 in that learning period. So Put a big chuck of cash into my account, and besides the internationals been doing OK with a steady overall climb. UNTIL April. I'm almost back to where I started in October
I thought the way it was going (and with the end-ish of the football season) in May I'd take my first "wage" and withdraw a ÂŁ50 and spend it on me... pftttt!