The BTC Football Trading Thread
@johannes-van-leeuwen-0 i was going to lay elfsborg- no chance now
@john-hurst said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
all kicking off in sweden 3 goals in first 10 mins of sirius match
shame was waiting for 2.1 to get in haha
all kicking off in sweden 3 goals in first 10 mins of sirius match
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@chris-osborne said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Bet on the odds on this over (H2 goal) are rubbish but may as well post for now haha!!
This one is cancelled too for some reason although Iceland games due to go ahead next few days. Can't find any reason for postponement but they are all cancelled today.
I think there COVID related was looking earlier couldn’t find anything on football but the Govt has ordered cancellation of other things over the weekend
Can't see anything when I Google Iceland Covid other than Iceland in Swindon have had an outbreak. Not the Iceland I'm interested in haha!
No I couldn’t either only thing I found was Govt had ordered that European Cricket Series due to be staged inIceland from today to be cancelled. I’m putting 2+2 together but could easily be wrong
@alan-steward said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Will be keeping an eye on the Al Ahli match for FHG... Believe it's their first game back at home since restart so will proceed with caution and not fussed if I miss out... Might switch to a Fireball if start gets lively although avg first goal time isn't until 30mins earliest I think that's more to Al Ahli being able to keep them out than Al Sadd being unable to score earlier
No value in o1.5 goal odds to split stake... Might give a wide berth and allow them to get a few games back into their restart as the odds would be awful for a recovery trade
@chris-osborne said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Bet on the odds on this over (H2 goal) are rubbish but may as well post for now haha!!
This one is cancelled too for some reason although Iceland games due to go ahead next few days. Can't find any reason for postponement but they are all cancelled today.
I think there COVID related was looking earlier couldn’t find anything on football but the Govt has ordered cancellation of other things over the weekend
Can't see anything when I Google Iceland Covid other than Iceland in Swindon have had an outbreak. Not the Iceland I'm interested in haha!
@alan-steward said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@daniel-cooper Hi mate... Well done with your 13pts... Must ask the question as I'm intrigued how you got to 13pts and not have to trade the evening... Do I presume you staked more than 1pt per trade to achieve that level of success?
Therefore meaning you increased your bank by 13pts but over staked to achieve it?
13 points i never did that when i stake max 1 point in one trade maybe it go to happen to win 13 trade in a row but i trade max 5-6 games a day
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Bet on the odds on this over (H2 goal) are rubbish but may as well post for now haha!!
This one is cancelled too for some reason although Iceland games due to go ahead next few days. Can't find any reason for postponement but they are all cancelled today.
I think there COVID related was looking earlier couldn’t find anything on football but the Govt has ordered cancellation of other things over the weekend
Will be keeping an eye on the Al Ahli match for FHG... Believe it's their first game back at home since restart so will proceed with caution and not fussed if I miss out... Might switch to a Fireball if start gets lively although avg first goal time isn't until 30mins earliest I think that's more to Al Ahli being able to keep them out than Al Sadd being unable to score earlier
@daniel-cooper Hi mate... Well done with your 13pts... Must ask the question as I'm intrigued how you got to 13pts and not have to trade the evening... Do I presume you staked more than 1pt per trade to achieve that level of success?
Therefore meaning you increased your bank by 13pts but over staked to achieve it?
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Bet on the odds on this over (H2 goal) are rubbish but may as well post for now haha!!
This one is cancelled too for some reason although Iceland games due to go ahead next few days. Can't find any reason for postponement but they are all cancelled today.
Daniel Cooperreplied to A Former User on 3 Aug 2020, 13:06 last edited by Daniel Cooper 3 Aug 2020, 13:06
@mull said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@daniel-cooper 13 points?! nice one. How did you manage that?
To be completely honest with you, daily emails!!!
And also being so so so much stricter on myself in terms of sticking to the plan!
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Finally, Titanic. Would be good if something happened on this filter today as it's been largely dormant for a couple of weeks now.
These are lays of the away at 0-2 up by the way.
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Todays ELO's:
Don't know if Jordan is going to be possible but may as well post it anyway in case.
Basel have zero to play for in the last game of the season so scratch that one!
@daniel-cooper 13 points?! nice one. How did you manage that?
@daniel-cooper said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Just a few days away from my first month at BTC, and what a month!
Thank you all so much, I'm well at home and really appreciate all the solid support and advice! Heres to a green August
Great stuff!
Got to be up at 7 tomorrow so this is going to my earliest night in ages haha!
Great green day, stakes can go up a little tomorrow and a couple of things I'm working at in the background are going nicely too. It's all gravy right now!