The BTC Football Trading Thread
@alan-steward haha sure it will be grand mate, hits a lot of filters this one
Had a good afternoon on o2.5 goals so will still finish with 1pt green even if Iceland trade loses so will let Iceland game take it's course &
for 3 goals
@john-hurst That should be very safe... I'm in a 4 goal dutch and o3.5... Now o2.5 goals is super cheap lol... Might be tempted to lay 0-0, 1-0 & 0-1... Then any 2 goals for scratch... But if stays 1 or 0 goals all most of todays green will be bye bye lol
Have put a point down on over 1.5 at 1.7, will treat it as set and forget. Hope we get some goals
@finn-kristensen said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@johannes-van-leeuwen-0 said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@finn-kristensen said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@john-hurst said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@alan-steward had it on over 2.5 filter, surprised no fhg yet
I have it on both an FHG and O2.5 filter (they often go together).
because hometeam is good in sh most of the time
Yeah, I noticed that as well, so hopefully there will be goals in the second half.
good sh vs botton of the liga
@johannes-van-leeuwen-0 said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@finn-kristensen said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@john-hurst said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@alan-steward had it on over 2.5 filter, surprised no fhg yet
I have it on both an FHG and O2.5 filter (they often go together).
because hometeam is good in sh most of the time
Yeah, I noticed that as well, so hopefully there will be goals in the second half.
@john-hurst said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@johannes-van-leeuwen-0 yes i have it on sh goal filter too
only lead one time from the last 6 matches
@johannes-van-leeuwen-0 yes i have it on sh goal filter too
Yes they often go together... Certainly o3.5
@finn-kristensen said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@john-hurst said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@alan-steward had it on over 2.5 filter, surprised no fhg yet
I have it on both an FHG and O2.5 filter (they often go together).
because hometeam is good in sh most of the time
@john-hurst said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@alan-steward had it on over 2.5 filter, surprised no fhg yet
I have it on both an FHG and O2.5 filter (they often go together).
market clearly expecting at least 2
@alan-steward had it on over 2.5 filter, surprised no fhg yet
Think there will be at least 3 goals... o2.5 goals now cheap lay???
@finn-kristensen aye nothing tempting me in really. was going to split stake over 1.5 but its probably not possible with these games going forward
@john-hurst said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
nearly 40 mins into fjolnir match and its only just hit 1.4 for over 1.5 goals. Such poor goal odds in these icelandic games sometimes
Yeah - and tbh it's not like there are 20 SOT exactly. Hard to find value here.
nearly 40 mins into fjolnir match and its only just hit 1.4 for over 1.5 goals. Such poor goal odds in these icelandic games sometimes
A Former Userreplied to Richard Latimer on 25 Aug 2020, 19:20 last edited by A Former User 25 Aug 2020, 19:21
@richard-latimer the odds tanked quite quickly on the goal markets. I got matched at 3.0 on LCS and that was at least 7 or 8 minutes before the goal
@daniel-cooper said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@daniel-cooper said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@alan-steward said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Always nice to see the dog score first... Is this one of yours @richard-latimer?
Dalian look to be pushing hard... Maybe 2-0???
Wasn't but I did have a late goal selection in it. Not currently doing 2-0 but results so far very good and only so long I can hold out. Anybody tell me the lay odds for another goal at HT and just before the goal on 74?
I can tell you ball park for HT as I had a brief look, around the 1.75 mark
soz guys, this was to lay the dog, oops
It wasn't on my ELO but it was on something else I was looking at in terms of laying winning dog.
@daniel-cooper said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@alan-steward said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Always nice to see the dog score first... Is this one of yours @richard-latimer?
Dalian look to be pushing hard... Maybe 2-0???
Wasn't but I did have a late goal selection in it. Not currently doing 2-0 but results so far very good and only so long I can hold out. Anybody tell me the lay odds for another goal at HT and just before the goal on 74?
I can tell you ball park for HT as I had a brief look, around the 1.75 mark
soz guys, this was to lay the dog, oops