The BTC Football Trading Thread
Shanghai Shenhua ahead but odds just not going down at the moment. Refuse to take a poor price. Yrying to get in @ 3.6-3.65.
@finn-kristensen said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Jeonbuk behind. Cheap lay.
Glad I got out haha
@mull If you go to the stats software challenge thread then ive shared some figures on it and how i trade it
@lee-woodman This looks really interesting. Thanks.
Jeonbuk behind. Cheap lay.
@mull mine is set up primarily for 2 SH goals. It works well for LCS on 60’ and LCS on 70’ aswell so you could look to do either of these or a combination of them
@alan-steward Rugby .... makes me shudder just thinking of it, I'm far too small for that game (remind me never to upset you ha ha), I've never boxed in it's traditional form just pad work over the last few months it's a great workout
@ben-dobie, to be fair mate I only boxed as a teenager... I went on to discover Front Row rugby which seemed to encompass everything I liked... Able to release pent up aggression, involve considerable moments of beer and make excellent friends for life lol
@alan-steward Ha Ha I love my boxing mate, don't watch as much as I'd like these days in fact hardly anything for one reason or another but I do like a session on the pads to get rid of some pent up "trading aggression"
@ryan-carruthers Yes mate... It was an excellent evening if not a tad cold
With regards to yesterdays heated debate in here I have a lot of respect for all parties involved and nothing would please me more than seeing this settled.
All I will add to @JOHANNES-VAN-LEEUWEN-0 There is most certainly a language barrier issue and he certainly knows his stuff... I have learnt a lot from him with regards to trading o2.5 goals and finding the value in them.
I have had extensive PM's with most people involved and hopefully we can all move forward together.
In the meantime am happy to visit wearing my boxing gloves... Don't panic they're only 16oz sparring gloves... It's only like getting hit with a bag of marshmallows followed by a sledgehammer
@martin-futter Thanks.
@ben-dobie Cheers. Took me a while but now i understand the filter names!
@alan-steward now that sounds great!
Morning all... Boxing gloves on lol
Slightly better finish to the day yesterday against how it started, after evaluating my main goal filter (which unfortunately stays private) I assessed and set a different trading plan... Right from the off it went red lol.
However, after nominal trading yesterday pm I managed to claw some red back but moving forward will continue to trust my trading plan.
I took the evening of with the good lady and we went out to one of our favourite outdoor cafes who do great food and they had a Paella night with live music... Just what the trading doctor ordered!!!
@mull said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@martin-futter I was just having a look at Woody and Big Ben. Are they both 2HG?
@Lee-woodman @Ben-Dobie can answer that better than me, i'm just starting to test and seeing all angles
@ben-dobie said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@darri said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@john-hurst @JOHANNES-VAN-LEEUWEN-0 can you guys go settle your differences elsewhere starting to get fed up seeing this. Considering its the main thread of the forum be nice if it was filled with good trading content rather than this pickering. Was the main reason i moved all my trading to my blog/road to full time thread was because of this
I think on this subject a lot is lost in translation..I think a lot of what @JOHANNES-VAN-LEEUWEN-0 says is meant to be constructive or helpful but comes across wrong because of the language barrier...not every time but imo opinion today he tried to address after calling by offering a tip beforehand but then got called out for highlighting that tip afterwards....bad timing yes but was it intentionally beating somebody down? I'm not sure....I think sometimes because this is generally an English forum we expect everybody to fully understand our nature from an English perspective which cannot always be the case...just my opinion
I think you're spot on here. Prob would have been avoided if he didn't tag John Hurst in to the reply about the trade winning as just seemed to hit a raw nerve again. I believe it was entirely unintentional and unfortunate.
@mull said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@martin-futter I was just having a look at Woody and Big Ben. Are they both 2HG?
Yes mate hope @Lee-woodman doesn't mind me answering but both are set up primarily for 2nd half goals
@martin-futter said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@ben-dobie said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Massive lesson learned today...don't just trust in my filter....shocker
What market were you trading them on? The ones I tracked weren't bad all had SHG except one which had a red card at 39 mins that seemed to kill the game.
I have a tab for it called Big Ben on my spreadsheet so if you ever want to look at the two compared have a look.
Ha ha love it @Martin-Futter ..... going to go back through it now mate and see where I went wrong, thanks though this has encouraged me already