The BTC Football Trading Thread
@eamonn-hogan said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Shg Halmstad game currently 0-0 73 mins
0-1 94th minute. Never in doubt.
@darri said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@matt-wood from his data think he only tracks the main ones not his extras. Just want to see how this month went, as based on start and recent days from people spreadsheets doesnt look like its in profit. If not ill show an example month from august onwards.
Yeah I only track the main ones
Shg Halmstad game currently 0-0 73 mins
@darri said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@simji I see there is a clear huge loss (29pts when it should only have been 2.95pts) a mistake by yourself staking wise. Glad to see you fixed this. Also its not ryans HT LTD/LCS its ryans split stake strategy. Going off the data alan has shared about it thats the one im meaning for you to add, there should be no need for you to be placing any inplay trades manually for this idea.
Staking plan for My LTD, Keiths and Ryans split stake not his ltd/lcs
My LTD stake to win 0.5pts/1pts not 2pts, just increases risk per day especially if you have a busy day with all 3 strats.
Keiths stick to 1pts/2pts back of over 1.5, id even consider less for keiths as he seems to get a decent amount of games per week which might mean winter league weekends could be very busy.
Ryans stick to 1pts/2pts back also.The reason i included ryan splits was because alan and john kindly gave us the automation files for them. You can manually do these but the whole point of the btc index idea was that these are all set and forget so you get on with your day rather than inplay trade. Takes the whole new trader opinion out of it that is seeming to kill a lot of traders strategies right now. If we added inplay trades too much, then you could add heaps more strats but from my data on all of the strats i recommended on my blog these are all able to be placed in the morning and forgotten about. Meaning you can then focus on your own inplay trading. Careful with the automation stuff, alan and john have spoken on other threads about how to use this correctly, what server to use and what software is good. The automation ones are great strats, but mine and keiths alone will be enough p/l per month to help snowball a bank the others just make it smoother as ill explain below due to variance.
Remember this isnt about getting the exact same results as these traders p/l wise. Their banks and staking are with their own strats in mind. So with a package like this stake less than they would if you can. Its why iv said BTC index in past. Think of it passively rather than an aggressive option. All your wanting here is for these strats to do averagely each month and because you are on all 3 can accommodate any variances each will have. This index is just an option for people to start snowballing their accounts and so they can develop their own in background without having to use unnecessary money on them as an eagerness to build a bank without fully testing. This cures that need. So when your strats are fully tested and i mean fully you can then have a decent bank to start them with. If they dont beat the strats mentioned just keep doing the BTC index. Dont forget the other options too im assuming its because the automation ones of alans and john is a scary thought, also stuarts one too (not sure if its having a dodgy period tho). But if you have the tools add them also. Its all about culling their variances so each month should see progress regardless if 1-2 have bad months.
Ill add a sheet to my results that will only follow my ltd and keiths 1.5s, to show an example. Using 3pts max risk per trade. I still think however the other strats are all important for the index to work as intended.
Excellent post...
I will add that Ryan's Split Stake on automation is solid... But... As @Darri has eluded to it might pay to get involved with automation when you're trading in profit each month as this will help pay towards any software subscription services.
Fairbot is the cheapest option and I'm currently running automation on it this month and it works just fine on my split stake and I have no doubt it will work just as well with Ryan's split stake @kevin-pepper is currently perfecting a file for Fairbot and shortly we will have automation files for Ryan's split stake on all 3 platforms;
Bet Angel
BF Bot MnagerExciting times!!!
@darri Yep makes perfect sense. This index idea is great btw, allows new traders like me to tick a bank over whilst learning to build and test their own stuff
@matt-wood well im looking for that data before commenting. Just from others seems its not having a great month the main ones. Yet from keiths posts he is having a fair few good runs, so things not adding up hence why id like to see all the trades incase people are missing some due to odds etc.
@darri ahhhh ok, you would include ALL of Keith's picks in this index idea then? not just the ones he says are tried and tested?
@matt-wood from his data think he only tracks the main ones not his extras. Just want to see how this month went, as based on start and recent days from people spreadsheets doesnt look like its in profit. If not ill show an example month from august onwards.
Matt Woodreplied to A Former User on 26 Jul 2021, 15:41 last edited by Matt Wood 26 Jul 2021, 15:42
@darri I think @Daniel-Cooper might have the data you need
if anyone has all of keith trades recorded this month, including the extra ones and wishes to share me a link please message me. The data people have given me misses a whole weeks worth and from forum posts looks like keiths best period. Start of month and end of month not so good for keiths 1.5 as they show a loss. If not ill start these from next month onwards.
A Former Userreplied to Simji on 26 Jul 2021, 14:04 last edited by A Former User 26 Jul 2021, 14:53
@simji I see there is a clear huge loss (29pts when it should only have been 2.95pts) a mistake by yourself staking wise. Glad to see you fixed this. Also its not ryans HT LTD/LCS its ryans split stake strategy. Going off the data alan has shared about it thats the one im meaning for you to add, there should be no need for you to be placing any inplay trades manually for this idea.
Staking plan for My LTD, Keiths and Ryans split stake not his ltd/lcs
My LTD stake to win 0.5pts/1pts not 2pts, just increases risk per day especially if you have a busy day with all 3 strats.
Keiths stick to 1pts/2pts back of over 1.5, id even consider less for keiths as he seems to get a decent amount of games per week which might mean winter league weekends could be very busy.
Ryans stick to 1pts/2pts back also.The reason i included ryan splits was because alan and john kindly gave us the automation files for them. You can manually do these but the whole point of the btc index idea was that these are all set and forget so you get on with your day rather than inplay trade. Takes the whole new trader opinion out of it that is seeming to kill a lot of traders strategies right now. If we added inplay trades too much, then you could add heaps more strats but from my data on all of the strats i recommended on my blog these are all able to be placed in the morning and forgotten about. Meaning you can then focus on your own inplay trading. Careful with the automation stuff, alan and john have spoken on other threads about how to use this correctly, what server to use and what software is good. The automation ones are great strats, but mine and keiths alone will be enough p/l per month to help snowball a bank the others just make it smoother as ill explain below due to variance.
Remember this isnt about getting the exact same results as these traders p/l wise. Their banks and staking are with their own strats in mind. So with a package like this stake less than they would if you can. Its why iv said BTC index in past. Think of it passively rather than an aggressive option. All your wanting here is for these strats to do averagely each month and because you are on all 3 can accommodate any variances each will have. This index is just an option for people to start snowballing their accounts and so they can develop their own in background without having to use unnecessary money on them as an eagerness to build a bank without fully testing. This cures that need. So when your strats are fully tested and i mean fully you can then have a decent bank to start them with. If they dont beat the strats mentioned just keep doing the BTC index. Dont forget the other options too im assuming its because the automation ones of alans and john is a scary thought, also stuarts one too (not sure if its having a dodgy period tho). But if you have the tools add them also. Its all about culling their variances so each month should see progress regardless if 1-2 have bad months.
Ill add a sheet to my results that will only follow my ltd and keiths 1.5s, to show an example. Using 3pts max risk per trade. I still think however the other strats are all important for the index to work as intended.
So after up and down trading over the last year or two after a very successful first year. I thought i would track what darri has been talking about BTC Index fund and see how it goes. I know i have missed some trades as didnt quite get on them or was at work when posted etc. So trades i have done all with £2 stakes apart from the first darri LTD i got on.
results so far if anyone is interested. advice on if i should add more information etc when recording the trades are more than welcome i havent really documented or data collected my trades before
@stuart-capstick said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
If this happens, it will be great for traders, but every European nation, with the exception of maybe San Marino or Vatican City, would be in it.
Good news for UEFA and traders!
UEFA don't care about sporting integrity. It's all about making money and that is all this is.. The Euros we just had was almost perfect - just one host nation is required.
If this happens, it will be great for traders, but every European nation, with the exception of maybe San Marino or Vatican City, would be in it.
Just the one for me today guys!
Ostersunds v Halmstad
@alan-steward said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Some more goal games I'm trading a correct score later are;
Atlético Mineiro v Bahia
Fortaleza v Red Bull Bragantino
Leiknir Reykjavík v KA AkureyriWill be dutching target scores 3-1, 2-2 & 1-3
Above games taken from a new Poisson calculation I'm working on.
Be interesting to see how these games go, the German game earlier was just taken from IPS
Well these went well... Not... As soon as you start posting they go red.
Scratch on one and 0.27pts red on the other 2
25-07 Todays Goal Games
Not too much value here today... Reykjavik game may hit 1.3 by 12mins but will prob see fairly early goal there and not too much value but will load it on the bot regardless
These games really suit my Split Stake (original intention) so will stick with this trade for now rather than SHG... Whilst SHG is in profit using this filter, summer month games have been a bit inconsistent.
Am now including Belarus, Brazil & Uruguay as these leagues seems to deliver 1 goal minimum between 12 & 80mins (often earlier) on the filter.
If in doubt check IPS before entering and ensure decent attacking intent.
@daniel-mills said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
Just these two for me today, been on a good run so expecting a blip sooner or later:
Sweden Allsvenskan 25/07/2021 16:30:00 Hacken Elfsborg
Brazil Serie A 25/07/2021 20:00:00 Fortaleza Bragantino0/2 -10pts. Like buses, ain't they.
Couple of picks for tomorrow:
Sweden Allsvenskan 26/07/2021 18:00:00 Ostersunds Halmstad
Brazil Serie A 26/07/2021 22:00:00 Juventude Chapecoense-SC -
@darri said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
LTD list:
Atletico MG vs Bahia (brazil)
lay to win 1pt
Update this after game
not much else on SHG wise until later in day
WIN! 1 trade 1 winner, nice and simple, there might be a fair few throughout week
@matt-wood said in The BTC Football Trading Thread:
@alastair-todd Seems to have been a bit like that for me so far this weekend, it will come good though
I agree, variation is a wonderful thing. The key is to stick with it for the long term. I just wish my own 1.5 filter would start coughing up some selections!