The BTC Horse Racing Thread
@angus-macleod Exactly what I have done but all this modern technology confuses my little brain with automation , bring back the abacus!
@richard-latimer Whether the data is all correct I would imagine it would be so I have traded a couple of races looking at the early 1st pace highest horses, put in a back trade just before the off and then put in a lay green all selections a few ticks down.
I'm considering taking a different slant to everyone else on the frontrunners found in and laying them in running at a much lower price.
@Alan-Steward Bots are completely alien to me, never tried setting anything like that up so I take my hat off to folk who can do that stuff! Definitely have a play about with it and see what you think. In all honesty I only started using in play trader a year or so back when I was just straight laying the favourite at odds of 1.99 but soon stopped that as the losing runs were too many for my liking.
@james-everard I'm with you there mate, I am no professional at all either lol, just started playing around with the software and looking up youtube videos about stuff I wasn't sure about. I don't really use in play trader for scalping, just place my trades on the ladder and thats it really. My scalping/ B2L has all been manual so far.
james everardreplied to Angus Macleod on 14 May 2020, 19:14 last edited by james everard 14 May 2020, 19:21
@angus-macleod said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
@Alan-Steward I use the "Manual Bet" tab to do lay the field but the in play trader is something different. Do you have Bet Angel Professional? I believe its only on the Professional version of Bet Angel but I may be wrong on that
Hi Angus , I have bet angel Proffesional as well, ( probably no an apt description for my computer skills lol). I had had for a year or so and seen the icon but didn't understand. Looks quite complicated for me . Do you use it for your b2l inplay trades?
A Former Userreplied to Angus Macleod on 14 May 2020, 18:04 last edited by A Former User 14 May 2020, 18:08
@angus-macleod Yes mate I use the Professional version... Not seen that yet I will look into it... Am trying to collect the data for "Lowest Traded Price" for my bot file but it's currently only logging pre off prices or certainly not showing what I have in the Lowest Traded Price column within my Manual Betting Tab at end of the race
@Alan-Steward I use the "Manual Bet" tab to do lay the field but the in play trader is something different. Do you have Bet Angel Professional? I believe its only on the Professional version of Bet Angel but I may be wrong on that
@angus-macleod Are you referring to the "manual betting tab" etc on Bet Angel?
@alan-steward It basically shows you the odds movement of the horses, both in play and pre play. Essentially the traded range of each horse, the last traded price and back and lay prices too. It doesn't necessarily coincide with where the horses are actually in the field but you do get to see the odds jumping around in play. I use it mainly just to see how many runners actually hit my price point.
I'm not the best at explaining things mate so I hope that makes sense
@james-everard Ah right I see, yeah that explains it, cheers for that mate
Just reached 50k but will leave it in simulation mode for now... Surprised my bot didn't kick in earlier
Favs price coming in quite a bit now so I guess in theory this race doesn't qualify
@angus-macleod Out of interest what is the Play Trader?
@angus-macleod Think that Langchamp is one the main courses in France hence the liquidity. Could be like Ascot compared to Market Reason
@alan-steward I've got the in play trader loaded as we speak, curious to see how it turns out, doesn't seem to be anywhere near the liquidity at Longchamp earlier
@angus-macleod put it on simulation mate but don't think odds will move quick enough... Will watch them in-play
@alan-steward Yeah mate I've just this second went to "Cancel All" on Bet Angel, not risking it. The last races I traded were all very close to £50k at this point.
@angus-macleod Hi mate, sure... Am sticking with 100k matched pre off as I feel this should help in play trading better
Angus Macleodreplied to A Former User on 14 May 2020, 16:23 last edited by Angus Macleod 14 May 2020, 16:24
@alan-steward said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
@angus-macleod said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
Anyone been on the French races? I got 2 matched in the 12:50 and 14:00 and 3 matched in the 13:25 all at Longchamp
Hi mate, set my bot up but have stipulated minimum 100k to be matched pre race... Nothing kicked in so can only assume matched volume was low... Did you note what the pre off volume was?
The last two didn't hit over £50k til about a minute or two after the scheduled start time and also I'm pretty sure they only had 2-3 runners that were between 4.0 and 10.0 so not the exact criteria but I decided to trade it as the distance was in spec and it looked wide open with no real stand out favourites that I could see so I figured it was worth a shot on small stakes.
Going to try the 17:40 at Angers to see how that pans out, unless of course something shortens then I'll be out like a rocket!
@angus-macleod said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
Anyone been on the French races? I got 2 matched in the 12:50 and 14:00 and 3 matched in the 13:25 all at Longchamp
Hi mate, set my bot up but have stipulated minimum 100k to be matched pre race... Nothing kicked in so can only assume matched volume was low... Did you note what the pre off volume was?
@james-everard said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
@richard-latimer said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
@james-everard said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
Morning all. I see sky sports racing is having live racing today from Longhamps and Angers in France today which are both available to trade on Betfair. Not sure of the later but the former looks like it is of a decent standard not huge amounts traded but decent enough the last race just had over 160k matched
Any idea where front runners can be found for these?
Sorry I don't mate, I think it was Keith or Daniel recommended a site a couple of weeks ago for the Usa races which is
This I think is helpful for Usa races where you can find info for French I am not sure mateYeah I looked at that site. Can't find anything for French racing.
Anyone been on the French races? I got 2 matched in the 12:50 and 14:00 and 3 matched in the 13:25 all at Longchamp