The BTC Horse Racing Thread
Love the little trumpet fanfare at the start of the races.
This guy appears to have done some work on "Lay The Field"
He's been playing around with different numbers... We need to know where the numbers drop to in each race right?
I wonder what the highest number of horses ever matched at 1.8 inplay is for one race.
@martin-futter Yes mate I can work on something... Not a problem at all
Am just getting my head around the whole thing of "Lay The Field"
Let me know what you want and I'll work on it, will message you so as not to clutter this thread
@martin-futter triffic haha
@richard-latimer we can pretty much guarantee one match in the 9pm now
@alan-steward According to the graphs Capoeira traded at 1.7 for a small amount
@alan-steward you're a spreadsheet whizz are you going to track the ones that don't qualify and see if we can edit the parameters?
@alan-steward by the graphs it was 4. Typical haha
@alan-steward seemed like loads went under 1.8 there
Just got 4 matched on the 8.30.
Put it in simulation mode
3 Horses matched in simulation mode lol
@martin-futter Def not only 8 runners and odds criteria not available 21.00pm though is good atm
@alan-steward yep not touching that race now
@richard-latimer no not much qualified today, these don't either truly but 9pm is worth testing.
Looks like one of the under 11.0 odds has dropped out in the 20:30 so now 1 less runner and 1 less under 11 lay odds
@james-everard would like to get a community spreadsheet going to track the best parameters
@martin-futter Cool i will keep an eye on that race as well