The BTC Horse Racing Thread
@jonathan-jones said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
I have a question on the filter and qualifiers.
So, the filter part is sort of used for 2 reasons. It sets up the criteria for your backtest and its used for giving you a list of qualifiers for the day. What if i have stuff in it thats only available and useful for the backtest? So, for example i have a strategy with favourites and traded rank (I enter at the race start so although they are BSP they are unlikey to change in any meaningful way if at all) but obviously the filter cant use them to give me my list of horses (I would use those criteria at runtime in the automation sorftware).Some rules are ignored for the qualifiers, and some have different versions.
For example, in the backtesting the favourite rule uses BSP rank, but in the qualifiers it uses the last traded price at the time the strategy is run.
@jonathan-jones said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
Website Down?
Getting this:
Working for me
Logout and back in again.
I have a question on the filter and qualifiers.
So, the filter part is sort of used for 2 reasons. It sets up the criteria for your backtest and its used for giving you a list of qualifiers for the day. What if i have stuff in it thats only available and useful for the backtest? So, for example i have a strategy with favourites and traded rank (I enter at the race start so although they are BSP they are unlikey to change in any meaningful way if at all) but obviously the filter cant use them to give me my list of horses (I would use those criteria at runtime in the automation sorftware).Do i need to create a seperate filter version with those very specific 'runtime' items removed or does it know which things it cant/cant use for the actual qualifiers filter?
@jonathan-jones said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
This is an old link, so somehow your browser is hanging on to the old link! Or the update hadn't pushed through at the time you tried refreshing. Give it another try now.
@jonathan-jones said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
Site still dead for me though. Tried 2 different browsers and cleared all cache and history.
Have you cleared the cookies? I needed to do that too
@adam In Firefox, The dropdown 'Stats Software' then the Horse Racing button. Also, i copied that link and pasted into Chrome to try a different browser. Each time i clear all site data and close the browser it does clear my login. Also, Firefox is set to not use cookies anyway. It forgets everyting if i close it.
Site still dead for me though. Tried 2 different browsers and cleared all cache and history.
@adam said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
You may need to clear your cache first
Thanks Adam, that fixed it
@adam said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
@jonathan-jones We were deploying some updates. The maintenance message was displayed on screen for quite a while before that. Should be accessible again now.
Anything 'interesting' in those updates?