The BTC Horse Racing Thread
@karl-pick if you think there should be some then log it with support please
Is the SOftware on Racing working OK?
Today for the third day running no Back the Favourite selections.
It seems to have been since a New Version has come out. but I have ran Version 2 and still nothing.
Also no Course and Distance Selections which is very strange, hence me asking if all OK with software? -
@adam said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
@john-folan Yes I'm planning on adding this next week
Brilliant, thanks
@adam said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
@john-folan Yes I'm planning on adding this next week
Wicked. This addition will be MASSIVE!!!
@john-folan Yes I'm planning on adding this next week
@kevin-pepper said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
Hi, I'm struggling to create a Rule in the software which I think can be done (but clearly not by me!). So if any of you kind people can help I'd be very grateful....
What I want to do is to identify Favourites (at BSP is fine) with a price between 1.5 and 2 and place a Lay bet. OK, that's easy, I'm good up to this point.
However, I then only want to place the lay on the Fave if the 2nd favourite price is below a certain level, let's say 4.0, and then the 3rd fave price is below say 8. It's this bit where I want to check the other runners' prices that I'm stuck on.
If anyone can help guide me I'd be very grateful.
KevinThat’s not available yet. It’s coming soon isn’t it @Adam. I know I’ve annoyed you enough about this
Hi, I'm struggling to create a Rule in the software which I think can be done (but clearly not by me!). So if any of you kind people can help I'd be very grateful....
What I want to do is to identify Favourites (at BSP is fine) with a price between 1.5 and 2 and place a Lay bet. OK, that's easy, I'm good up to this point.
However, I then only want to place the lay on the Fave if the 2nd favourite price is below a certain level, let's say 4.0, and then the 3rd fave price is below say 8. It's this bit where I want to check the other runners' prices that I'm stuck on.
If anyone can help guide me I'd be very grateful.
Kevin -
@jonathan-jones Yes, that's still the main update to the horse racing that we are currently working on.
I remeber a while ago there was talk about reworking how some of the criteria works so they are evaluated at the time a bet was placed. So for example the Favourite condition would be evaluated based on what was favourite at the time the bet was placed rather than just at BSP. Did anything progress with that? Is anything going to progress with that? Some of the presets are using that condition ten mins out so in reality you could end up seeing the order swap several times. -
i am usin v3 and didnt get any yesterday or today
Just a quickie. I have had no qualifiers for Back the Favourite for 2 days, is this the same for everyone else or is my system playing up?
First thing that jumps out is horse weight rank.
Dont think the software knows that untill it gets the race results the next day. -
Something went well wrong yesterday in my test of all the strats (but not pace backs). The software says i should of been up 1 point, the reality is down almost 7 points. The only strat that actually matched up was back the fav since that had no trades.
Back C&D: software says - 2, actual was -3
Lay Beaten Fav: software says + 1, actual was -1
Low Lays: software says +2, actual was +0.5
Pace Lays: software says no trades, actual was -3.5 with 2 trades.Unfortunatly i dont have the selections sheet from yesterday to confirm it all went well so will make sure i keep todays. On that i am double checking the automation rules that my little app has created for fairbot against the selections for today. Half way through so far and they are 100% correct
All differences sorted.
I had changed my filter in the software for the low lays to not have the number of runners condition. My automation rules though still had it. That does account for that difference so thats sorted now.
The Lay beaten favourite my automation rule was totally wrong. It didnt have the not 1st/2nd fav rule. Backtesting without that rule matches my results so thats sorted now.
The Pace Lays software backtest was reporting no trades. Its now reporting trades and matches my results. Not sure why that one was late updating but thats sorted now.
Back C&D Fav is still one point adrift but there is a problem with these ones that specifiy favourites. They do swap places (even in the last 10 seconds) so that is going to be something to watch. On the counter of that i did gain a point monday because of that little oddity so all square. -
0_1676024794465_rules_export (1).json not sure if that will work but thats all the conditions
@paul-scott THere are a load of conditions that sont really work well for qualifiers. Can you post a screnshot of your criteria?
Hi guys, ive created a new strategy on the horse racing software but i have a problem with it. everytime i go on upcoming qualifiers it shows as none but when you click on individual trades it shows that there was some selections? has anyone else came across this? ive tried running it at various times during the day but always shows as none upcoming but there always trades?
@philip-brogan said in The BTC Horse Racing Thread:
Hi Martin,
I have made another revision to the Back the Favourite Strategy. Can you tell me what you think?
Many thanks
Philip Brogan
great roi! less selections is the trade off, quality over quantity strategy
Thanks for your comments David and Jonathan.
It was just a thought. If Back the Favourite looks back fitted now I am sorry
Many thanks
Philip Brogan
This one "Back The Pace Horse - At Odds 2-25 " in the presets. It was created on the 6th October. Prior to its creation every month was positive, since its creation its only had 2 positive months and still hasnt reached its pre creation peak. Its entirly possible its just a blip but without a compelling reason for the staggering performance difference that chart screams that its back fit. -
@jonathan-jones the Flat Pace Backs has done OK on forward testing though, do you mean a different strategy?