Netflix/Amazon/Gaming and Book Recommendations
Martin btc teamreplied to Richard Latimer on 7 Jul 2023, 05:07 last edited by Martin 7 Jul 2023, 05:07
@Richard-Latimer I always thought it was the real life Simpsons of it's day!
Well the golden years of Simpsons before it went on waaaaay too long.
Just re-watching Malcolm in the Middle with the kids at the moment. Genius!!
A Former Userreplied to John Folan on 5 Jul 2023, 09:53 last edited by A Former User 5 Jul 2023, 09:54
Well finished The Twelve on ITV+, quite enjoyed it to be honest, it is not what it seems initially as you think its all about the case, but as the story goes on it covers so many different issues in the world!
Now its Binge watch Jack Ryan time for me...thought the last series was dodgy but give it One last go! -
I watched The Silo on Apple, really enjoyed it was my 3am watching with the baby, really good!
The Tour de France one on Netflix is also excellent, gave me a new respect for that sport and have found I am really enjoying watching the tour.
@Martin said in Netflix/Amazon/Gaming and Book Recommendations:
@John-Folan Netflix are the documentary kings, it's really their forte! Loving the American Gladiators one currently
Just about to start that!
@John-Folan Netflix are the documentary kings, it's really their forte! Loving the American Gladiators one currently
Just watched the Sins of the Mother on Netflix. Riveting, disturbing and crazy. Netflix do true crime documentaries that are next level.
@Martin said in Netflix/Amazon/Gaming and Book Recommendations:
@John-Folan haha agree but I never think films live up to your own imagination. Funnily enough this is the character I play with! ![alt text]
@John-Folan haha agree but I never think films live up to your own imagination. Funnily enough this is the character I play with! ![alt text]
@Martin I can get with that. Have to say we play a lot of board games rather than. I’ll post a photo of some of them later. Some obscure ones. Things have moved on from Monopoly lol
X-men are my absolute favourite. I have so many of the comics going back to the 1960’s. Loved the cartoons. Not a fan of the films at all. Too wolverine focused. Plus they always did Cyclops dirty and he is my favourite character.
@John-Folan in a bid to have less screen time, bit left field but I've been enjoying Marvel Champions the card game recently, not a massive superhero fan though my son is getting me more into it and I've always liked X-Men but even so the game is great fun for me. Very much a mathematical game too, all about weighing up the cards stats and which one to use so suits me down to the ground.
I’m ok with the new Superman. He looks like Henry and people didn’t like him at first.
Man of Steel is class though. Having a rewatch
If you really want to watch something laid back and different...under duress from Wife, I have to say I watched Magpie Murders on the iplayer. Actually found it pretty good, very relaxing and more like the old Sunday afternoon feel. But there is a lot worse things to watch.
Started The Twelve last night so let you know when its finished, different concept of series instead of the norm Murder Mystery on the TV. -
@Karl-Pick I'll add this to my current 4am watching while almost crying trying to keep the baby asleep lol
@John-Folan I need to get on this! I have heard some great things.
Far Cry 6 and Diablo 4 for the win! My wife hates the PS 5
@John-Folan said in Netflix/Amazon/Gaming and Book Recommendations:
Just discovered Yellowstone. Don’t remember who on here recommended it but thank you. It’s brilliant.
Yellowstone is still doing it for me. My dad would have loved this.
@Karl-Pick great film I agree!
Watched AIR this weekend on NETFLIX, thought it excellent!
Just adds a bit more to the full Michael Jordan story after watching Last Dance.
Also shows how bloody loaded the guy must be!!!