Netflix/Amazon/Gaming and Book Recommendations
often find myself watching stuff I wasn't going to bother with initially on the basis of finding stuff to watch with kids which interests me as well.
Watched Locke & Key a while back which my 10yr old son loved. I thought it was pretty entertaining as well. Lots of magic and keys, evil beings and secrets. Well worth a watch.
Started The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina although can't blame that on the kids. Was feeling rough when I stopped drinking on New Years eve, couldn't go to sleep and needed something easy watching to occupy my mind haha! Since stopped that as although quite good at times and really very dark as well, they culled it after 4 seasons. I refuse to watch something when I find out there's no proper ending.
Latest thing I just finished watching with the kids was Good Omens starring Michael Sheen as an angel and David Tennant as a demon. Really quite funny at times and a very decent watch. It's a 12 so there was some language and a few references to a couple of things they didn't understand but I'm not worried about that. They hear far worse at school I'm sure. Basically a count down to the end of the world with witches, angels, demons and a few other things besides.
@matt-wood said in Netflix/Amazon/Etc Recommendations:
Watched the film 'Tag' (Netflix) last night with the mrs. Was a lot better than I thought it would be, made me laugh a few times (rare in a film)
I liked that. True aspect was great also.
@matt-wood said in Netflix/Amazon/Etc Recommendations:
Yea life in the 70s was hugely different to now. We have so much stuff today that nobody was even thinking about back then.
It's strange, living through it wasn't as bad as it now looks on film, stranger too is that in comparison, the 50's & 60's look loads better.
@martin-futter said in Netflix/Amazon/Etc Recommendations:
@richard-latimer said in Netflix/Amazon/Etc Recommendations:
@daniel-mills said in Netflix/Amazon/Etc Recommendations:
I watched it in three parts. Also recommend it. The special effects to de-age and age them is fantastic.
Same here. Took me a while to get into it if I'm honest and while it was good, I wasn't blown away. If anything I think the fact they used De Niro and Pesci/Pacino for parts they were clearly too old for took something away. At some point Scorsese is going to have to find new go to mob guys.
I think it is difficult as he has covered the Mob topic so many times now, like how do you make it new and exciting at this point? I imagine this is what happened to westerns when there were so many that the market got saturated and they disappeared pretty much totally.
That's kind of it. Goodfellas was brilliant, Casino I enjoyed. By this point I'm a bit meh....
@richard-latimer said in Netflix/Amazon/Etc Recommendations:
@daniel-mills said in Netflix/Amazon/Etc Recommendations:
I watched it in three parts. Also recommend it. The special effects to de-age and age them is fantastic.
Same here. Took me a while to get into it if I'm honest and while it was good, I wasn't blown away. If anything I think the fact they used De Niro and Pesci/Pacino for parts they were clearly too old for took something away. At some point Scorsese is going to have to find new go to mob guys.
I think it is difficult as he has covered the Mob topic so many times now, like how do you make it new and exciting at this point? I imagine this is what happened to westerns when there were so many that the market got saturated and they disappeared pretty much totally.
@richard-latimer Yes Leo will be great to be fair, not sure on Damon hmmmm
@ryan-carruthers said in Netflix/Amazon/Etc Recommendations:
Wonder who he will go to for mob guys? Matt Mccoughney would be decent
DiCaprio will be one as he's already worked with him numerous times. Am I right in thinking he did the Departed? If so, Matt Damon is another.
@john-folan said in Netflix/Amazon/Etc Recommendations:
Watching The Ripper documentary. Really interesting. The look at life in the 70’s is a bit scary as well.
Yea life in the 70s was hugely different to now. We have so much stuff today that nobody was even thinking about back then.
@john-folan said in Netflix/Amazon/Etc Recommendations:
Watching The Ripper documentary. Really interesting. The look at life in the 70’s is a bit scary as well.
Yeah I watched that. Police ballsed that up good and proper didn't they.
Watching The Ripper documentary. Really interesting. The look at life in the 70’s is a bit scary as well.
@daniel-mills said in Netflix/Amazon/Etc Recommendations:
I watched it in three parts. Also recommend it. The special effects to de-age and age them is fantastic.
Same here. Took me a while to get into it if I'm honest and while it was good, I wasn't blown away. If anything I think the fact they used De Niro and Pesci/Pacino for parts they were clearly too old for took something away. At some point Scorsese is going to have to find new go to mob guys.
The length of it put me off for a long time as well but it almost feels like a mini-series within a film I think. It goes at a nice pace, for a 3 and half hour film if that makes sense.
It's definitely worth watching if you can find the time.
I watched it in three parts. Also recommend it. The special effects to de-age and age them is fantastic.
@matthew-biggins Thats been on my list for ages but its such a long film I haven't considered it yet.
Finally finished the Irishman last night. Not sure I’ve ever enjoyed a film so much where nothing really happens but in a way I don’t think it needs to. Every main role is played by a legendary actor and they all play them so well. The one thing I love about Stephen Graham is that it doesn’t matter whether he’s in a film with a massive Hollywood budget or a gritty Shane Meadows channel 4 drama, he always plays his character so well.