Runnerjp - My Journey!
OK so the uploads work!
For now, for a couple of weeks, I will just upload 3 days worth every 3 days so I can amend the team's names to ensure its correct.
Bugger all to do really and this will be fully automated from start to finish in the new year!
No FHG market for Fenerbhance currently so see if it picks it up in a day or 2!
£200 starting bank at the ready and £2 stakes! lets being
OK so after much playing around - I have got my FHG to work!
The database does not always match so still some manual work in the AM but I will get there!
I had a good hard think about this and I will keep it simple ... when the over0,5fhg hits 1.5.... i will back!
Away at a wedding this weekend so will see if I can load 3 days worth!
In Sim mode still but ... we are off!
I have Inplayscanner hooked up to it so can also look at goals /score line in play
I have kept it simple with the fhg and shg and just gone for odd of 1.5 and 2.0 to be matched inplay ... i think
@jarratt-perkins said in Runnerjp - My Journey!:
Not sure how this is going to work in BFBM especially if you intend to trigger any kind of trade out/stop loss based on anything other than time market has been in play.
I presume you have set all of your market and selection parameters in the individual strategies?
Also one fairly obvious thing is to make sure that the bet is not triggered until the market has been in play for at least 15-30 sec otherwise you will end up trying to match crazy prices at the start or putting trades into markets that don't end up going in play.
This may all be stating the bleeding obvious but I will be interested in seeing how you get on.
I can write the output file into my database and extract into a csv file with already populated heading (done manually)
Then loading into BFBOT it loads up the picks
No market for Bala so not picked up!
these should pick up the selection at 1.5 and 2.0 on the overs unders (sh depeding on score)
Next will be 2 write the selections to a csv file and have the bot auto upload daily and make sure the bots really work!
@martin-futter Getting there mate - Just been able to upload the selections auto from excel into the bot.
Next is to write to the CSV file and add selections - get bot to autoload them each day and then job done. Although I have some names still to find.
I can't connect to my server from work so busy days mean no updates from me - Nearly getting BFBOT to pick up my selection and have about 85% game names matched!
15th looked like this:
FHG 19/20 (95%)
SH 14/23 (61%) - not a great day but prices where there!
Outclassed 13/16 (81%)
These look nicer with goal times and entry points.
I had nothing come out on the filters yesterday (even re-ran the code to make sure)
Today I have the following:
Won't have time to up my selections until tomorrow night and today's full results BUT checked the first-half goals and currently, 17 games have played..... 16 !!!! have had FHG!
Done a lot of matching up names with Betfair names but still can't get the bf bot to pick up the bet. Set it to a simple if its a selection just backovers at any price and so far nothing! I will get it as cant sit here smashing 16 / 20 of them on just for fhg every weekend.
68% on the FHG and 4 would have grabbed some good recovery . no 0-0''s
SHG (Home teams losing and not scored a goal in FH looks very nice indeed!
Outclassed didn't hit it yesterday (HomeTeams who are losing 1-0 and have 20min left for a goal so will be pushing for a win or draw) 1 win 4 losses and a goal 2 early
Today I will be looking at getting all this automated. I need to now make a list of what betfair call the selections to what I scrape them as >< - needs must!
Todays are as follows!
The SHG and Outclassed lists are huge in the weekend so atm will just put up results unless anyone does them
@keith-anderson Its Massive!!! and I didnt't have time to post mate.
Here are yesterdays results:
Full House on FHG -1/2 on shg and full house on outcalled.
Great start although no bot setup so not traded yet!
todays picks are/where
No FHG list today?
Todays selections are now ready to track!
FHG is simple - FHG! I might play around with sh recv as alot of this has a goal in sh also
SHG Only enter if the home team is losing! I want something to play for in the second half!
Outclassed are when the home team are losing fh ... and i expect them to win so back in the last 10min for another goal or lay current score.
This will swap - change, grow and binned but I am confident in this process now as its ones I have used manually but tweaked abit more.
Just an overs one to do nect that I am scratching my head how I wil lautomate as its the 00 20 02 10 01 lays with rec at ht
So FH selections are all set and ready - I am just testing my bot to ensure it places them (current testing it on any games that hit my odds.
Working on my SHG picks next. Interesting to note that I looked at shg if the HT score is 0-0.
My selections go back to 1/6/19 and all requite 5+ games @home/away to be played but the top stat is 0-0@ht and the bottom is if i id every game!
Now If I amend this to having a goal in the first have at least look at the SHG output!
Food for thought for those that perhaps lay the 0-0 at HT
I have taken those low scoring leagues out of my selections now as after all I am after goals with them.
I have also got the Home Losing bot up and running and so far so good (£2) lays:
The top just lays any score under 4.0 odds and between 45min and 75min.The bottom one drip backs at 1.5 and 2.
I have soooooooooo much data atm! Its getting there and I am suprised for some filters like over 80% games x are not that great for selections!
It took all my will last night not to trade Liverpool for SHG as it was coming - but the market knew that.... 10.0 to Lay 0-0 at HT!!!
So Currently Pulling more data as I also want to look at the last 10 games and also last 4. Last for is I think this will reflect a team's true current form.As the next stage, we often look at our selections but don't take consideration of the League we look at.
I took all the league and worked out adv percent of my stats. The yellow bar is ADV across all of them to give me a base line. The below are ones I will be cutting from my list but 1 which I will use for SH trades!
Interesting to see that Eerste League looks great for second half trades - Must have really really good team talks at HT!
Plugging along and getting more and more each day!
Great decision to hit pause as I got so much done to my data yesterday!
We now have results - Stats and Goal times!
This has enabled me to output the data into excel and today I will be going through it to fit my criteria to selections then write the sql to pull it. Then onot the bot!
Soo much data now!
So one thing I noted by accident is if the home team are losing and have not scored ANY goals at HT) there is a good chance of goals second half. So to test this theory I have spun up a bot that will lay the cs at ht if this is the case and another that will back over at 1.5 and 2.0 to collect some data!)
New Update
So after some thought over the weekend, I am hitting the pause button on my trading! !
The reason is after collecting my 1 point a day and ticking over nicely I thought I should actually be using the time to crack on and get my trade selections in order and this automation before the Christmas mayhem starts. After some advice on here, I am missing out on so much profit not cracking on with this and limiting myself to that 1point a day!
So these posts will now be about my building process and testing phase before a click start again!
As posted before I have my own database of stats so currently putting the finishing touches. I have a couple more stat functions to create which are: Teams Scored and Conc % (HT/SH/FT), Team 1st to score/Conc (HT/SH/FT). I also have the ability to roughly backtest some of these picks which helps!
Stay green people!
@Paul-Keighley - Great insight there mate and exactly why I wanted to start this thread! I have actually flipped on my original decision on the point a day and will be targeting JUST my selections as of next week (I should have the automation done by then along with the daily output of selections).
Yesterday was a quick and easy day!
Persipura game the Dogs where winning and the Home team where on the attack second half and i though at least a 1-1 was on the play here so a back of overs was on. 76th min the Dogs score again. Not what I thought would happen but who cares, I got my goal and both 1.5 and 2.0 was matched! +0.75
Vozdovac was on a few peoples list I saw to LTD second half if 0-0 1-1 (was on mine for a second half goal). The goal didn't come until the last kick of the game and a full match again on the 1.5,2.0 odds! +0.75
I was watching the Prem games on Amazon (Amazing and hope this is the future!) and decided to go for overs on the Chelsea game (It was 7.6 to lay at HT so had a long wait ahead for my entry point) and the Man U game (4.2 to lay so usually get in at 60min for my 1.5 odds.) Sadly both games came early into the second half and nothing matched but worth the try.
So tonight (If I have time) and tomorrow I am fully committed to finishing my automation selection process (I have my own DB that pulls the results and then can output into an excel spreadsheet .. also allows me to back test! )
Then setup the bots to pick up the selections from the spreadsheets and perform the trades .... then we are cooking on gas!
I have also created a Python script the goes into betfairbot Mangers files and scrapes the xls file that records the bets to add into my SQL database! this will mean I can record everything automatically!