The road to full time
@matt-wood so far so good, not getting overhyped with it, winter leagues with fans could be a huge factor on this success/failure. Winter leagues were great with no fans for this strat, so will need to see if it transitions smoothly with. Great write up on your blog too bud
@darri said in The road to full time:
@martin yes someone setup a paid subscription site and used 2 of my strategies at the time. One being my FHG which wasnt even finished yet and the other was posting my late goals when was doing a daily list. It was a while ago and since the site was taken down, most likely because the ones they copied i stopped trading. All chat abiut this going forward can be moved to PMs
That's actually shocking behaviour, Darri.
@john-folan said in The road to full time:
@ryan. Iβm betting @Keith-Anderson will know someone who can kneecap them!
I do actually! Names names and we'll put a hit out
nice summary Darri.
We all have to do things as is best for us and our lives. Plus you are killing it with your LTDs anyway
Monthly Review:
Football: +23.99 points/% of bank
SHGs are no more. Im against the idea of inplay trading now. I cant see the sense in inplay trading these. On a busy weekend setting alarms or notifications to get on a game, that doesnt sit right with me anymore. Yes it works but it also takes me away from focussing on weekend plans and being fully present. Automation has bugs in my plan so cant adopt it either.
LTDs! The flagship strategy that im hoping will allow for a smooth transition towards a set and forget approach. I can place these in the morning to get matched or queue my entry. I then just check back end of day or whenever to get things updated. Really enjoying the freedom this provides. Yes its not optimal trading but it is optimal for my lifestyle. I want to reap the rewards of trading not have to work harder for it. Iv done enough hard work developing them over the years its now time to reward myself.
Im looking for the LTDs to average between 10-25pts a month. Considering we had an international break this month and making +21.26pts profit ill take that for them. Been a good start and hopefully with winter leagues popping up on filters soon we can continue this. From a future proofing perspective, i should only need to remove league and not make tweaks to actual criteria. That im working on with data in background.
Cricket: +7.57pts/% of bank
As discussed all cricket p/l will now be withdrawn from this results sheet. Any money i make from it will be withdrawn end of tournament for other areas of my life. I didnt like the fact i couldnt post trades inplay with t20 and felt it lacked transparency. Felt like i was just giving a summary of how well i traded and sounded like i was gloating. This blog isnt just about me helping people its also for me to be held accountable. I was beginning to feel repetitive in my write ups and felt bored doing them. So stopping adding them to my trading sheets. This further coincides with my no inplay trading approach. Im cutting back on cricket a lot now too. Ill only trade if im free. I had been arranging my schedule to fit in ipl trading and was starting to get caught up in that trading bubble again. Looking into a set and forget approach with them too, more in future about this.
Summary: +31.96pts/% of bank
Moving into this set and forget approach will be an interesting transition. Its been a good start and hopefully will continue rest of this year. Im more likely to do a review of the approach after the december test for winter leagues. I think december always tests every football strategy and if you come good from it you normally have something good developing. As far as people now following this its great to see but dont over rely on me/the strategy. Im posting for transparency and accountability. These are the 2 things im building this blog around. I do hope people appreciate that as there arent many who are being so open, showing every trade, every odds taken, every p/l and a spreadsheet to back up. Essentially you can trade everything i trade now. Just be making sure you are trying to find your own style and approach, yes use these if you believe in them but i always encourage people use their own strats long term its when we learn most
Bank Summary:
@darri said in The road to full time:
Overnights LTD:
1/1 and finishes the month in style. Ill try to get the review done during this lunch period. Wont need to be a long one
@martin yes someone setup a paid subscription site and used 2 of my strategies at the time. One being my FHG which wasnt even finished yet and the other was posting my late goals when was doing a daily list. It was a while ago and since the site was taken down, most likely because the ones they copied i stopped trading. All chat abiut this going forward can be moved to PMs
@ryan. Iβm betting @Keith-Anderson will know someone who can kneecap them!
I would also like to investigate this as well!
@martin said in The road to full time:
@darri said in The road to full time:
@daniel-cooper last time i shared a filter people started to use them elsewhere and claim it for themselves, im not interested in letting that happen again. The value stays on this forum and only this forum and more importantly for me on this blog. Im posting every single trade with enough time to get on, showing the odds im in on, the strike rate and the final results, hardly anyone does this and show full transparency. Im just not prepared for people to claim this given the work i put in.
can you PM me more info about this, this is something we would want to investigate!
tagging @ryan to make sure he sees this too
@darri said in The road to full time:
@daniel-cooper last time i shared a filter people started to use them elsewhere and claim it for themselves, im not interested in letting that happen again. The value stays on this forum and only this forum and more importantly for me on this blog. Im posting every single trade with enough time to get on, showing the odds im in on, the strike rate and the final results, hardly anyone does this and show full transparency. Im just not prepared for people to claim this given the work i put in.
can you PM me more info about this, this is something we would want to investigate!
Id also just like to say thanks for everyone who has been reaching out either via posts or messages recently. I dont think what i do is anything special but then again thats the point of all this, im just looking for something basic and simple. Some of the compliments have been greatly appreciated. I know im quite vocal sometimes and maybe over vocal when i should be more sensitive (work in progress). But it is nice to see people finding value in what im posting. Iv been doing the blog for a few years now and i set it up to make me improve as a trader, i think im still improving. Im not the same trader i was 2 years ago, iv not got the same thoughts on trading as i did then. I hope people have enjoyed the blog so far and i hope you all continue to read through my rambles, and in some way that helps you too hopefully
@darri thanks again
A Former Userreplied to A Former User on 29 Sept 2021, 21:20 last edited by A Former User 29 Sept 2021, 21:21
@james-rome transparency for me is something i wish was something people had to do. I wish we were all held accountable for our posts and strategy claims. I get it tho we dont all use spreadsheets or have blogs, but it would be nice. Its why the football thread is too busy for me. I think of trading platforms like etoro when you get to see the success of that person. Iv never used that platform but it fits what i wish we could have. We see plenty people posting trades and only ever posting about them when they win, avoiding the losing posts. Its one of the reasons id give for why people are typically asking me for advice. I dont think im an expert at trading, i dont think honestly anyone is, but showing transparency does give me a bit of respect in what im saying does work. Its not the only reason people ask me for help but i think its a big one for why. I know i wanted someone like what im doing when i first started.
cheers for being trasnparant and all the help mate much appricated. Good to the insight into how you approach it
A Former Userreplied to Daniel Cooper on 29 Sept 2021, 20:59 last edited by A Former User 29 Sept 2021, 21:02
@daniel-cooper once the winter leagues start hitting ill have a better timed schedule for when ill look at posting. Right now summer leagues are on at such varied times. So as this does have a odds baring factor some qualify late on etc. With winter leagues on but not yet hitting filters its still having an impact on the amount of money being matched in the good summer leagues like sweden etc. Having to wait quite late on for them to hit. But yes in future ill most likely just post them all at 1 time in the day and be quite set with it. Iv been testing if these are just good enough to queue an entry regardless of liquidity at the start of day and so far its working, max time iv had to wait is 5 mins after KO. However, thats with me paper trading that approach iv still been just getting on at whatever the price is when i look, strike rate so far has been too good not to.
@darri said in The road to full time:
@daniel-cooper last time i shared a filter people started to use them elsewhere and claim it for themselves, im not interested in letting that happen again. The value stays on this forum and only this forum and more importantly for me on this blog. Im posting every single trade with enough time to get on, showing the odds im in on, the strike rate and the final results, hardly anyone does this and show full transparency. Im just not prepared for people to claim this given the work i put in.
More than happy with this response Darri and I understand the decision fully. I will keep an eye out on your posts!
A Former Userreplied to Daniel Cooper on 29 Sept 2021, 20:50 last edited by A Former User 29 Sept 2021, 20:52
@daniel-cooper last time i shared a filter people started to use them elsewhere and claim it for themselves, im not interested in letting that happen again. The value stays on this forum and only this forum and more importantly for me on this blog. Im posting every single trade with enough time to get on, showing the odds im in on, the strike rate and the final results, hardly anyone does this and show full transparency. Im just not prepared for people to claim this given the work i put in.
A Former Userreplied to A Former User on 29 Sept 2021, 20:48 last edited by A Former User 29 Sept 2021, 20:49
@jamie-clements yes i place these pre match and dont trade out
some leagues have enough liquidity in the morning to set these up early others you need to wait till around 2hrs out. I only post when im entered so every trade posted im actually on, no false shouts
@jamie-clements sorry just checking LTD and forget about it no trading in play