The road to full time
Trading watch-list 29/07/20:
molde vs valerenga: 0-0
brentford vs swansea: 0-0/1-0Ill post probably when i go live with each trade on the football thread still, let me know if you would prefer them cleanly posted here or over on the football thread for future
@darri great to hear your carrying on Darri, I've taken a lot from this blog along with other people's advice on BTC I really feel I'm getting somewhere. The more pro's with different approaches that post their ideas and angles the more we all learn. You're doing a good job on here so I'm glad you've decided to carry on
Thanks guys not going to lie i needed to hear that, very much appreciated. Iv had a little think and talk to others about whats best going forward. In light of it im going to set some targets for rest of 2020. Not monetary targets i dont believe setting money targets in trading is healthy and leads to bad discipline. But actual things i want to happen by end of the year. Something to work towards. So these are as follows:
- Finish the FHG project. Already 22 games into the 2nd batch. The next batch will start to include price and odds which will be set dependent on the results. We are letting the stats decide our strategy rather than us voicing opinions or assumptions. Id like nothing more than to provide anyone who reads this with a profitable strategy that we built from just a simple market idea.
- Setup a podcast. Iv talked about this before and still no action but its a definite goal of mine to start one. I sometimes fall into the trap of not explaining things well in writing and can sometimes come across differently to what i intended/thought at time. Hopefully ill be able to express what im meaning better there and like always not come across as bad as i sometimes do in writing.
- Start to include videos onto the blog. Similar to the podcast but in relation to this blog. Iv enjoyed @Ryan-Carruthers videos were he goes over a trade. I did something similar and it went down well. Now i have a mic etc i can record good sound to go on top of my videos. These wont be for anyone else but for this site. Think ryan uses loom so have been playing about with it for a bit to make sure it works for what i want. Hope this will add a better standard and will have less confusion as to what i say or come across like (hothead) which i want to change!
- Learn a new sport. I have traded cricket before and made a healthy profit in the world cup, i find it silly iv not put more attention to it since. I have been trading the current test series and have enjoyed it. Tests are very different to one day in how the markets react but i do still believe they compliment both my style and my trading schedule. I have setup a new tab on the results sheet to track this going forward once i feel comfortable posting/trading these.
- Add a new strategy to the football portfolio. I have been testing something for the past few months now and the results have been good so far. Im already 76 games into that testing and will present a rundown when i reach 100 to show the progress. Its different to anything iv tried to trade before and it requires a different mindset to trade it, very much more a system base style (something iv hated in the past).
- Continue this blog. Over the past 1 and a half years iv been very stop start with keeping this updated. Other things have got in the way. Back in march with me solely focusing on trading i was in a great position to always keep this updated. I again had to take a break because of covid. I now dont want to keep making excuses. If im now going to keep going ill be making changes to my involvement tho.
- Im going to start focusing more on the blog rather than on the football thread. With my type of strike rate and the way i trade it doesnt really suit posting these games live because of timing. By the time people see its already far later than my entry. Instead i think ill post them on here. That way i have full accountability. I can then post watchlists which will show all the games im looking at and what angles im after for entry. Ill then post to say when iv entered a game. I noticed in a few of the comments its not the trades people care about but the reasoning behind them. Which i think with videos included might help long term with the blogs value.
- Stop getting so defensive and lighten up! Iv taken a few things to heart, its because these are my own trades. Its a forum and not everyone will agree. I enjoy BTC and love what it stands for. I would like to make a contribution and be somewhat of a valued member. Dont take that as me trying to be a ego booster. Trading is a lonely industry and its good to see this site as a place to explain why we did certain things in trading.
- Follow through with this beginners journey. I think its working, i have had my doubts recently about if this is even worth showing or if people would rather see larger stakes in line with a full time bank straight away. But i think its bodes well by actually showing people that iv built this bank from £100 into something. People tend to only care about what those with ££££s on each trade. I think i would trust someone more if iv seen their trades and how they actually built that in front of my eyes.
- Continue being transparent. I was thinking about leaving or taking more of a back seat within BTC. I spoke to someone who said its more relaxing just trading away and letting others voice their opinions. Iv really toyed with this idea. But i think iv started something here i can be happy about. I think when people are questioning me its healthy for the blog. Because when pros sell you courses, services and strategies are they showing you full transparency, not all of them are are they?! I really stand by what im doing here, if it gets read or not.
I hope these targets will keep me motivated to stick around and really focus on the blog. While of course ill continue to post certain things elsewhere im really having to make these changes to stay motivated to still be active. Hope these will provide value to you guys and thanks for the messages since the last post guys
Should also say I read all of this blog all the time. I dont always follow you but like @Dean-Adams said you have advised people follow their own trading style. I think that is the correct way to do things and am trying to find mine.
Also some of the conversations around questions that have grown organically on here have revealed some great bits of insight. This would not have been possible without the blog existing in the first place. The ability to ask you direct and blunt, sometimes stupid, questions that you take the time to answer has been great too.
@chris-osborne said in The road to full time:
@liam-willis said in The road to full time:
@darri keep doing what you are doing mate you are never going to please everyone and there will always be 1 or 2 people that you dont see eye to eye with. ive even nearly lost my rag with someone and i dont post much lol. the problem is there are so many variables in trading what suits one person doesnt suit another, if your way doesnt work for them then might blame you, dont take it to heart, some people cant be helped. You have helped enough people on here so dont think you need to change from my perspective. the thing is i dont trade the same as you and i wouldnt want to copy you but there are certain aspects of your trading that i have adapted, same as keiths way or martins or ryans. i think thats the important part its the little things that people can learn from.
I agree with Liam, your never going to please all of the people all of the time. Ultimately this is your blog. On occasions I've had to back off from posting in the main football thread.
Everyone has a different personality and writing styles and at times more than likely unintentionally someone is going to interpret what has been written not the way it was intended.
There are a few things your doing in here that I am following with interest even if I don't post that often: -
- The way your building up the FHG filter. Its showing those of us that haven't been here long how to build up and back test a new strategy
- Showing us of limited bankroll how you can build that up. I learnt from what @Keith-Anderson did with his 3% blog and yours which is a very different approach is also helpful
- The detail you go into to explain your trades and thinking
Agree with these points totally. The filter building is showing me how me how to do it properly and I have already learned loads from that.
The mental approach you have and explaining the thinking behind the trades and also the small bank management is very helpful too. -
@liam-willis said in The road to full time:
@darri keep doing what you are doing mate you are never going to please everyone and there will always be 1 or 2 people that you dont see eye to eye with. ive even nearly lost my rag with someone and i dont post much lol. the problem is there are so many variables in trading what suits one person doesnt suit another, if your way doesnt work for them then might blame you, dont take it to heart, some people cant be helped. You have helped enough people on here so dont think you need to change from my perspective. the thing is i dont trade the same as you and i wouldnt want to copy you but there are certain aspects of your trading that i have adapted, same as keiths way or martins or ryans. i think thats the important part its the little things that people can learn from.
I agree with Liam, your never going to please all of the people all of the time. Ultimately this is your blog. On occasions I've had to back off from posting in the main football thread.
Everyone has a different personality and writing styles and at times more than likely unintentionally someone is going to interpret what has been written not the way it was intended.
There are a few things your doing in here that I am following with interest even if I don't post that often: -
- The way your building up the FHG filter. Its showing those of us that haven't been here long how to build up and back test a new strategy
- Showing us of limited bankroll how you can build that up. I learnt from what @Keith-Anderson did with his 3% blog and yours which is a very different approach is also helpful
- The detail you go into to explain your trades and thinking
Personally I read all of what goes into your blog as I have found it all very helpful. I don’t follow your trades, but that’s not because I don’t trust you. It comes from what you and others have said about finding your own style. So I’ve made point of only trading from my own filters and it’s working for me.
But back to the blog. You have put a lot of time and effort into it and I’ve taken a lot of value from it and I’m sure plenty of others have too. So thank you for that. I like that fact you’ve been transparent and your always approachable. Whatever you decide to do, you should hold your head high for the amount of effort you’ve put in
@darri keep doing what you are doing mate you are never going to please everyone and there will always be 1 or 2 people that you dont see eye to eye with. ive even nearly lost my rag with someone and i dont post much lol. the problem is there are so many variables in trading what suits one person doesnt suit another, if your way doesnt work for them then might blame you, dont take it to heart, some people cant be helped. You have helped enough people on here so dont think you need to change from my perspective. the thing is i dont trade the same as you and i wouldnt want to copy you but there are certain aspects of your trading that i have adapted, same as keiths way or martins or ryans. i think thats the important part its the little things that people can learn from.
I know i have received messages from others about how this stuff helps them. What im wanting to know is what is the useful parts? Like what info is it you guys want to see from this blog. When i post results sheets is that helping? I thought going down to a beginner size bank would allow for me to allow other newer traders to understand more than with a larger full time bank.
This isnt a reaction to the post earlier, please just forget that and lets move on, but more because i actually spoke to another trader who has preferred taking a back seat and just trading away by themselves. And tbh iv been contemplating it. When there was someone who came on here last month and gave a bit of a unusual opinion i almost left BTC because i came here to get away from these troll like people. I didnt feel like it was warranted and when i tried to defend myself it was seen as if i was the one in the wrong. I understand its a forum, trust me i get that. Im a very opinionated person in terms of trading too. But constant scrutiny when im probably one of the few on this site thats fully transparent. There are pros online that sell courses, strategies and services that dont even show their own trading.
I enjoy helping people, not by me teaching them there are far better traders out there for that, but i enjoy showing what i did to overcome the same type of hurdles. I had hoped for the beginner journey to resonate better with guys on here.
So really what do you guys want to see either message me privately or on here. Im at a stage where i want to know if carrying on this is even helping or even worth people reading. I think it presents value but you have to remember i have no idea who listens or even reads these. Iv had a long journey to get here via gambling and i know the troubles with trying to trust people online because of the supposed industry money grabbers. Im hoping with the transparency i was letting people know im one of the good guys who is open and willing to help.
Let me know, what you all like and would want continued in this blog, getting a bit stuck as to what to do going forward. Also this has nothing to do with the comment earlier maybe i was a bit over defensive and i apologise if it was over done. Just was because it was a repeat of a question within the same week ill learn to take it better going forward. Remember this is my own personal trades so there is always a learning curve to how to not take it personal when someone questions what you do. Still learning that side of things i will get better.
Apologise if has come across as defensive, just that on more than one occasion the same topic has come up and both times its been the same kind of post. I have nothing against @Gary-Brown in fact iv enjoyed helping and chatting to him on messages and off site. What i would say is people are quick to jump at people when they are posting trades and being this transparent but there are other "pros" who dont show any trades or any transparency so. Also im almost certain he did know i was leveraging. Like i said sorry its come across as defensive i wasnt meaning to sound so narky . Just sounded like a dig rather than question based on a re occurrence of the same post again
Hi Darri. I may be speaking out of turn and I'm sure @Gary-Brown will correct me if I'm wrong.
I think Gary perhaps didn't realise that you were leveraging your bank, as you described earlier in one of your posts.
This is no criticism of anyone. I think it's just a misunderstanding. I hope you continue to post; the more voices we have on here, particularly from those who have succeeded can only lift everyone. -
@Gary-Brown only asked a question, which we totally encourage in this forum (in fact its a rule) everybody is free to ask a question as we are all here to get better at trading.
There is no need to be so defensive, Gary just wanted to understand the dynamics of the trade....
Please remember that no question is a daft question, if you have a forum blog then you have to be prepared to answer questions in a manner that will help other traders.
A Former Userreplied to A Former User on 27 Jul 2020, 12:57 last edited by A Former User 27 Jul 2020, 13:09
@gary-brown couple times now you have come to post questioning if im chasing losses. West ham games was 3 HOURS before the rosenborg game! If trust is an issue for you following me or others then feel free to stop following this. This is one of the things i used to get annoyed at pros for but even when you post screenshots, share trades live and then document even your mistakes like the chelsea game you still get people looking to nip pick every single trade. If you think im talking nonsense and if what i say doesnt or hasnt helped your trading then you dont have to listen, im just sharing my experience and what iv found to work. Remember i dont get any extra money for sharing or any commission from trades. Please read the doc sheet titled POSTS in the description about staking and bank management for this challenge.
If on the other hand to anyone if i have helped your trading in anyway from all this and the FHGs are something your still interested in then please keep going. I like explaining why i do things and how i go about trading, its when people message saying how what iv said has helped that makes me keep going with this blog/thread. Otherwise id be happy just trading away in the background.
@gary-brown was west ham not before the other game anyway?
@gary-brown said in The road to full time:
Hi Darri from an outsider looking in and I think other people will also think this i have a few questions so I don't get confused.
The trades shown looks like your West Ham trade you have increased stakes to win back the loss from the first trade. Could you take a screen shot of the actual trade please by clicking on the game in the profit and loss?
Also what percentage of your stake is from your bank?
Is the trading bank between £100-£200?
A £200 bank with 2% stakes is £4 stake not £20 plusI am sure other people will be wondering the same. Or it may just be me being a bit thick. lol
Hi Darri from an outsider looking in and I think other people will also think this i have a few questions so I don't get confused.
The trades shown looks like your West Ham trade you have increased stakes to win back the loss from the first trade. Could you take a screen shot of the actual trade please by clicking on the game in the profit and loss?
Also what percentage of your stake is from your bank?
Is the trading bank between £100-£200?
A £200 bank with 2% stakes is £4 stake not £20 plus -
With ronaldo scoring early in the juve game that ends the possible trades this weekend. Overall really good weekend, few trades but steady profit. After a dire start to the month been making sure i remain consistent with selections and adapt to the subtle changes in the current football climate. These small tweaks did affect my results, and im hoping im now selecting better with these in mind. Hopefully now the summer leagues are in full swing and with them not having the same health and safety guides normal selections can work.Today saw me enter the aston villa game. I never managed to post this as was at the pub watching this and the united game. But west ham and villa had both got into good positions within the box etc and i thought a goal would come. I mean the price on ov 0.5 was 1.5 at HT so by 70 mins was a price i was willing to take on. Entered the 2nd part after lanzini almost scored. Grealish getting the goal.
Rosenborg was a weird one. I entered the lcs part with a good price early door, they remained threatening so put the other portion in but as soon as the 2nd portion went in the game died, wasnt until 88-89 mins they restarted to press. Still overall id be happy with my entry at the time and would trade again.
Had AIK on my list, was literally queued waiting for 1.50 as a lay correct score. Would have been a vcracking winner, but they scored from the freekick i had been hoping to enter on. May have to move to betfair quicker than i thought for this challenge. Ill have to figure out how best to work out what is my main bank and this challenge bank if i do so.
Green weekend and day, happy to be back to consistency. Hopefully with italy, spain, england all done and dusted can now just focus on the summer leagues. Before we go again in august
Another FHG was almost tempted to trade that myself but for consistency after a bad start to month iv remained just looking at late goals.
Being really selective with games right now, they have to be almost perfect trades (very hard to find) before i enter them. Crowds, end of season etc are all big reasons to be careful.Nice trade today in the swiss league. This one was a really good end to end game to watch. Its one example of why watching a game and how its playing is so key. Each teams attacks always getting into the box and both looking like scoring every attack. This is huge indicator for goal, the eye test works again. I get inplay stats are a a big reason for people to become consistent or have busy schedules so cant watch a game but it time and time proves to be working for my style especially (late goals).
Nice and easy 2 point day, looking a bit more lively tomorrow but remember, trade the same way every single day dont make rules for one day relaxed just because it has too much games or too little. Nail down your process and be super consistent with that process. Consistency is key to managing a strategy.
So far it’s looking pretty good Darri
A couple of early goals which would maybe rule out trades but even taking them off the strike rate it’s looking good mate -
Nothing qualifying for me the past few days which im not worried about, would love for people to have more of the less is more approach, dont need to trade every single day. Been keeping the fhgs up to date, already up to 20 games on the 2nd batch which is good wont be long till the next stage