The road to full time
@darri excellent mate, I really like the idea behind the way you trade...looking forward to following this and hopefully adapting my own style
@darri you are the oracle
look forward to you sharin some trades
Just before i get into the plan of showing my match selection process, i just want to thank everyone for their responses both on posts and from messages. Those that i have spoke to know i dont try to hype myself up or claim everything i do will make someone a pro trader. I posted the other day about how iv come from a bad habits within the betting industry, iv also self taught myself on how to actually become profitable. I say to other members all the time, everyone trades differently. So instead of just copying a pro do what i did, instead of trade that selection try to understand why they are entering it. There are a couple of things to look for:
look at what price they are getting in and out at. Far too often especially on a forum like this people just post a broad game and say i predict a goal. They dont say what price they got in and out at, how much p/l they made. A strategy done over 100 games requires you to know their strike rate and if their risk reward is adequate. I know i harp on about price, but its the whole point of trading and even just betting in general. Id always stay cautious of people who dont give you their in and out price when posting a selection.
Make sure to see if there is any direct link to match action. So based on their picks look at the type of match stats they would enter with. Itll be easier to understand why they picked this game. Is the fav dominant, has there been an above average amount of shots/chances etc.
Not everyone is a pro and not everyone who posts has a tried and tested method. Strategies come and go on this forum all the time. What doesnt tho is the quality traders consistently make profit. Be careful of when people change their strategy all the time. That new strategy then needs to be tested. Never put money into something not proven. So instead of just dismissing maybe track their selections. Spot the good and bad points. THIS is exactly what i did. I was already LTD/LCS but i watched how others did and then i tracked it. I then saw they were missing huge gains by not entering at a different time.
Which leads me to the final and most important. Adapt trading to your own style. I firmly believe and from speaking to other members starting to work on your own style is the single best way to profit. You care far more and understand your approach to games. Iv always had the notion of if i am to enter this trade and someone was to ask me about it i could 100% defend it if lost. I think trading is less about profit potential and more limiting risk. If you can fully explain why you got on then it was a good trade regardless of outcome. You do that and include price your onto profits.
So before i got and show my process for finding games, just remember im not saying to copy everything i do. Pick what you think would work for you. Each trader has their own angle its why the markets go up and down. Forget following the pros, i think sometimes people come in and just want a tipping service. What if that person leaves your then stuck. Dont follow blindly try to understand their methods, no trader is perfect. No one can make someone a pro, but i do believe they can guide them. Remember, im not a salesman, not selling a course, strategy or software im only saying what worked for me. if that helps 1-2-3 traders then its invaluable for me.
I started this post just to say thanks for the messages. People saying they might have quit before i came back is hugely appreciative. I hate the idea of me coming across as big headed or only in it for ego. I think everything on this blog is fully transparent something the rest of the industry hides from. Whilst i had a cracking month take a look at the rest iv had some disaster trades before, thats because im still prone to the same urges we all get. I just think im now at a stage where im far less prone to those mistakes, and only trying to share what helped me fight those urges.
@darri brilliant following with interest will see if any pop up tonight
@geoff not at all mate, sorry if it came across like that, more just trying to say why i dont show pre match lists. Yeah i post all the trades i do over on the football thread for you to follow. I typically enter around 65-80 mins mark so should be enough time for you to see it and get on. Any questions just ask mate, good to have you following, shame about the profile pick tho haha! celtic bhoy me! pretty sure you will now unfollow haha!
@darri ok mate so you will post your selections later in the football thread? just asking as you seem to have done very well so would be interested to follow them. sorry if asking cased some kind of offence, not sure why it would though?!
@geoff i posted earlier saying that i have already met my profit/bank growth target for this month. So wont be posting advising anymore trades. Every trade i do enter is posted first on the football thread, these are so other members can get on board with them. All 9 trades i posted over the last week have won, its not some phony conspiracy that im faking this everyone of the people that followed would have netted a profit. Whilst i dont claim to win every trade, please read further down youll see i have documented some of my poorest of trades, i do have a profitable approach. I dont like watchlists for a couple of reasons. New traders will come here see iv had 2-3 good trades in a row and then lump on in expectation i win them all. So instead i post them inplay on the football thread. I post when iv entered the market, which typically means members when they see that will end up at better prices than me. All results are shown, via screenshot, spreadsheets and also from an update on the football thread.
Long answer to your question, but thought it deserved a good reply. I just wanted to explain why i dont do watchlists its more relevant to my selections because i trade much later on in games, where alot of people think its more sexy but actually its more risky, im more a value bettor sometimes than trader. I dont yet know if there is actually a difference between the two.
@darri hi mate what's your selections today?
With the return of summer and top leagues starting to see a lot of old faces and new ones come to btc. Iv had a lot of activity my way from members and its been great to interact. For those that are new just a small recap on the last year. I started this thread last year when i had started to go part time trading. I was studying at the time and i wanted to have accountability for my trades. I saw others start their own blogs not just on this site but online such as mark iversons cricket blog. They seemed to care more about each trade because they had to share them. I wasnt starting as a complete novice trader so i already knew i had a profitable style. But i was overtrading and cutting those profits. So starting this was aimed at squashing that side of trading.
I wanted to blog my way to becoming a full time trader but along the way outside influences such as education and work made it hard for me to consistently focus on both trading and the blog. But i stuck at it even if it was in stages. I turned FULL TIME in march. The title of this thread/blog is the road to full time so essentially its done what was required. During the small break due to covid i thought about whether or not to come back and be active on here again. If i was to document what being full time is like and just post screenshots and ego boost myself. Or would i change the dynamic of the thread. The whole reason setting this up was to help me turn full time, so everyone that followed saw that progress. Now i want this thread to show that it is possible. The sceptics will argue and say its not possible, but id like nothing more than to prove them wrong.
So thats why im laying the thread out the way it is now. Starting from what id class a beginners bank something we can all afford to invest with. Slowly building that up month on month and prove there isnt a barrier to entry. I find it funny looking at my old posts. Some of then i doubted trading myself. I think there is a stage everyone has in trading when they question if they stay and try or pack it in. So what i want is to show beginners there is a path to take here. Im proof.
Something i said to a member recently was im not here to convert people or make them change their trading. Im only here to share what worked for me. If there is small things you can relate to within your own trading then use it. Im not selling anything or making you pay for anything. I share every trade, i show proof of every trade, is share my spreadsheets and i talk what actually helped me. You dont see this kind of thing from any of the pros out there who do sell things. If they did they would be super rich because everyone would queue to be on their course because they would have trust in them. The thing is i dont think you can teach trading or make someone a pro something that annoys me when i see thing like that branded about. I do think you can guide or steer someone on the right path tho. That why i post stupidly long posts. I want people to see what i see.
I see it as a repayment for me torturing you lot for reading the blog over the months. The help i got along the way. The support i got. Something to end with dont worry about what the big dogs in the industry try to sell you try to fight past the noise or those selling their services. Find the people who are showing and speaking facts. Those type of people are hard to find in the betting industry. As an ex troubled gambler im well aware of these sales tactics.
I wanted to write this because been speaking to someone about it. I want those who are still searching for someone who speaks cold hard facts and can actually prove his words. Im fully transparent with every single post/trade. I know it looks like im defending myself here, im not i just see loads of new traders coming and going and i want this thread/blog be a good resource for those looking to find a solid base of which they can then build their own style from it. Whilst the advice given isnt from years of experience its just honest things that helped me along the way.
@darri said in The road to full time:
@lewis-kershaw no problem mate, i get what you meant. Just restarted the thread on june 10th to make it easier to follow for newer members. Good to have you on the site mate!
Will follow your small bank journey
Glad to be here, hopefully I can be where you are in 18 months
@lewis-kershaw no problem mate, i get what you meant. Just restarted the thread on june 10th to make it easier to follow for newer members. Good to have you on the site mate!
Thanks @Darri I wasn't sniping at you making it up, was just unsure
Just so everyone who comes upon this thread in the future or for members to revisit older posts iv added a docs sheet in the description at the top of this thread to show all the older posts that i think are helpful for all traders. This is only for btc members to see. This means that as we go along in the journey you can now instead of scrolling through hundreds of posts on here get a access to all the good stuff quicker. Hope this helps!
@sam-maccuaig said in The road to full time:
@darri this is great Darri. After a losing day yesterday I’m going to completely start over with my trading. Plan for now is to follow along with your trades and try to watch the thought process for selection and entering etc while I paper trade a few ideas of my own
awesome to hear this mate! Dont need to do anything drastic just try keep it simple to start with. It may look like im doing something ridiculously hard but i think my way is simple. Using the FHG project as a way to show how to start from an initial idea into a working strategy, also showing how to track data and look at it properly. Any questions just ask mate, im hoping for this to be a decent evergreen resource people can look at over time.
@gary-brown YES Gary!!! This bang on, so many people are so close with a filter it just needs a few tweaks and you might have something there.
Some of my most profitable trading has come from filters where I spotted something others missed or I tracked a few versions which were closely linked.
@sam-maccuaig said in The road to full time:
@darri this is great Darri. After a losing day yesterday I’m going to completely start over with my trading. Plan for now is to follow along with your trades and try to watch the thought process for selection and entering etc while I paper trade a few ideas of my own
When testing an idea Sam try to set up a few different filters that are slightly different.
So I am testing a over 1.5 goal filter.
I am testing 5 slightly different filters for this strategy of going in around 30 mins and leaving it run to the end.Also when testing try and jot down as much relevant info as possible on your spreadhseet.
For example when goals are scored is useful, has their been a red card in the game is another important factor.
@darri this is great Darri. After a losing day yesterday I’m going to completely start over with my trading. Plan for now is to follow along with your trades and try to watch the thought process for selection and entering etc while I paper trade a few ideas of my own
also every trade i make will be posted on the football thread for both accountability (easy for anyone just to post win screens) and so others can actually follow along
A Former Userreplied to A Former User on 17 Jun 2020, 08:23 last edited by A Former User 17 Jun 2020, 11:45
@lewis-kershaw if you read further down the you will see i managed to turn full time back in march. Instead of me just showing big stakes and ego boosting myself i thought id start with a fresh bank of £100 to show beginners that it is possible to get to a decent bank easier than what the pros make it out to be. Ill be covering what helped me along the way. To answer your question the results sheet is from the new bank set on june 10th 2020, if you want to read further down youll see how i became full time. Have a read through the the rest of these posts and let me know if you have any questions you want answered buddy
@lewis-kershaw Possibly check the different tabs at the bottom to find what you are looking for?