The road to full time
A Former Userreplied to Matt Wood on 5 Dec 2020, 20:03 last edited by A Former User 5 Dec 2020, 20:05
@matt-wood Think about it this way if watford had come in then you would have had a very good 2/2 trades for 3pm kickoffs. In terms of feeling in control i guess thats a personal thing. Maybe my rundown tomorrow will help in this case. But if you looked at the games today exactly the same way as the west brom example then there isnt much else id say was wrong. Because thats exactly what i look for in a trade. For me the extra research and inplay monitoring is making me feel more in control
@darri Yes I think this is probably the next logical step for me now. I have just put a filter on my tracking sheet so I can easily switch between different criteria and assess results.
I am certainly trading less games on a daily basis than I was 3 months ago and it feels much less stressful if nothing else
I think the route of my issue today is the sensation of a lack of control and that if I had just picked to random games off my filter results there would have been a good chance I would have done better. My brain cannot accept this is right and that I should have some sort of control over the games selected. Furthermore that control should yield positive results. I think partly this may come with time.
I intend to re read through all your stuff and some other bookmarked posts in the morning when my head is a little more clear and able to take it in.
It was encouraging at least for you to have said I am on the right track with the filter game selection. I think the next big step for me will be narrowing it down from there.
@matt-wood you can see from ages ago when i first started this blog that i was very erratic with my trades. Normally trading at much shorter odds than now and way more games. The fact your already able to limit the games your trading is a key sign your adapting. I obv cant say your on your way to good things yet, but its good processes your now taking.
Now that your changing all this why dont you setup a new sheet on your results tracking spreadsheet? This can be trades only done with the new way of selecting trades. Then you can fully compare and see if your doing better than before. Once you can then see that its working then you can double down on the good parts and keep improving. But yes you need to get a decent sample of games to see if these changes are working long term.
I used to trade every SHG game the same way, 1.5 at around 60-65 mins. Iv adapted purely from tracking my results and tweaking how i go about selecting games. Those that have read from start will notice a huge difference. And quite honestly its the extra research ie key players and then full focus on inplay focus.
@darri said in The road to full time:
@matt-wood some people cant trade with live pictures because fomo can happen inplay too, in that case inplay stats would be better to use. I think being able to watch the game with a trading view only happens well once you have confidence in your trading. But quite honestly it just takes time. 6 months and your break even is still good. Like i said on the football thread soak up all the info from the good traders and take the good bits from them.
Since you started to base trades off of key players and inplay stats have your results improved?
Yes I do appreciate it will take time, that is why I am not too unhappy about being break even at this point. Have given myself 12 mnths of learning time so half way through.
I do try to absorb as much as I can from everyone here, Im sure I wouldnt be doing as well as I am without that.
Probably dont have enough data yet to make a sensible answer about that, instinct says it is better but I cant be sure.
@darri since we are trading the same kind of way have a re read of the west brom spurs example i gave not long ago. Its a full run down of exactly what im looking for with a late goal trade.
@matt-wood some people cant trade with live pictures because fomo can happen inplay too, in that case inplay stats would be better to use. I think being able to watch the game with a trading view only happens well once you have confidence in your trading. But quite honestly it just takes time. 6 months and your break even is still good. Like i said on the football thread soak up all the info from the good traders and take the good bits from them.
Since you started to base trades off of key players and inplay stats have your results improved?
@darri said in The road to full time:
@matt-wood see this is why i very rarely trade 3pm english games, unless i can get access to a stream. Watford was on my filter today but becuase i couldnt watch i didnt trade it.
So clearly your picking the right games to look for and inplays on most look ok from a overall match aspect. I wouldnt be disappointed with your watford trade, and your burton trade won so how come your down about your trading?
Wait is your strategy for 2 second half goals or just 1?
Sorry just saw the last bit. Just looking for the one goal.
@bottlabroon said in The road to full time:
@matt-wood What time do you enter and what are your minimum odds?
Look to enter around 65-70, absolute minimum is 1.65 but really looking for 1.7 or better, currently averaging 1.73
@darri said in The road to full time:
@matt-wood see this is why i very rarely trade 3pm english games, unless i can get access to a stream. Watford was on my filter today but becuase i couldnt watch i didnt trade it.
So clearly your picking the right games to look for and inplays on most look ok from a overall match aspect. I wouldnt be disappointed with your watford trade, and your burton trade won so how come your down about your trading?
Im not 'down' exactly. Dont get me wrong I know this is a hard thing to learn and im still new to it. Im currently slightly better than break even after 6 mnths, which overall I am happy with. Its just the lack of control, for want of a better phrase, that I feel on days like today. Makes me think Im missing something. Ultimately I think it feels a bit like Im spinning my wheels. Like there is just something missing that once found will kick me off on the profit road.
Maybe I shouldnt trade anything with no live pics, although I dont fully trust myself with the match reading yet.
@matt-wood What time do you enter and what are your minimum odds?
A Former Userreplied to Matt Wood on 5 Dec 2020, 19:31 last edited by A Former User 5 Dec 2020, 19:34
@matt-wood see this is why i very rarely trade 3pm english games, unless i can get access to a stream. Watford was on my filter today but becuase i couldnt watch i didnt trade it.
So clearly your picking the right games to look for and inplays on most look ok from a overall match aspect. I wouldnt be disappointed with your watford trade, and your burton trade won so how come your down about your trading?
Wait is your strategy for 2 second half goals or just 1?
Cambridge, Watford, Plymouth, Burton and Shrewsbury. All hit both of my 2HG filters.
No I only have access to bet365 for viewing sadly.
Actual traded was Watford and Burton.
@gary-brown have a bumper list tomorrow on my filter so ill do it then, small list today
@matt-wood what games did you trade? And on a regular weekend can you watch the games, as this would be my next question with regards to 3pm kickoffs
that would be a great help
Must admit the thing im finding hard at the moment is match selection from the filters.
For example I had 5 games from my filter for 1500 KOs. I went through each one this morning making notes and marking key players etc. Also noted which team I expected to be the one looking for a goal.
Monitored the inplay on the 5 games, ruled one out quickly (goal came shortly after), then of the other 4 I chose 2 based on the inplay stats. 1 of those won and 1 lost. The other 2 both won.
Upshot is I dont feel like I had any control there.
This post is deleted!
@gary-brown said in The road to full time:
Hi Darri what would be useful mate is if you have a daily list of potentials.
Then if you explain why you did enter or why you didnt enter the trade.So we can learn how to rule out trades as well. Personally i think this would be a great insight oh how you trade. Not just selecting matches from your potential list but how you rule out games.
The games you rule out maybe just as important as the games you decide to trade.
Hi Darri what would be useful mate is if you have a daily list of potentials.
Then if you explain why you did enter or why you didnt enter the trade.So we can learn how to rule out trades as well. Personally i think this would be a great insight oh how you trade. Not just selecting matches from your potential list but how you rule out games.
@darri Totally understand what your saying about posts getting lost at times especially at the weekend when there's alot going on.
I've recently discovered the "bookmark" option and am now bookmarking posts I want to come back to which I'm finding invaluable.