The road to full time
@darri said in The road to full time:
trying to get a lot done today so i can watch the scotland game later, so up early in a bid to get caught up. I will keep an eye on the south korea game as posted yesterday. Interestingly if i wasnt going to just be watching the scotland game i would have been trading these internationals. For these nations its a big deal. While on a personal level i have zero faith in scotland (optimist me) to perform i do think it will present a good enough trading opportunity. I may nip on tonight and post some inplay games that catch my eye. Internationals i treat the same way i treat champs/europa league games, as long as there is good inplay momentum and the prices are better than normal league games then ill enter. But if i do enter ill post them on here so you guys can see.
Only 2 games without goals in the 2nd half from yesterdays internationals and one of them had a pen miss so plenty of action. Would have been a tidy profit even if you had weak odds from that strike rate.
Come on Israel!! Hopefully a wee victory before Rosh haShana!
trying to get a lot done today so i can watch the scotland game later, so up early in a bid to get caught up. I will keep an eye on the south korea game as posted yesterday. Interestingly if i wasnt going to just be watching the scotland game i would have been trading these internationals. For these nations its a big deal. While on a personal level i have zero faith in scotland (optimist me) to perform i do think it will present a good enough trading opportunity. I may nip on tonight and post some inplay games that catch my eye. Internationals i treat the same way i treat champs/europa league games, as long as there is good inplay momentum and the prices are better than normal league games then ill enter. But if i do enter ill post them on here so you guys can see.
Only 2 games without goals in the 2nd half from yesterdays internationals and one of them had a pen miss so plenty of action. Would have been a tidy profit even if you had weak odds from that strike rate.
@Martin-Futter @Ryan-Carruthers where on the site can we raise a complaint i havent seen, there seems to be a group of individuals who like to only log in together in a group and at same time and log in to be negative on here. Iv screenshot several pics of evidence as i think its classed as vile behaviour. While iv accepted that i was wrong to rant the other day and as iv since said i will stop this going forward and align with the community guidelines which im happy to do and glad we resolved this, i would like to have fairness and the acts of these individuals far outways any wrong doing iv seen from anyone else on this forum. I find it extremely unfair to have been targeted by these guys in such a way, there is a sensible way to go about it rather than what happened. Please direct me and ill be happy to discuss, it has also been pointed out by several other members so its not just a personal opinion here im coming from a group based reply wanting this to be resolved and so i can then move on and continue to post on here with a sense of harmony and togetherness.
I will be away most of day so just posting this now so that i can have a proper sleep in the morning tomorrow.
Trading watchlist: TOMORROW
SHG filter:
sanju vs suwon : moon seon min, oh se-hun
Lets get this back to trading and ill make sure to keep personal messages and rants off the blog, i appreciate the comments from others who like to read/support and happy to continue within the community, if that means i have to cut down how much help i can provide then that has to be. Lets just move on and not let a few spoil it for everyone
@matt-wood ha ha if only....Im slowly pointing him 8na different direction until he understands the work that goes in to building a Lego Fire Engine
@ben-dobie said in The road to full time:
Have to agree with the recent comments, @Darri has a lot to say yes but I believe that's because he's passionate about trading in general. I've only ever taken his negative comments about pro's as referring to those outside BTC , in fact he has praised the likes of Keith and Frode aswell as Ryan and Martin quite a few times. I'd just like to finish by saying that I've learned a massive amount from the pro's on here especially Darri,Ryan and Martin aswell as others who aren't Pro's ... taking different things from different people us what I thought this was all about and why it's different from other services. Sometimes people just don't like the way the written word comes across and if that's the case I'd recommend a private message...I know that's what I'd do if something upset me directly.
If only, IF ONLY, someone could teach you better lego skills too
Have to agree with the recent comments, @Darri has a lot to say yes but I believe that's because he's passionate about trading in general. I've only ever taken his negative comments about pro's as referring to those outside BTC , in fact he has praised the likes of Keith and Frode aswell as Ryan and Martin quite a few times. I'd just like to finish by saying that I've learned a massive amount from the pro's on here especially Darri,Ryan and Martin aswell as others who aren't Pro's ... taking different things from different people us what I thought this was all about and why it's different from other services. Sometimes people just don't like the way the written word comes across and if that's the case I'd recommend a private message...I know that's what I'd do if something upset me directly.
just read through this i cant see anything wrong with this. im on the forum everyday albeit in the background most of the time and the only time john and geoff have contributed is when they are leaving negative comments so anything they have to say has absolutely zero value to me. @Darri continue what you are doing mate you do write a lot so there will always be some cross wires along the way and people misreading what you have put, on the whole you have helped people as have a number of people on the btc site in their own ways.
Thanks guys for me personally im happy to continue as normal, im enjoying having all my trades etc on this thread, which means if anyone not wanting to read can just turn the notifications off for it i wont be offended because i wont even know. I dont mind people disliking me but if that is the case then just dont bother reading my stuff anyway, from what i can tell people like reading the stuff as a way to see how a trader who has had a decent amount of sustained profitability goes about his trading. One thing that was consistent with all the messages was i do help members on here which im glad even the people not so keen on me personally see that. And its for that reason i will keep going. One of the email i got i wont name names but they said this and its so true :
Keep doing you mate, you don’t need to look out for the happiness of other in life only yours. If helping others and talking about trading makes you happy then keep doing it man.I think id like to keep this going and yet again try to forget about these negative comments. I would like for this just to be settled as a misunderstanding or misinterpretation. Dan is spot on move on as a community, everyone knows im open for chats even and im honest when its a topic i dont quite know much about, but i always try give my take on how to help. I hope martin and ryan re read the posts themselves without influence of other peoples comments and realise it was a bizarre reaction. This will be the final post from me on this subject as id like to get back to trading related issues on the blog as its a boring read for any of the people just looking to learn. Lets keep disagreements private, if you have a problem with anyone message privately and not publicly to try influence people.
International break so not much is happening trading wise, time to look over how strats are performing etc and for me personally a good chance to nail the Football index for the upcoming season. Something ill save for the football index thread, dont panic no big blog posts on that on here
I’m struggling to find anything in the last few posts that belittles anybody, certainly not any members of BTC. Perhaps the confusion has come around the use of the word “pros” and also points around marketing of things, hiding behind sales pitches.
I don’t believe Darri was lumping any BTC member or owner in to the “pro’s” comments, like he has said he is a huge advocate of the forum and unlike some out in the wide world who are only in the public eye to sell their course or sell something else, BTC is different and adds so much more value.
Before anything gets heated, I really think we should all consider that there have been some misinterpretations and misunderstandings.
One team - all friends here
I was enjoying the read up until the last few comments.
Id say dont read the blog if you dont like it and maybe stick to privately messaging if you have problems so we dont all have to read it -
To the lads that just sent me emails, your absolute legends! Cant appreciate enough those messages and thanks
i enjoy this blog and it would be ashame for it to be ruined by a couple of people who dont even like the stuff anyway. Its not as if its a main thread anyway, just choose to ignore on the notification tab. I would say that since i came back after lockdown there was a great surge in the interactions on this blog and in the forum in general, i pestered martin and ryan to track the daily emails etc and i hope i provided value for anyone who followed. Will assess the reactions and messages from people over the next few weeks so if anything can be changed to avoid this in future or if i should just take a back seat
wow, trying my best not to react to this, but where in any of the things i posted does it say anything negative on btc? In fact its only praising this as the only place i truly trust in the industry. In fact in almost every post iv recommended btc videos, podcast etc. So i think your jumping to conclusions. unfortunately martin seems to think iv attacked him because of your comments yet i dont see me even say anything negative to him in fact recommended his podcast on the football thread just last night? Im talking about my own personal thoughts its a forum, im not slagging anyone on here just expressing my opinions on how i think the industry has stagnated. We are all within our right to do such things as long as its not an attack on any individual or within the btc brand. Everyone is allowed to have disagreements and i get you may not like me but please dont assume my words are directed at btc why on earth would i still be here if i wasnt now fully behind it? Yes iv had a difference of opinion with the lads sometimes but overall iv always agreed this is the best place to learn.
Im still annoyed at myself for reacting to your comments the last time and i even sought out ryan and martin to apologise for the outburst the last time id like to think iv learned how to handle this since. I often fail to bite my tongue at negative comments but i dont think iv said anything wrong at all. Please re read and tell me in any of that did i mention btc? or have i not just in fact praised it as the only place to go to? Also if you do reply to this please private message, dont want to spam this page with our disagreement again. martin and ryan feel free to message me to sort this out, but please re read i never once questioned btc in either post so please stop being lead astray by someone who only comments when he gets a chance to be negative. Matt and John seem to have a history of this if you read their profiles. I checked their accounts the other day as a member reminded me of the past comments, they hadnt been active in a month or so now all of a sudden i do a post and they both come on same time? sounds iffy to me. Please private message me as im unaware i ever publicly told anyone i worked for the bbc? how did you come to know this? without getting personal please message me privately and we can save this chat from others, who are only here to learn. The fact your trying to get me someone who helps others chucked off the platform is just plain absurd.
Im not looking for anyone to back me up here but i find that im only expressing my own experience i show transparency including my flaws, yes i say the odd thing that may not have needed to be said but its never negative to the btc lads or brand. I can have differences with anyone but only if its justified. I help people when they ask iv never been too big to help, i still very much believe im at the learning stages of what a pro does long term. While i may be further along than others im always willing to share what has helped me along the way. If you are one of those guys i hope you have enjoyed reading them and our one to one chats. This has happened yet again and only ever from the same 2 people, ill try and mend it with martin to make sure he understands it wasnt at him at all in fact i recommended his stuff just yesterday. Again i think its been blwon out of proportion and when people read back they will appreciate nowhere was it negative to btc lads and was a purely personal opinion like everyone does on this forum.
@john-g agree well said
Thanks @john-g and yes we are aware of these comments and no we don't condone them. Your complaints and those of others have been noted and we will speak with Darri privately.
I don't like saying this stuff publicly and probably best to keep it in the private chat.
It's difficult for us as Darri does help people but then goes on to negate that with comments such as those you are referring to.
@john-g must say I agree and I have been a fan of you @Darri but your constant belittling of others is getting out of hand (also you are wrong like John says look at BTC, it's the shining light that makes every point you make in that statement invalid!)
A Former Userreplied to A Former User on 2 Sept 2020, 04:55 last edited by A Former User 2 Sept 2020, 04:56
@darri said in The road to full time:
As you can tell there is one thing thats irks me more than anything in this industry its false sales like behaviour. How you find the good people is lucky. The thing that baffles me the most is its counter to their profits. The more good traders there are the longer they will stay with their products and services. Its why im constantly trying to find ways to share what i do on here. I dont need to be selling things. I got slated and called donald trump from some troll the last time i said this
, but i still stand by it the more good traders on here the better it is for everyone else. More people helping and better ideas. Wish people stopped hiding behind sales pitches and started helping properly. I think there is a real laziness from pros to actually help and no its not because they are protecting their edge in the markets, it still feels like an old man industry (not an age thing its a phrase
) and its not adapting to the new ways people are learning. I dont know about others but i often find some of peoples videos so boring even if they show value or how they speak is just so stale. I think thats why ben does so well because he has a bit of personality. Some people are cut out for videos others are not. I feel sorry for those that do provide value and are suckered by the others. I hope my level of transparency and one to one help has been working as intended. Its good to have a place to come and trust everyone is after your best interests and not your money. This is why betfair trading still hasnt taken off. Word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tool. If people provided value then others would start telling friends etc to get on board. Im humbled when others on this forum recommend my stuff or my blog. Why isnt that happening to the people selling things? For me it boils down to laziness to help and adapt to how people want to be taught these days and instead just sit soaking up profits fro others.
Held my tongue for a long time but these last few posts take the biscuit especially this one!
Have to disagree quite strongly with what you have said. BTC is a pure example of why you are wrong, look at the help @martin-futter and @Ryan-Carruthers and others give out, it is like nothing else out there in terms of their personal approach. What this place has done for my trading and that of many others is amazing, so stop talking this crap on this platform!
Actually you anger me with these thinly veiled attacks on the pro traders (which includes many people here) in the industry! Where does it come from? I imagine jealousy because I question many of the grand claims you make on here. (Remember many of us where around during your last stint earlier in the year, when you were interviewing for a job at the BBC and still very much a novice trader.)
Sometimes it seems you want to help people, sometimes it seems you just want to have a go at the pros or even the new traders who make the same mistakes you probably made.
Given you the benefit of the doubt for a while but these ramblings are getting absurd now @administrators have you seen this?
Enough rambling this morning, just felt I needed to vent this morning. While i try to only post things that help i still do want this blog to be a personal one and not just tips/tricks etc. Ill probably be zonked asleep when everyone starts to read these so please ask questions and can have a discussion on here while its quiet for the next 2 weeks of internationals. I would normally trade them as i love international football but with whats happened this year i dont know how it will affect preparation for them. Nations league stuff im not sure appeals to me apart from say the teams like scotland ect that probably need it more than others. Praying i get to see us at a major comp one day
wasnt really into football when we last went to one.
As you can tell there is one thing thats irks me more than anything in this industry its false sales like behaviour. How you find the good people is lucky. The thing that baffles me the most is its counter to their profits. The more good traders there are the longer they will stay with their products and services. Its why im constantly trying to find ways to share what i do on here. I dont need to be selling things. I got slated and called donald trump from some troll the last time i said this
, but i still stand by it the more good traders on here the better it is for everyone else. More people helping and better ideas. Wish people stopped hiding behind sales pitches and started helping properly. I think there is a real laziness from pros to actually help and no its not because they are protecting their edge in the markets, it still feels like an old man industry (not an age thing its a phrase
) and its not adapting to the new ways people are learning. I dont know about others but i often find some of peoples videos so boring even if they show value or how they speak is just so stale. I think thats why ben does so well because he has a bit of personality. Some people are cut out for videos others are not. I feel sorry for those that do provide value and are suckered by the others. I hope my level of transparency and one to one help has been working as intended. Its good to have a place to come and trust everyone is after your best interests and not your money. This is why betfair trading still hasnt taken off. Word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tool. If people provided value then others would start telling friends etc to get on board. Im humbled when others on this forum recommend my stuff or my blog. Why isnt that happening to the people selling things? For me it boils down to laziness to help and adapt to how people want to be taught these days and instead just sit soaking up profits fro others.
Jeez i know its late but for any of those guys who stress about things or cant stop thinking about things you should or could be doing its driving me mad. I manage to sleep for a few hours then boof wake up and seems impossible to get back to sleep. Just decided to work on the video project for a bit its quite peaceful this time of night, tho i will have to try and think of some way to zone out but i think its just because i have an active project thats keeping mind my too busy.
Anyway, what i want to say is while it seems the newer traders on here have been struggling this month i want to take the time to say well done to those who have come good from august. There seems to be a couple of you who like me have had a really good august. Iv seen lee as an example thrive through august. There seems to be a key theme with everything. Sticking to your rules and plan.
I think there is a path everyone takes in trading. The initial learning, the lightbulb moment and then consistiency. Its interesting to see those who profited from august and those who didnt what approaches these people had. Which one over traded, used too many strategies, didnt stick to their plan or over staked/chased. Funny how we talked about this over the weekend and some had different reactions to how to handle it. Yet the ones that continue to do well or post show the same thing, PLANS, NO OVER-TRADING, NO OVERSTAKING, NO PANICKING, OWN STRATEGIES. These are everything iv talked about within the last couple of months. Surely its no surprise. The problem is i cant force it upon you to do these things. Most of us still come into this so stubborn and unflexible to change because they still base trades off of opinions. These people take the long route and risk falling off completely. How many people joined when you joined have now just vanished from the forum? Be the clever one and soak it up and come with an open mind, there are some great success stories of people who take things on board and then turn profits.
Stick to plans when you a complete beginner. You dont have the luxury of experience in the markets. The only way to learn is to trade within your limits, then expand. Iv said it before i think its easy to build a filter, everyone seems to have a good one dont they? Yet seems to derail very quickly. Everyone is so eager to make this a full time thing. I honestly believe if you take the post i did about one strategy and adding investing into your bank every month going slow and steady there is zero need for people to be rushing. Stop trying to get 2/3/4/5 strategies before you even have 1 thats proven and mastered. I often tell people dont follow learn why these people who are good stay good. Remember its a combination of them all but start slow and learn each step. Dont rush to make money guys if it was so simple do you not think every decent business man would be lining his pockets just now?
Learning: use blogs like this (no guru just experience) they provide insight into my process, while it may seem too strict to some, its because at each stage i fill the holes in my trading everytime i come across a bad trait or bad reason for a trade. I still get losers but its handled long term by the same repeatable steps i learned over the years. The btc guys have videos, youtube is filled with good videos from ben sporttradinglife, i plan on doing these things myself too. Use the forum in not just a post your trades or copy a pros trade actually ask them why they do that. Build a filter then post it for everyone to see and critique. Dont be bothered what people say use it as a springboard and dont get defensive (something iv learned too) take your opinion out of the game, there is a reason games industry does BETA testing or film industry has first and second draft its so people can critique and improve. Be a sponge. Paper trade for a few months see what kind of strategies you like. Reach out to someone who will help, everyone who has done this with me seems to have enjoyed it and helped even if i dont give them a magic answer, i personally dont think you can tell someone how to trade only guide them because i believe anyone can create a good strategy its how they manage it in terms of money, efficiency and mentally. DONT RUSH THIS PART. Now start to build a filter and test it, track these on a spreadsheet exactly like the FHG project.
Lightbulb moment: You have maybe been a member a couple months, paper traded a few strategies, setup a filter and have at least 100 games worth of data. Its when you first learn how to build a strategy that i believe you learn the most. You learn what the average price of a market should be at set times. Anything better for backing or laying at that stage is value. You learn how strike rates actually work. People mind numbing you saying must only trade things with high strike rates etc, jokers! Its all about how strike rates compared to odds work. Take my trades for example look how its below the common pattern of most yet it makes more points for less trades. I think this is the most fun stage, the realisation of how markets operate and how to profit. Cut out the noise of others at this stage. Be a bit bullish in approach. End of day its still an individual industry regardless of forums like this its your money not others. ONE filter, One strategy and no veering off into other until its mastered. This is what i call the lightbulb stage. the realisation its possible to win long term. Think of this as your speciality and the skill you bring to a job for example, think of beckham as a set peice specialist, or shane warne as a leg spin etc, these guys trained everyday on one thing and made it so that its repeatable every single day and at a top level. Then they added the other traits, such as for becks instead of picking one corner he trained on the other while keeping his main and tested approach for matches until his new technique was just as good, or for warne he develops a new ball in training while saving his main delivery for matches until this new ball is just as good. Get focused on being good at one thing then branch out, i think this is one of the more common things i see, someone gets confident in a filter then goes you know what ill rush to another one and have 2 good ones, without first having a solid base. I think industry leaders or the teachers of this industry are teaching people bad habits. People testing/tracking too many strategies gives a bad impression im not going to name names, but if they really are as good as they say they are, they 100% wouldnt be doing those things, also these people tracking these strats claiming to be pros are they actually do them themselves? Thats why im showing people how to build the FHG mastering one thing at a time showing exactly how i am doing them and for everyone to see every reason why we do these things too, not just showing a sheet of results and claiming they are good.
Consistency: I dont know at what stage this really happens. I think it will depend on many things personally. Have you been stubborn and skipped certain stages? Stuck to plans? Over staked? Overtraded? These should all be ironed out at this stage. I feel this is when the robotic/emotionless side kicks in. They become less about opinions and more a process just like a normal job. This is when i think people have come out of the trap of doing the silly habits. Look i said the other day i try to avoid using simple, but really for anyone else at this stage on a broad level trading is more about common sense. At weekends we had people say they traded too much yet were trading 2-3 strats. Simple answer stop doing so many. Like its just logical. You dont need to be clever to trade. I actually dont know how to properly define this stage other than its when everything is repeatable. You have a strategy that builds a bank, allows you to then repeat the whole testing of new things etc while it builds in background. This is truly when things escalate and it takes far less time than people think.
Please dont rush stages of trading. Whats the point in getting to a huge bank via luck and without learning. I like how dan is doing things. He is soaking up all the info and learning how to trade. He will then get to the lightbulb moment so much faster than others who dont do it this way and he will overtake those who are still super stubborn and not changing that have been at it longer. There are people who have been at this for years and years guys who still are at the beginning stage. Once he gets to a stage of consistency he will then start to invest the money he has saved into the bank and build from a base of comfort rather than rushing. If you cant do it right with £100 you wont with £10k. There is honestly no rush to this betfair aint going away. We have seen how a bank can grow within 2 years by going slow and steady. There is no need to rush. I get the rewards are massive in terms of quitting job, more time for yourself etc but its still a job and unlike other jobs if you either profit or loss based on how you perform, so dont rush and learn how to be the best version because the better you get the more money you make. Long post again sorry, but just saw lees post and wanted to say what i thought about how these guys are improving and how i see similar steps they haven taken to what i did also. Id love nothing more than to just tell people do it this way and forget everything else but not everyone listens and for some it takes a while i hope people learn from these success stories and see that all it takes is for you to adopt the things people in this community are preaching every single day. STOP RUSHING
Next time someone posts on the forum just had a bad day watch and see why, its almost always the same reasons. If you are one of them and its happening everytime then please start to listen and stop wasting money. This is possible