Aug 2024 £3000 - ? Bank Challenge
Had to happen in the end. Late goal brings 18 strength win streak to a close.
Ukraine game was way too high odds as I thought. 2/2 on the others today.
Deliberating whether to set alarm for the next game at 7 in the am or place bet before bed....
A loss is most assuredly coming soon but hopefully not until the weekend when there will be other selections to make it up.
1-1, the run continues
Quiet weekend but another sweep.
@mick-mcmahon ha ha kiss of death!! 0-1
@Richard-Latimer yep... Just watching this riveting 0-0 England Greece game
I just love international breaks. Nothing until Sat at the earliest.
@Richard-Latimer going with the 'not wanting to jinx anything' theme...
24 Nov 2017, 23:23
a day ago