Bet Angel Automation Thread
Bots for the Super-Six Profitable Horse Member Strategies.
0_1674207858627_Back Course & Distance Winner.baf
0_1674221718226_Back Pace Horse.baf
0_1674207870818_Back The Favourite.baf
0_1674207877483_Lay Beaten Favourite.baf
0_1674207897201_Pace Lays.baf
0_1674228593415_Lay Short Odds.bafCouldn't find a BA thread here so thought I'd start one upon advice from Martin.
I've written a few BOTS and I'm here to meet like minded people so if you have a BOT to share, need some advice or would like to collaborate on BA topics this might be a good place.
I'll start with a BOT for Matins super late goals strategyIt performs simply as per the strategy but maybe could be tweaked - split stakes etc.
0_1668413082587_Super Late Goals Strategy.bafRyan's 1.5 goal split stake: 0_1681636898599_1668436073864-football-back-o1.5-split-stakes.baf
@Wayne-Thomas said in Bet Angel Automation Thread:
@tony-hastie I think you're right about the clear cut favourite at 75mins. I don't see this automation working consistently at 60 minutes.
I have created one this afternoon that fired correctly on all the Championship games. The timings can be adjusted to suit your needs and don't forget to change the staking - it is set to £10 liability at the moment. Needs to be applied to the correct score market.
It relies on weight of money conditions so may go awry if the liquidity is low. Best used on more high profile leagues for the moment. I'm planning on testing some smaller leagues later today.
As always with automation, make sure to test with small stakes or better still in practice mode to make sure you're happy with how it performs. It has only had limited testing.
Let me know how it goes.
@Wayne-Thomas Im putting this bot back into production to lay HT score. Just wondering... if I only wanted to lay 0-0, 0-1, 1-0 or 1-1 would it be as simple as deleting all the other rules that arent those scores?
@Kurtis-Steven-Graham Hard to say.
It's the actual rules that tell you what is happening.
Kurtis Steven Grahamreplied to alexander hughes on 29 Mar 2024, 19:38 last edited by Kurtis Steven Graham 29 Mar 2024, 19:39
@alexander-hughes does this help? this bet also has not triggered for some reason? the split stake rule should of placed 30 minutes in. Goal went in at 38 minute so missed chance to green up again
@Kurtis-Steven-Graham You need to show the contents so the actuals rules etc can be seen.
At the moment it's like taking a picture of a car and asking a mechanic why it's not working. They can see the outside but not the engine.
Hi Alexander,
Thanks for replying. This was an example of how I’ve been setting things up in guardian as when I closed betangel I lost my guardian watchlist so i couldn’t show how I’d set things before and had to redo everything again for upcoming bets. Does how I’m doing it look right to you? This horse did not get laid as the odds are > 15
However, Earlier there was a horse at lingfield (Tenerife sunrise) where the automation didn’t work and I checked the BSP and it should’ve placed as odds were 6 so was checking to see I’m doing things right? I’m on the trial version of BA currently
I just laid a horse to test it and it worked but I was placing the bet within 10 mins of race off so unsure if this is why it worked for that horse but not Tenerife sunrise earlier on in the day?
Also does anyway have a John 4+ dobbing horses bot?
@Kurtis-Steven-Graham That's for the 1710 at Chelmsford, bet 10 mins before, I.E. at 1700.
It's currently only 16:45.
Hey guys
On a betangel free trial so dabbling with automation. Does anyone have the Johns 4+ horse dobbing bot? Was using this on fairbot with some success
Can someone make the same bots for the betDaq bet angel by any chance please?
Hey folks.
Ive put together a very basic FHG bot which drip lays the HT draw. After a lot of faffing about with other more complex attempts this one has worked well in testing...solving the problem I was having of the 2nd and 3rd lays going in even if a goal had been scored and it had greened out earlier. Ive set it up so the lays wont go in if the HTD odds are over 3. The problem I see now(which I havent had to deal with in testing) is if an equaliser comes quickly and the draw odds dip below 3 again. Is there any way to solve this? My knowledge of signals and stored values is VERY limited....and I cant find a lot about it through the Bet Angel forum or training videos so if it goes down this path Id appreciate an extensive explanation! Cheers -
@George-Bowling Thanks George. I think the problem is the software uses BSP rather than the price 10 seconds before the offical start time. The back testing will not give the 3rd Favoutie price 10 seconds before the offical race time.
@Wayne-Thomas thanks Wayne, I have heard similar before I believe. Should go a way to ironing this out. Will also open up so many more possibilities with the set and forget stuff. thanks for the reply.
@George-Bowling These discrepancies are being addressed, in an update to the software, which is in the works. It is because the odds move so quickly, close to the off, that it isn't always possible to fire off a bet that will match the BSP 3rd favourite when the race actually starts.
The new update (I believe) will allow you to select a specific timeframe and identify the 3rd fave within that time. This should solve the problem of mismatches between live and the software.
@Philip-Brogan Morning, I have been having a very similar issue with this one too. I have had it fire as close to the off as possible and also imminently after it goes in play etc. both can throw out discrepancies against the software with BTC I have found. Also be interested if anyone has any other suggestions or better hit rate.
I was wondering if anyone could help me. I have created a Lay the 3rd Favourite Bot and it is only accurate about 80% of the time. Does anyone have a more accurate Lay the 3rd Favourite Bot that I could use? Thanks
new goals predictor on bet angel . could be a game changer with built in automation on ltd at half time if 0-0. follow links at bottom of peters video . took me a while to set up and down load version 1.61 but i managed it
@Andrew Ah understood - thanks for your help it's much appreciated.
Even with the unmatched bet/matched bet conditions you will still end up with about a second where you are at risk of the price moving enough to trigger another lay, (the time it takes for BA to send the bet and for BF to process and send that info back to BA)
However if you get each of your lay bet rules to store a value when they trigger and also add a condition for each that the sv must be false then you will reduce your danger time to millisecs as the sv is recorded when the bet is sent and not when its placed with betfair.
Its not 100% but pretty close to itAndrew
Hi Greenie. I've had a look at your bot, I'm guessing, but its possible its placed the 0.6% lay at 7.4 and then based on the timestamp the price has drifted to 7.6 almost instantly causing the 0.4% lay to fire and you've just been extremely unlucky that its on the crossover of your rules in a very small timeframe. Hope that makes sense.
Not sure about a solution I'll have to have a think about it and get back to you, but can i suggest you add a unmatched bets =0 condition to all your rules just as an extra safeguard