HI Advice please, my trading software package is coming to and end this weekend and i am looking for an alternative to Bet Angel.
I find the automation on Bet Angel too difficult to get my head around so looking for software that is easy to use and not too expensive could i have some recommendations please ? -
@Adam Thanks for sharing your story, I do fear that I will be just going through the motions before giving it all up to do this full time. Tbh, I think it's just a matter of time. There is so much more to explore
I will keep you posted.
@Toyin-Butler This is great to hear and very appreciated.
I was in a similar situation back when I was in full-time employment. I would basically go in, bash through my work in the first half of the day, work on my BF bot all afternoon and then come home and do another 8 hours on the bot!
Just as I got one of my automated strategies working, I got another job offer from a supplier and "normal" work got very busy, so I slowed down on the bot work and spent the next couple of years burning out at that job, before packing it all in and travelling the US for a year!
I spent a good bit of time while we were over there working on bots, in between driving, cycling and hiking around seeing the country obviously. When I got back, I vowed never to work for someone else again.
I guess the point is that whatever happens, you'll find some time to work on it because it's probably the thing you love working on the most at the moment, and I'm sure it will pay off in the end!
@Toyin-Butler that's fantastic news! Thanks for much for your kind words they are appreciated. Good luck with the job!
I would like to say a massive thank you to BTC, the software (especially the horse racing strategy builder) has enabled me to find suitable strategies to plug into an automation tool I have been building.
Some context:
I took a 6 month sabbatical from working the day job. I was the Head of Engineering at a startup until January when I took some time to do some travelling and then focus my energy on a fully automated cloud native betting bot.It has been a tremendous success, it could be something I offer publicly in the future but I will need some input from others. On that note, if you are interested in helping shape the direction of this product, it would be great to hear from you.
However, the six months are up and strangely M&S came calling before I started looking for work, and offered me a job and I start on Monday so anymore development on the betting bot/automation tool will be slow (for now).
Thanks again BTC!
@Martin yeah, as you’re always saying, commit to giving it a go for a year, tinker with it, see how you get on.
Because I am on a mac I run it through a vpn but that’s by far the best way for me as the vpn is always up and running and has no downtime.
My plan is to build my filters/click edit and save on profitable member filters and build up my portfolio, then be able to run lots of strategies at low stakes, ideally smoothing out the variance which will of course play a part.
Ultimately once I’ve ironed out the team name issues, the BTC selections for all my strategies are exportable with 3 clicks, then it’s ‘select all’, paste, and that’s it done. The Google doc does the work of getting it into the right format and BF Bot places the bets for me.
That’s the plan anyway!
Hi James, I'm using BF Bot Manager too. I like it, it's clear to me and it works.
I export my selections from BTC and paste them into a google doc sheet. I have set up the Google sheet to then do all of the work for me, it takes the selections from BTC, reorganises the columns and gives them the right titles for BF BotManager, and then displays them on another tab which BF Bot Manager can read directly and inport the selections from there.
There are a couple of niggles i'm working out with the names being different, but what BF BotManager will do if it doesn't recognise a name is display it differently so I know which ones to go back to and which names to double check.
Once I've got the name right it then imports it to BF Bot Manager correctly, I make a note of it, and my google sheet will then forevermore cross reference and swap in that updated name, whenever their name crops up...handy bit of Google Sheet geekiness, which is just taking a bit of time at present!
I am naturally quite risk averse, and if I don't use the bot I tend to trade out, even when there is very little risk of losing a trade, 'just in case'...the bot removes this emotion for me. Also, it can trade whilst I play with my kids!
There is a really good thread on BF BotManager automation elsewhere on the forum, its really handy:
Hope that helps!
@simon-topper Hi simon. Thanks you have made my mind up let the Bet Angel subscription run out in 2 days and then do a free 7 day trial on BTFM.
I am not great getting my head around the complicated automation on bet angel ,probably good for some people not for me though. -
@james-everard I found it easier than bet angel to do bots. It just seems to make more sense to me, I have already written a couple of bots for some strategies I am testing.
They offer a 7 day free trial, which I used and decided after 2 days of having horse racing markets from BTC importing automatically it was going to be good value.
@simon-topper said in SOFTWARE:
@james-everard You have to add VAT to that £120 so nearly the same price in the end.
Hi Simon thanks for advising i obviously didn't read that properly so works out around the same price. Is it easy to use the BTFM as opposed to Betangel, which i found difficult if you wanted to automate some strategies?
@simon-topper any way to say we are Turkish?
@james-everard You have to add VAT to that £120 so nearly the same price in the end.
Thanks for your suggestions sounds i will go with BTFM the end of the week then. Just checked the pricing and the annual subscription is £120.00 and the Bet Angel is £150.00 no brainer.
Take it is fine for inplay strategies as well as the set and forgets ? -
I would second BFBM if you mainly do set & forget. I haven't used it for anything complicated just place a bet and let it run.
The auto sync on the horse racing is excellent, haven't had to add a horse racing market manually since I got it set up. -
@james-everard BF BOT Manager seems to be a popular one.