Aug 2024 £3000 - ? Bank Challenge
No filtered overs for Monday. Couple of short priced away teams I'll track.
Sweep on the filtered overs and Israel has played themselves into said filter for the time being.
A few close losses on the others I've just started tracking but only a couple of points loss overall there.
A boat load of short(ish) priced away lays to track.
3 full filtered selections for tomorrow. Austria and Israel are close, so very very close but no cigar.......yet!
Finally got sick of the FHG which seemed so random in turns of how many leagues it was proving successful in.
Trialling another away lay system based on the away team being favourite and the home team having a better clean sheet/games without loss record. Strong start in the 4 days of tracked but then we all know how this goes don't we......
@richard-latimer said in All Goals Are Equal But Some Goals Are More Equal Than Others:
Loads of stuff inplay Saturday. Not all on the filtered page has enough data or a strong enough s/r for me to put actual money in it but while the yield is over 5% I'll keep it there.
If it's 100% over 1.5 with 7+ games I take it
Otherwise I need over 80% over 1.5 and 5% yield minimumGood day. Shame about Belgium but then league is just burning me time and time again. It goes over 5% yield then it drops under. Rinse, repeat, ad finitum.
Loads of stuff inplay Saturday. Not all on the filtered page has enough data or a strong enough s/r for me to put actual money in it but while the yield is over 5% I'll keep it there.
If it's 100% over 1.5 with 7+ games I take it
Otherwise I need over 80% over 1.5 and 5% yield minimum -
Let down by Serie B today. France won but not on the official filtered as yet.
Only 1 on the filtered list tomorrow with enough data - Italy Serie B. France National still 2 games away.
Took a loss in Romania Liga 2 today. Nothing tomorrow.
2 filtered for tomorrow in Romania
So nothing today at the time although 3 good results in England League One have forced that league back into the running.Back and back and forth I know....but with 36 selections and a yield of around 6% now I believe things will hopefully start to settle down there now.
Also Scotland League Two within 1 win of going on the full filtered list.
The 1 selection didn't get there on odds. Nothing in filtered tomorrow either.
Incredible. Not a single filtered selection on Sunday but nonetheless an overall sweep on the 15 other matches that happened haha!!
What this has done however is take France Ligue 1 within 1 match of 10 and with only 1 loss thus far....with 1 more winning match under the belt I'll start putting money down there again.
Also 7 straight wins in Mexico Apertura means I can start putting money down there too for time being.
Only the 1 selection tomorrow.
A nice 4 game sweep on Saturday for the filtered with data and just as well today had nothing as I'd have missed the lot after warming my new house a little too hard last night into the wee small hours (finally hit the sack at 04:00am after 18 bottles of Corona haha!).
Today has been messy......
Loads on tomorrow but surprisingly enough not a single on either on the filtered list of fully tested yet!
5 tomorrow I will be looking to hit as long as the odds high enough. 2 more will collect data but I'm leaving well alone at present.
@richard-latimer said in All Goals Are Equal But Some Goals Are More Equal Than Others:
Couple on the filtered tomorrow in Netherlands and Switzerland. Need a couple of wins now after so much crap! One in N. Ireland but will resist the temptation while so little data there.
Volendam never reached 1.2 on the odds, Switzerland did and won so that's good. Also Newry won easily enough to add more data to that league.
Couple on the filtered tomorrow in Netherlands and Switzerland. Need a couple of wins now after so much crap! One in N. Ireland but will resist the temptation while so little data there.
No way of righting the ship tomorrow. Bring on the weekend. This is painful!